28 февр. 2019 г.

Try Real Hard

You're the Worst 3×1

Jimmy: We can, you know, both.
Gretchen: Like, at the same time?
Jimmy: Why not?
Gretchen: I don't know. Will it be scary?

Gretchen: I seriously think that you may have a drinking problem.
Jimmy: I don't have a problem. Maybe you have a "believing things drunk people say" problem.

Jimmy: What have you two tried? Latex? Smooshing? Medical play? Size training? CFNM? Funneling? Hazyface? Clit negging? Ladyboy?
Edgar: Nothing. Just regular.
Jimmy: Well, then your penis is clearly bored to death.

Jimmy: The unknowable is terrifying, Gretchen. That's why humanity explores. To shine a light on the frightening dark that surrounds us. Thus, immediately upon learning that you don't wash your legs... itself unimportant... I'm now thrust into wondering: what else don't I know?

Jimmy: Gretchen, are you religious?!
Gretchen: No! I consider myself more generally spiritual.

Sam: Be the CEO of your own life, Gretch. Don't wait for no one to say it to you. Every morning in the mirror, I purse my pillow lips up and stare into my apple juice eyes, and I be like, "I love you. I love you, Sam. I love you!"

Jimmy: You speak Spanish?
Gretchen: Who doesn't speak Spanish?
Jimmy: Me. Edgar...

Jimmy: I'm not gonna start pretending. I might as well start pretending there's a person who lives in the clouds who cares whether we survive cancer or not.

Jimmy: We are strangers, Gretchen. ... We live together, we trust, blindly. But it's based on what? It's actual madness, willingly living with a wild animal but one with thumbs who can steal your money and hurt you emotionally.

Jimmy: Those words... they're like a-a verbal contract. They're a promise. And I am not ready to make that promise.
Gretchen: If "I love you" is like a promise, it's just a promise to, like, try real hard. Doesn't mean you can't fail.
Jimmy: It... doesn't?

Dorothy: I am in this, regardless of limitations or what we can't do anymore. Okay?

Paul: For our first meal, dear wife, we are having hominy and poblano pepper posole, with a warm mushroom salad and rhubarb grits...

Paul: Interesting fact: did you know an average ear of corn has an even number of rows, usually 16? And humans have 32 teeth. How's that for intra-kingdom synergy?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

I Want to Be Here

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4×1

Rebecca: Great. Mean prosecutor has to pee, I'm guilty, so let's just scribble "guilty" on that pizzle pad and let's get this shizzow on the road.

Rebecca: I don't care how many hearings we have. I'm gonna plead guilty at every one of them.

Rebecca: Jail is what I deserve.

Nathaniel: I'm not killing myself, George, okay? I'm going on a Death Wish adventure!

Nathaniel: Ah, that's why they said "maggot..."

    ♪ Story, story ♪
    ♪ What's your crime? ♪
    ♪ What got you here? ♪
    ♪ Rage, lust or fear? ♪
    ♪ We all got a story 'cause we're doing time ♪
    ♪Ra-ta-ta ♪

    ♪ Story, story ♪
    ♪ These are barely stories ♪
    ♪ They're just bleak anecdotes ♪
    ♪ With no start or end ♪

Josh: So, according to these quizzes, I have ADHD, OCD and synesthesia... Oh. When I think about the number five, I see the color blue and I smell daisies.
Heather: Daisies have no scent.
Josh: They do if you have synesthesia.

Josh: No, I think you guys should get on Quimblepop and figure out what disorder you have that makes you such crappy friends.

George: Okay, so, long story, my old camp counselor is the real-life guy from 127 Hours. I wasn't there for him that day on that slot canyon, and now he has no arm. So I'm not leaving your side.

Rebecca: I have something to tell you. I figured out something huge... I am privileged.
Heather: That... just occurred to you like just right now?
Rebecca: Right. It... I know. It's a shock to me, too.

Josh: ♪ Does anyone understand? ♪
Nathaniel: ♪ Would anyone understand? ♪
Rebecca: ♪ Could anyone understand? ♪
♪ Of course not, 'cause no one else ♪
     ♪ Is singing my song ♪
     ♪ No one knows the rhythm enough to sing along ♪

Paula: What do you want to do next? Pie? Ice cream? Donut? Wow, we really need to find some non food-related activities for us, don't we?

Valencia: I've had enough. Rebecca, if I hear you say the word "privilege" one more time... You have privilege. I'm glad you acknowledge it. So now you have a choice. Do something good for the world that actually helps people, or shut up. But stop whining!

Rebecca: You're right. I need to do something practical, to counteract my... my pri... my, uh, systemic socioeconomic racial and cis-gender advantages.

Rebecca: I can't. Hawaii-Hawaii has to wait.

Rebecca: Who doesn't like Cats? It's delightful. Who cares if there's no plot?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Алекс Тарн — Записки кукловода

  “Самостоятельность их поражает воображение. ...

&  – На веселом много не соберешь. А смерть, она завсегда в моде. Люди этого любят. Мне один парень так объяснил. Если, говорит, ты похоронный марш в состоянии услышать, то значит – жив пока еще. Кто-то другой вот ноги протянул, а ты еще ходишь! И поэтому получается, что нету на земле более жизнеутверждающей мелодии, чем эта. Во как!

&  Многознание полицейского умножает печаль человеческую.

&  Мертвые всегда звучат убедительнее живых, такой, понимаешь ли, парадокс.

&  Я начинаю быть только тогда, когда оказываюсь рядом с тобой.

Нет способа вернее отвлечь их от чего угодно, чем завести разговор о них самих.

