17 мая 2019 г.

Hunter Killer (2018)

CJCS Charles Donnegan: Oh, come on, it's a land grab. The Russian president is simply posturing, pounding his chest. He's embarrassed us in Syria. He continues to defy us in Crimea. Are we going to let him to dominate us in the Baltic? And what next, Europe?

Captain Joe Glass: I've worked your jobs. Manned a sonar, been the Bull Nuke, I've cleaned torpedo tubes. If you think I know you better than your previous officers, you're right. I've been underwater all my life. I've missed five elections, seven Super Bowls, my sister's wedding, and my father's death. This is all I know down here. I am you.

Matt Johnstone: Slow down. Slow down, little brother. What's your name? Come on, what's your name?
Paul Martinelli: Thursday.

XO Brian Edwards: Did we just start a war?
Captain Joe Glass: No... but we might've sailed into one

Captain Joe Glass: We're going in to get four of our boys and one Russian president.

Captain Joe Glass: I've read your file, Captain. I know you speak English.
Captain Andropov: Fuck you.
Captain Joe Glass: Okay. Very good, now we're talking.

XO Brian Edwards: This is absurd! The arrogance of this, for you to bring him in here! You will be court-martialed!
Captain Joe Glass: Then it's my job to keep you alive long enough, so you can testify.

Captain Joe Glass: XO, what's better... to be right or to be alive?
XO Brian Edwards: Aye, sir. Ready for orders.

CJCS Charles Donnegan: You didn't just start a war today, you lost it, too.

Captain Joe Glass: So, you're the lunatic saved the Russian President.
Bill Beaman: And you're the crazy son of a bitch who weaved this tin can through a mine field.

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Σ nostradamvs: «Шикарная развесистая клюква. Русский министр обороны... поднимает мятеж против русского президента... и хочет устроить ядерную войну. Но героические американские морпехи и подводники спасают русского президента и предотвращают неприятное развитие событий. Россия и США – мир, дружба, жвачка. ......клюква без зла и презрения. Даже не ждал.»

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