&  Есть предел любой наивности...

Отвлеченные рассуждения – неблагодарная материя. Куклы любят, чтобы разговор шел о них самих, причем желательно с максимальной конкретностью. Во всех остальных случаях они быстро начинают скучать.

&  Всему есть границы, кроме властолюбия. Власти всегда мало.

27 февр. 2019 г.

Hunters in the Dark

True Detective 3×6

Wayne: Helluva day when a gunfight's the second most excitin' thing that happens to you.

Wayne: One thing I learned, the war? Life happens now. Then later's now, y'know? It's never behind you.

Wayne: I'm not avoidin' the question, just... really don't spend time rememberin' stuff.
Amelia: That's like a superpower to me. I can't even understand that. How do you do it?
Wayne: Hmm. Just lucky, I guess.

Hays: You know... it's terrible what this work makes you ponder. Don't you think?

Hays: I wouldn't know, Miss. But what you just did is called speculation. That leads to projection, we call it. Twists what you see, obfuscates truth.

Elisa: Doesn't the simple body count point toward something bigger...

Hays: Nothin' stays like it used to be.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

The Hostile Hospital: Part Two

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2×8

Lemony Snicket: Mr. Sirin was a lepidopterist, a word which usually means a person who studies butterflies. In Mr. Sirin's case, it also meant one who is being pursued by government officials.

Lemony Snicket: When a situation is particularly fraught or tense, a person is said to have butterflies in their stomach. Having butterflies in one's stomach is not a pleasant feeling, but it is the best way to describe how Klaus and Sunny felt, hiding in the vents at a hostile hospital...

Perky Volunteer: A cheerful attitude is much more effective at fighting illness than painkillers or water. So, cheer up and enjoy your balloon!

Hal: In my experience, those people who say they want to help you are the ones who let you down the most.

Count Olaf: It's time. Let's lose our first patient...

Klaus: Well, "cranio" means head, and "ectomy" means to remove something.
Esmé Squalor: You know very big words. You must be a very good doctor. Let's find out how good you are...

Esmé Squalor: If you're wondering about my enormous, terrifying knife, the answer is, yes, it's incredibly sharp. One swipe and...

Count Olaf: Doctors, nurses, Volunteers Fighting Disease, gore fans, regular people, welcome to the operating theater of Heimlich Hospital!...

Count Olaf: As I'm sure you've heard, a cranioectomy is a procedure in which the patient's head is removed. Scientists have discovered that many health problems are rooted in the brainial area. So, the best thing to do for the patient is remove the head altogether.

Lemony Snicket: When you read a lot of books, you are going to learn information that might not be useful for a long time. Then suddenly, like a strike of lightning... or a grand piano falling out of a window, an opportunity arises to use the information gleaned from even the most unlikely piece of reading.

Lemony Snicket: I am alone this evening, alone because of a cruel twist of fate, a phrase which means nothing has gone the way I thought it would.

Lemony Snicket: Sometimes life feels like some dismal story presented as entertainment by some cruel and invisible author. It isn't a pleasant way to feel. But what choice do we have?...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

26 февр. 2019 г.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)

Lieutenant Wade: Who's she?
Sheriff Burke: Well, for now, she's a Jane Doe.

Tommy: Everybody has a secret. Some just hide them better than others.
Austin: Some people are better at finding them.

Emma: Why would anyone do that?
Tommy: You sound like your boyfriend. Leave the "why" to the cops and the shrinks. We're just here to find cause of death. No more, no less.

Austin: Severed tongue, shattered joints, vaginal trauma... The theory tracks.
Tommy: We're barely out of the external. We got a ways to go.

Austin: They're not supposed to bleed like that. Right?

Tommy: It's like finding a... a bullet in the brain... but with no gunshot wound.

Austin: Hey, Dad? I think maybe we should get out of here...

Austin: Whatever the hell happened in here... we are way past possible.

Tommy: "Any man or woman who consults the spirits of the dead... shall be put to death for they are..."
Austin: .... "They are a witch... and their blood shall be on their own heads."

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

The Hostile Hospital: Part One

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2×7

Lemony Snicket: My name is Lemony Snicket and I am on the lam, a phrase which here means "conveying this information to you while being relentlessly pursued by the law."

Lemony Snicket: ...their fire truck ran out of gas deep in the Hinterlands, a term which here means "a desolate place unlikely to bring their troubles to an end."

Lemony Snicket: But your own troubles could be over this instant if you are sensible enough to halt this dire programming by pressing any nearby button marked "stop."

Klaus: So VFD stands for Volunteers Fighting Disease?

Violet: What exactly will we be doing?
Bearded Man: Mostly, we wander the halls, singing songs and handing out heart-shaped balloons to each person on our list...
Violet: How exactly does that help fight diseases? ....
Sis: Well, because... Because when you're laughing, you're... When you're laughing, you're taking in oxygen or whatever, and that oxygen goes, um... A cheerful attitude is the most effective tool against sickness.
Klaus: I thought antibiotics were.
Bearded Man: .... Come on, everybody!

Count Olaf: I think it's time for a game of "doctors and nurses."

Babs: Paperwork makes the world go round.
Count Olaf: I thought money did that.
Babs: Oh! You.

Esmé Squalor: What are we going to do?
Count Olaf: Plan number B.

Hal: I trust you completely. I'm going to file you under "M..." for "my friends."

Count Olaf: Tonight's production of Let's Scare Babs to Death is about to begin...

Babs: Get a hold of yourself. You're head of human resources and hospital administration, for goodness' sake! And also party planning.

Count Olaf: Please, Babs. Dr. Medical School was my mother. Call me Mattathias.

Count Olaf: I hate boring television.

Lemony Snicket: Just about everything in this world is easier said than done, with the exception of "assisting Sisyphus's cyst-susceptible sister," which is easier done than said.

Hal: Good night, children. I shall file you under "P," for "people I trust most in this world."

Klaus: I feel terrible about this.
Violet: One day, we'll apologize and explain.
Klaus: Yeah. But until then?

Esmé Squalor: I'm wild about movies. Now, who wants popcorn?

Esmé Squalor: I'm filing you under "S" for "smashed flat!"

On the IMDb

25 февр. 2019 г.

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)

Bomi Bulsara: Good Thoughts. Good Words. Good Deeds.

Freddie Mercury: I enjoyed the show. I also, I write songs.
Brian May: Our lead singer just quit.
Freddie Mercury: Well then, you're going to need someone new.

Kashmira Bulsara: Mercury?
Freddie Mercury: No looking back. Only forward.
Bomi Bulsara: So now the family name's not good enough for you?
Kashmira Bulsara: It's just a stage name.
Freddie Mercury: No, it's not. I changed it legally. Got a new passport and everything.

John Reid: So, tell me. What makes Queen any different from all of the other wannabe rockstars I meet?
Freddie Mercury: Tell you what it is, Mr. Reid. Now we're four misfits who don't belong together, we're playing for the other misfits. They're the outcasts, right at the back of the room. We're pretty sure they don't belong either. We belong to them.

Mary Austin: What was it like singing for all those people?
Freddie Mercury: When I know they're listening... when I know I really have them... I couldn't sing off-key if I tried. I'm exactly the person I was always meant to be. I'm not afraid of anything. The only other time I ever feel that way is when I'm with you.

Freddie Mercury: Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen.

Freddie Mercury: What have we got to lose?

Freddie Mercury: I'm not the leader of Queen, I'm only the lead singer.

Ray Foster: It goes on forever, six bloody minutes!
Freddie Mercury: I pity your wife if you think six minutes is forever.

Freddie Mercury: We're going to release it as our single.
Ray Foster: Not possible. Anything over three minutes, and the radio stations won't program it. John?
John Reid: Yeah, we need radio. Format is three minutes.
Ray Foster: What about 'I'm in Love with My Car'?... Well, that's the kind of songs teenagers can crank up the volume in their car and bang their heads to. 'Bohemian Rhapsody' will never be that song.

Freddie Mercury: We know what we have, even if you don't. It's called Bohemian Rhapsody. You will forever be known as the man who lost Queen.

Freddie Mercury: My darlings... the time has finally come... to get absolutely... shit-faced!My darlings... the time has finally come... to get absolutely... shit-faced!

Paul Prenter: I know who you are, Freddie Mercury.
Freddie Mercury: You know when you know you've gone rotten? Really rotten? Fruit flies. Dirty little fruit flies. Coming to feast on what's left. Well, there isn't much left for you to feast on anymore. So, fly off.

Jim Beach: They just need a bit of time.
Freddie Mercury: What if I don't have time?

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!!!

+ Brian May - New Horizons (Ultima Thule Mix)

+ Как рисовал Фредди Меркьюри
+ Особняк Фредди Меркьюри

24 февр. 2019 г.

The Rickchurian Mortydate

Rick and Morty 3x10

Rick: So, you're mining stuff to craft with and crafting stuff to mine with?
Morty: Uh-huh.
Rick: Did your dad write this game?
Morty: Mean.

Morty: Kennedy Sex Tunnels?
U.S. President: Naturally, you'll forget you saw them, along with, in order of national embarrassment, the Truman Cocaine Lounge, the McKinley Hooker Dump, and the Lincoln Slave Coliseum. He didn't free them all.

U.S. President: Now tell me about this summit. Is it a peace one or a regular one?

Morty: It's lame.
Rick: You're into lame stuff, Morty. I thought young dumb people considered it an honor to work for presidents or whatever the shit.
Morty: Maybe the first few times, but this just sucks. He treats us like Ghostbusters.

Rick: Let's set some boundaries with a spoiled control freak that thinks he runs the world and orders drone strikes to cope with his insecurity.

U.S. President: "Treats us like Ghostbusters." So, Ghostbusters aren't cool now? I don't recall signing that bill.

Rick: Is this game popular with autistic people?
Morty: Why would you say something like that?
Rick: 'Cause I'm starting to love it.

U.S. President: I got you on satellite!... That's right. What do you have to say for yourselves?
Morty: Okay, obviously, this looks bad, Mr. President—
Rick: I mean, what doesn't look bad through an illegal spy satellite?

U.S. President: Wouldn't go well? Can you elaborate?
Rick: I think one of your 1,000 laws says, no, I can't elaborate. Just trust me. None of us want to go there.

Morty: By the way, we'll keep on saving the Earth. You know, we're... We're happy to do that.
Rick: Yeah, but not because it contains America... Because moving to a new version of Earth is a bitch and a half.

Rhonda: Sir, what is our new Rick and Morty policy?
U.S. President: Our policy is, we never needed them and never will again. Today, we celebrate our independence from Rick and Morty.

Morty: What about this?
Rick: South Park did it 4 years ago, Morty.
Morty: They're fast.
Rick: Or we're slow.

U.S. President: Is this supposed to be painful?
Rick: Painful to watch.
Morty: Oh, such lame shrinking.
Rick: Oh, his clothes stay the same size?
Morty: '70s shrinking, party of one.
Rick: Eat my shrinking ass!

Rick: I made Sanchez-eum up, dumbasses. Don't believe everything you read on Wikipedia.

Beth: Am I the clone? Did the real me choose to leave, and I only think I chose to stay because that's what I need to think because I'm the replacement Beth?
Rick: ...No.
Beth: Okay... And one more thing. If I were a clone, would you tell me?
Rick: Beth, you know, when... When smart people get happy, they stop recognizing themselves. And you are very smart because you're very much my daughter.
Beth: Oh, God. You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you, Dad.
Rick: All good?
Beth: Totally. I'm fine now.
Rick: And just to be sure, you're not pretending to be convinced you're real because you're actually convinced you're a clone and you're now terrified that becoming self-aware would mean I'd have to terminate you?
Beth: ...No.
Rick: Okay. Glad I could help. See you soon.
Beth: .....Aaaaaah!

Rhonda: You need to call a press conference.
Hairy General: Israel and Palestine have announced a permanent ceasefire.
U.S. President: What?!
Hairy General: They signed something called. "The Pretty Obvious If You Think About It" accord. Apparently, an anonymous American diplomat took them to a "Star Wars" cantina, where they smoked perspective-enhancing alien pheromones through a laser hookah.
Bald General: I still say it has to be Putin.

U.S. President: Arrest them!
Rick: Son, you have a right to refuse his order, and I guarantee you're going to die if you touch me, and there's no afterlife. Everything just goes black. Don't do it—
U.S. President: Whoa, Rick! What was that?
Rick: Death.
U.S. President: What kind?
Rick: Instant.
U.S. President: There was no sound. He just died.
Rick: Yeah, terrifying. It's a terrifying thing to watch happen. It's called a deterrent.

Rhonda: You couldn't just knock him out?
Rick: How is knocking out a deterrent? Everyone wants to be knocked out. Nobody wants to be dead.

Rick: You don't know what I am! And you don't know what I can do! I'm Doctor Who in this [bleep]!! I could be a clone. I could be a hologram. We could be clones controlled by robots controlled with special headsets that the real Rick and Morty are wearing while they're [bleep] your mother!

Beth: ... But now, reliving it, all I can feel is how lucky I am to be loved by such a simple, honest, simple man.
Jerry: Simple twice.
Beth: This isn't the woman you married, Jerry, because this woman loves you.
Jerry: Uh... well, vive la différence. Okay. That was lame.

Rick: Submit! Submit for the selfie!

Morty: Rick, did you tell my mom she might be a clone?
Rick: No! I told her she wasn't!
Morty: Well, isn't that what you'd tell a clone?

U.S. President: The office of the President can't coexist with a living god that won't submit to it... I mean, besides Poseidon. But he's locked up in Area 51 already, so that doesn't really count.

Rick: Mr. President, I'll make you a deal. If you let me use your ghetto-ass off-brand deficit-tripling teleporter, I can go take care of something, and you'll never see me again.

Rick: You win, Jerry. You win! No amount of genius can stop your dumb mediocre vacuous roots from digging into everything and everyone around you and draining them of any ability to fend you off.
Jerry: Well, it couldn't have been easy for you to say that. I appreciate it.

Rick: Ugh! Nobody gets it. Nothing you think matters matters. This isn't special. This... This is happening infinite times across infinite realities.

Beth: Dad, you can't talk to Jerry that way anymore. We're a real family now. In many ways, things will be like season 1 but more streamlined. Now Jerry and I are happily married parents, and the idea that I was motivated by a fear of you leaving can be eschewed.
Summer: Eschewed? You've never used that word. Maybe you are a clone.
Beth: It's not like Rick would tell us. Hahaha!
Rick: ......

Noob Noob: Ooh-wee! See you for Season 4 in, like, a really long time! I might even have a big white Santa Claus beard and... and... and a... And a couple of grandkids and all that kind of stuff. See you... See you then!

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks
+ Rick and Morty References

Nathaniel is Irrelevant.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 3×13

Rebecca: I'm Rebecca. I donated the egg, so that thing has my DNA in it, so good luck with that.

Dr. Pratt: And the rest of you are just gonna stay?
Paula: Oh, yeah. No, it's fine. I mean, one way or another, we've all seen one, so...

Paula: Oh, honey, no. No, no, no, no. You don't want to miss birth. It's an awe-inspiring and powerful experience.
Heather: Yeah, but, like, does it hurt?
Dr. Pratt: Well, women report different levels of discomfort depending...
Paula: Ah, Ba-Ba-Ba, Dr. No Vagina. Yes, it hurts, but it is so worth it.

Paula: Okay, listen up. Mama is gonna tell you how wonderful birth really is...
♪ And explosive diarrhea ♪
♪ Means that labor's drawing nearer ♪
♪ And those sharp, painful contractions ♪
♪ 'Cause your cervix to enlarge ♪

Paula: Beautiful.
♪ When it's all over ♪
♪ They'll place the baby on your breast ♪
♪ You may be happy for a moment ♪
♪ But then for months you'll be depressed ♪
♪ 'Cause you've wrecked your life and body ♪
♪ You'll think, "Was it really worth ♪
♪ "All that for the miracle ♪
♪ Of birth?..." ♪

Paula: But of course it was!

Paula: So, who called this meeting again?
Nathaniel: I don't know. The subject line says "The Purge," so are we throwing up or watching a horror movie or what?

Rebecca: I will tell you. I'll tell you everything.

Rebecca: I have some things to say, and... it's gonna be brutal.

Darryl: Maybe this is a real one.
Heather: No, I don't think so. I mean, I did see a bloody clump of mucus fall into the toilet bowl earlier, but...
Darryl: Wow. The miracle of birth.

Rebecca: God, I thought you were in Iowa.
Trent: Io-was. But I missed you, and now I'm-a-back.

Darryl: I named her Hebecca... It's a combination of Heather and Rebecca.
White Josh: Oh. Mm-hmm. Yeah? Okay.

Rebecca: I'm going to prison. For a long time.

Rebecca: Plead insanity?

Nathaniel: ♪ Because nothing is ever anyone's fault ♪
♪ We're all just products of childhood trauma ♪
♪ Nothing is ever anyone's fault ♪
♪ Pain causes anger and fear causes drama ♪
♪ We can't control the things we do..... ♪

Rebecca: Wow, the first part was kind of amoral, but that last thing was really sweet.

Nathaniel: ♪ I was raised to believe ♪
♪ That every person's in charge of their fate ♪
♪ But now I clearly see ♪
♪ That my father's a dick, and he filled me with hate ♪

♪ Psychology is a great excuse ♪
♪ Nothing is ever anyone's fault ♪
♪ .................................. ♪
♪ It's hard to paint people with evil or glory ♪
♪ When you know that everyone's got a tragic backstory ♪
♪ Free will's an illusion, morality is, too ♪
♪ So it's not my fault ♪
♪ That my parents messed me up ♪
♪ 'Cause their parents messed them up ♪
♪ And Adam and Eve were messed up by God ♪
♪ Who was messed up originally by the Big Bang ♪
♪ Everything is the Big Bang's fault ♪

Rebecca: I may have borderline, but I'm not insane. I'm responsible for everything that happened, all of it. ..... They were my choices. It's my life, and I'm responsible no matter what illness I have or what my parents were like. And let's be clear, they suck.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Алекс Тарн — Дом

(времена года)

  “За стеной свистнул ветер, пометался по улице, слепо тычась в заборы и запертые ворота, ухнул в каминной трубе, шлепнул мокрой ладонью по толстому оконному стеклу и унесся вниз, к Рейну. ...

&  – Я не могу не указать на другие авторитеты, не всегда архитектурные, которые отнюдь не разделяют вашу беззаботность в отношении евреев. Взять хоть вашего заказчика, короля. Отчего он так носится с идеей восстановления гетто? Оттого, что видит в еврейской эмансипации опасность, которая, по его же собственному выражению, «подрубает немецкие корни». При этом особенно Его величество боится так называемых «невидимых евреев», то есть таких, которые маскируются под добропорядочных немцев, ходят в кирху и дают своим детям немецкие имена. Пойдем дальше. Кант, как и Ваше сиятельство, именовал евреев «народом мошенников», но при этом имел в виду мошенничество намного более страшное, чем обман бедного крестьянина бессовестным ростовщиком. Они несут в наш мир разъедающую язву безответственности. Их мерзкий и мстительный Бог отрицает величие человеческого духа. Гегель как-то заметил, что бесконечный дух не найдет себе места в тайниках еврейской души, так же, как лев не может поместиться в ореховой скорлупе. Поэтому он называл их народом рабов. А Фихте утверждал, что предоставить евреям гражданские права возможно лишь при одном условии: в одну ночь отрубить им всем голову и приставить другую, в которой не будет ни одной иудейской идеи. Наконец, великий Гете, описывая свою модель идеального города, прямо говорил: «Мы не потерпим среди нас ни одного еврея». Вы можете не доверять безвестному Фриске, но, надеюсь, не откажете в определенных мыслительных способностях упомянутым мною господам?

  ... Сердце его трепыхнулось в последний раз и остановилось.”

23 февр. 2019 г.

American Animals (2018)

Warren: All I'm saying is that nothing will happen, unless you make something happen.

Warren: We're supposed to be hunter-gatherers, man. And our whole life, we're just unwrapping shit. Packaging, packaging, packaging. The illusion of choice. It's bullshit, man. Everyone in here thinks that they're gonna win the lottery, but no one buys a ticket.

Spencer: So, you wanna go all the way over there, to meet some actual criminals we know nothing about, to talk about something we don't even have?
Warren: ... Yes.

Warren: This would be something dangerous, and very fucking exciting, that I need you to be a part of. This could change everything. This is your red pill or blue pill moment, my friend.

Eric: I'm sorry. Why the fuck would we go disguised as old men?
Spencer: Because, being old is the closest thing to being invisible.

Warren: You really wanna come all this way, and not find out what happens next?... Man, I don't want you waking up, ten years from now wondering what could've happened. And who you could've been.

The Real Spencer Reinhard: To have this, this need to know what is on the other side of that line, and realizing the only way to actually do that is to cross it, there's never a point in your life after that where you haven't already crossed that line.

The Real Warren Lipka: And we just tried to, get past it, but there's no... There's no looking past it.

The Real Warren Lipka: You're taught your entire life that what you do matters and that you're special. And that, there are things you can point towards that would... which'll show that you're special, that shows that you're different, when, in all reality, those things don't matter. And you're not special...

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+ Soundtracks

Family Leave

Arrested Development 5×1

Narrator: While at a tech company famous for providing access to any information, except for its own name...

Buster: You can't say I can't be here and say you're not looking after me. Pick a lane, Michael!

Maeby: If he said it was nothing and now you apologize, you're gonna make it something.

Maeby: What did Gangie always say? "Forget, but never forgive."
George Michael: You think she meant to say it that way?... Do you think "A friend in need is no friend indeed" was also on purpose?... What about "They should take all the rapists and all the murderers and put them all together on an island..."
Maeby: "...and all the murderers can be raped, and all the rapists can be murdered..."
— ''...until you only have either two rapists or one murderer but who cares about him?"
Maeby: Oh, was it "one raped murderer"?
George Michael: I've heard her say both. I mean, in all likelihood, the guy would be raped.

Lieutenant Toddler: It was a woman with red hair...
Narrator: In fact, it was George Sr. Who, after discovering he had almost no testosterone at all was frightened and confused and eager to hide from the world.

Gob: Hey, there. Friend of mine left me a note, um... in my handwriting, and he said that you might be able to set me up with the pill that makes the memories go away, like a... like a shame-wow.

Michael: His license plate number? No, I don't. I barely know my own license plate number, much less my brother-in... It's A-N-U-S and then for some reason T-A-R-T.
Lieutenant Toddler: "A new start."
Michael: If you saw it written out, I don't think that you would... Let me try this one on you. A-N-A-L-R-A-P... Well, it doesn't matter.

On the IMDb

22 февр. 2019 г.

Jackie (2016)

The Journalist: And how would you like him remembered, Mrs. Kennedy?

Jackie Kennedy: Do you know what I think of history?... I've read a great deal. More than people realize. The more I read, the more I wonder... When something is written down, does that make it true?
The Journalist: It's all that we have.
Jackie Kennedy: Had. We have television now. At least people can see for their own eyes.

The Journalist: Royalty. You make him sound like royalty.
Jackie Kennedy: Well, for royalty you need tradition. And for tradition, you need time.

Jackie Kennedy: You want to be famous?
The Journalist: No, I'm fine as I am, thank you.
Jackie Kennedy: You should prepare yourself, this article will bring you a great deal of attention.
The Journalist: Ah. In that case, any advice for me?
Jackie Kennedy: Yes. Don't marry the President.

Jackie Kennedy: I think God is cruel.
The Priest: Well, now you're getting into trouble. God is love. And God is everywhere.
Jackie Kennedy: Was he in the bullet that killed Jack?
The Priest: Absolutely.
Jackie Kennedy: Is he inside me now?
The Priest: Yes, of course. Of course he is.
Jackie Kennedy: Well, that's a funny game he plays, hiding all the time.

Jackie Kennedy: What kind of God takes a father from his two little children?
The Priest: Thy Lord sacrificed his only son...
Jackie Kennedy: And my two babies. Arabella in the womb. And Patrick. Thirty-nine hours on Earth. Just long enough to fall in love with him. What did I do to deserve that?

Jackie Kennedy: There are two kinds of women. Those who want power in the world, and those who want power in bed. Of course, now what am I left with?

Jackie Kennedy: Would you mind getting a message to all our funeral guests when they land?...
Jack Valenti: Of course.
Jackie Kennedy: Inform them that I will walk with Jack tomorrow. Alone, if necessary. And tell General de Gaulle that if he wishes to ride in an armored car or in a tank for that matter, I won't blame him. And I'm sure the tens of millions of people watching won't either.
Jack Valenti: Why are you doing this, Mrs. Kennedy?
Jackie Kennedy: Oh, I'm just doing my job.

The Journalist: With all due respect, you were at the center of it all, Mrs. Kennedy, and I'd imagine it's impossible to have any perspective from that vantage point. But I can assure you that it was a spectacle.

Jackie Kennedy: I never wanted fame. I just became a Kennedy.

The Priest: There comes a time in man's search for meaning, when one realizes that there are no answers. And when you come to that horrible, unavoidable realization, you accept it or you kill yourself. Or you simply stop searching.

The Priest: I have lived a blessed life. And yet, every night, when I climb into bed, turn off the lights, and stare into the dark, I wonder... Is this all there is?
Jackie Kennedy: You wonder?
The Priest: Every soul on this planet does. But then, when morning comes, we all wake up and make a pot of coffee. Why do we bother? Because we do. You did this morning. You will again tomorrow. But God, in his infinite wisdom, has made sure it is just enough for us.

Jackie Kennedy: I believe that the characters we read about on the page end up being more real than the men who stand beside us.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The Book of Dougs

The Good Place 3×10

Chapter 37

Tahani: Are we sure we're in the actual Good Place? It's rather carpeted.
Jason: Yeah, I don't see any go-karts, much less go-karts being driven by monkeys wearing sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts.

Eleanor: Whoa. That smells like Typhoon Falls, my favorite water park when I was a kid. Mmm. Chlorine, suntan lotion, Band-Aids, and a thick cloud of teen hormones.

Janet: The Good Place smells like whatever makes you happiest.
Chidi: Warm pretzels. Or, no, wait... It's the smell of absolute moral truth?
Janet: Those two things have very similar smells.

Tahani: To me it smells like a curtain closing between first class and economy. Ah, this truly is the Good Place!

Chidi: Why do we need a cover story at all? There are the good guys. Let's just come clean and request asylum.
Jason: Yeah, man, we're refugees. What kind of messed-up place would turn away refugees?

Michael: I'm Michael, and this is my Neutral Janet.
Janet: Hello, also, not hello. It's nothing to meet you. End of statement.

Gwendolyn: The only door for humans is the Official Entrance, which is 500 trillion miles north-south-north of here.

Eleanor: What?! This is how I always got out of escape rooms. If you break enough stuff, they open the door and kick you out.

Eleanor: What is that... two inches thick? That's like four Oreos. We're four Oreos from heaven!

Jason: Thanks, Tahani. It's nice to know I can talk about girls with my wife.

Eleanor: I guess "try and enjoy this" is a better plan than "have the anxiety sweats."

Eleanor: Holy. Forking. Fork.

Meg: Michael, we have rules, procedures. We're the good guys. We can't just do stuff.

Eleanor: Relationships are stupid. You're scared you're never gonna have a real one, and then when you do, you're scared it's gonna go away.

Chidi: Here's an idea, what if we don't worry about whatever comes next? There's a quote I like by Tolstoy: "There is only one time that is important: Now. It is the only time...
Eleanor: "When we have any power." I know that quote. An unverified Tyra Banks account posted that meme on Instagram.
Chidi: Well, now I hate it.

Michael: The Committee's a bunch of ineffectual dorks in fleece vests. The Titanic is sinking, and they're writing a strongly-worded letter to the iceberg.

Tahani: Every time I do something nice, it backfires. There are so many unintended consequences to well-intentioned actions. Feels like a game you can't win.

Michael: Don't you understand? The Bad Place isn't tampering with points; they don't have to. Because every day the world gets a little more complicated, and being a good person gets a little harder.

The Doorman: So, this is the Good Place, huh? Smells like frogs. Cool.

Michael: The Interdimensional Hole of Pancakes is the most dangerous place in the universe.
Tahani: Then why are we going?
Michael: To save humanity.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

21 февр. 2019 г.


The Walking Dead 9×9

Michonne: ...a brutal enemy who walk with the dead... and whisper.

Negan: How 'bout I go my way, you go yours, and we never see each other again?
Judith: How 'bout no?

Judith: Rules are rules. My mom decides, not me.
Negan: But you can...

Negan: You're not letting me go. You're just not seeing me leave.

Judith: You know, there's nothing out there for you. For anyone.

Yumiko: Who the hell would do this? Even think about doing this?
Eugene: I suspect some vessel filled with a chunky salsa of abnormal impulses and metastasized rage.

Eugene: The living kind or original recipe?

Negan: Hi, puppy...

Eugene: ...it could've been me instead of him at the end of that blade. We all wait and wait for the right moment to say what's nearest and dearest, and before we know it, the sand has passed through the hourglass. Which is all my way of saying that I'm... I'm done waiting. I'm done playing the losing game of "wondering whens."

Henry: Does alcohol always make you feel this bad?
Daryl: No. But acting stupid does.

Negan: Home, sweet home...

Lydia: Walls? Walls don't keep you safe. Places like this don't make it. They never make it. That's how it is.

Lydia: We're always gonna kill you, okay?! It's just what people do now. Everybody still alive's a threat. It's us or them.

Judith: I told you there was nothing out there.
Negan: You sure as shit did.
Judith: Language! I'm a kid, asshole.

Alpha: Trail ends here.

On the IMDb

A Math Emergency and Perky Palms

Young Sheldon 2×15

Adult Sheldon: It should come as no surprise that the very first grade I ever received was a "super-duper." Granted it was for counting spots on a ladybug, but still, I nailed it.

Sheldon: Maxwell's equation my sweet patootie!
Meemaw: You like Willie Nelson?
Sheldon: That would require knowing the permeability of free space and natural units! I suppose...
Meemaw: I like Willie Nelson.
Sheldon: ...an electric field, but that would still require...

Mary: Marriage counseling? Don't you need some sort of training for that?
Pastor Jeff: Nah, you just listen, uh, give 'em a couple prayers, send 'em on their way.

Cheryl: I think you might be the first person in history who's ever cut class to do math.
Sheldon: The irony wasn't lost on me.

Cheryl: Oh, hey, 95. Good job.
Sheldon: Really? I'm here every day and it's like you don't know me at all.
Cheryl: Oh, okay. Um... aw, 95, too bad.
Sheldon: There we go.

Sheldon: Dr. Sturgis, this is Sheldon. You're wrong and I can prove it.

Dr. Sturgis: Go ahead, Sheldon, I'm all ears.
Sheldon: Well, when I'm done, you're going to be all tears.

Dr. Sturgis: Well, I applaud the effort, young man.
Sheldon: Don't treat me like a child, treat me like a colleague.
Dr. Sturgis: Fine. This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen!
Connie: How could you say that?! What are you doing?!
Dr. Sturgis: Treating him like a colleague.
Connie: Do you and your colleagues make each other run out of the room crying like that?
Dr. Sturgis: Sometimes. But we run slower, 'cause we're old.

George: There are plenty of stupid people in the world, but when they're older than you, you got to show them respect.
Sheldon: ... I understand, sir. Thank you for your incredibly wise advice.
George: Okay...
Missy: Did you just call Dad stupid without calling him stupid?
Sheldon: Yes.

On the IMDb

Ричард Морган — Пробужденные фурии (4/4)

&  Религия – просто политика с высокими ставками.

&  Оружие – только приспособление. На самом деле убиваете и уничтожаете вы сами.

&  Нехорошо, когда кумиры формирующих лет начинают сбиваться с мысли. Когда обнаруживаешь, что они тоже люди.

&  Есть времена, когда нельзя сказать ничего полезного. Остается только слушать, ждать и смотреть, как то, что внутри, выходит. Надеяться, что это очистка.

&  – Забавная штука – религия. Никому не хочется разговаривать со священником.
     – Особенно с таким, который может объявить тебя врагом Господа за то, как ты стрижешься.

&  ...последние упрямые ошметки цепляющейся надежды. Выжги их – встречай факты, с лицом, высеченным из камня.

&  – Только не стой и не ной, а иди и сделай лучше.

&  Мы все учимся бороться с воспоминаниями, продолжать жить с утратами и переживать только о том, что можем изменить.

  ... И вернет к жизни то, что в них хранится.”

20 февр. 2019 г.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 3×12

Trent: One person's blackmailing is another person's love story.

Rebecca: You know what, from now on, my life is gonna get an A-plus on the Bechdel test.
Heather: Well, actually, since the Bechdel test is a measure of how often women talk about men, the act of talking about the Bechdel test kind of technically means you've failed the Bechdel test.
Paula: Okay, thank you, feminism referee.

Rebecca: And you know what the best thing is about being alone, potentially forever?... I know what the future holds now.

White Josh: Hey, uh, quick question, why is it that all of my friends, including you, are in love with Rebecca? Does she have a magic vagina?
Nathaniel: No. She has a great one, though. And she does like when I refer to it as the Sorting Hat.
White Josh: ????
Nathaniel: Harry Potter dirty talk. Don't worry about it.
White Josh: Yikes.

Beth: V, we can't turn down events, any events. We work here. We have to buy onion rings every hour just to keep the Wi-Fi going. We're doing the party.

Rebecca: Oh, so glad we're back together. And that was a great 19th game of Scrabble.

Rebecca: Um, hey, so could I have my phone back now?
Trent: No. First, we have to play Settlers of Catan and then Ticket to Ride, and then maybe we can talk about you getting your phone back.

Paula: We have talked about this... It is in the past. I have changed. You have changed...
Rebecca: Yes. Yes, I have, but sometimes the past comes back to bite you in the butt.

Rebecca: Let's take back his power. Let's blackmail the blackmailer.

Josh: You know, I have this movie poster in my room that says, "You Can't Run Away from Your Past because It's Your Future." It's from Space Karate II. That's us.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Donation Oscillation

The Big Bang Theory 12×15

Zack: Sorry, bro, I know it seems impossible to go for five days without, but I believe in you.
Leonard: Five days? My record is 24 years.

Amy: Sheldon, come home! They don't want to have your baby!

Howard: Indian sushi? I need a change of underwear just thinking about that.

Howard: I know, it would've been fun, but, hey, the next time you decide to marry a woman you barely know.

Raj: It'll be like the good old days...
Howard: You mean when we were all sad, desperate and horribly alone?

Sheldon: ...it was right there... And it was Nutella.
Leonard: Thanks.
Sheldon: You looked like a hazelnut Hitler.

Howard: This weekend, I got us four seats on the Vomit Comet.
Sheldon: Oh, you lost me at "vomit," you lost me again at "comet," and to be honest, I was on the fence at "us."

Howard: He doesn't hate me. He's just disappointed that I'm not any other man on the planet.
Sheldon: That's how I feel about Ben Affleck as Batman.

Penny: Um... Leonard wants to have a baby with my ex-boyfriend Zack.

Howard: No, I want you to go if you're gonna have fun. I don't want you to go if you're gonna be miserable and ruin it for everyone. Which... is... a long way of saying I want you to go!

Wyatt: Well, I don't know about Los Angeles, but in Nebraska, that's kind of strange.
Penny: It's strange here, too, and we have a bakery for dogs.

Leonard: Wait, wait. I can't. I mean, I want to, but I'm not supposed to for the next three days.
Penny: Oh. That's right. I forgot. All right, well, guess I'll just read a little and then-- I don't know-- go to sleep.

Penny: Ooh, listen to this. "Bam... Pow... Take that, Batman..."

Anu: I'm an adrenaline junkie. Roller coasters, snowboarding, dating men who bathe with their dogs...
Bernadette: I'm a thrill-seeker, too. I've had to pull back since I became a mom, but I'll still jump on the back of a grocery cart and just roll through the meat section.
Howard: And I'm married to her, which is quite the ride.

Sheldon: Amy?.. There's something out here...

Amy: Is everything okay?
Leonard: Yeah, I... had to get out of the apartment. My wife kept trying to have sex with me.
Sheldon: Been there.

Leonard: If she has a problem, she should say something.
Sheldon: She tried to seduce you! If that's not a cry for help, I don't know what is.

Wyatt: ...But besides all that, being your dad is the best thing ever happened to me.

On the IMDb

Ричард Морган — Пробужденные фурии (3/4)

&  – Я сам определяю, как существую, а сложнее испытания, поверь мне, не бывает.

&  Один из секретов успешной тирании – знать, когда и как спускать подданных с поводка...

&  – Старых волн не бывает. Каждый раз волна другая. Оглядываться назад – самая большая ошибка.

&  – Жизнь – она как море. Вокруг гуляют трехлунные волны, и если пропустишь хоть одну, то она оторвет тебя от всех и всего, что тебе дорого.

&  – Это неравная борьба. Всегда легче убивать и разрушать, чем созидать и обучать. Легче позволять власти аккумулироваться, а не распределяться.

&  Рано или поздно, Ковач, тебе придется столкнуться с тем, что ты не можешь вернуться назад и что-то изменить. Жизнь живется в одном направлении.

&  – Да, бред идиотский, я понимаю. Но иногда говорю с Джеком и остальными – и они как будто другой вид. Во что они верят. Их уровень веры и тот херов мизер, который ее оправдывает.

19 февр. 2019 г.

Split (2016)

«...Шьямалан взял Билли Миллигана, реального человека с 24 личностями, описанного Кизом в документальном романе «Множестенные умы Билли Миллигана», и сделал его маньяком-похитителем. Всё списано с Миллигана, кроме личности Зверя, которая неуязвимая и питается девственницами. Фильм совершенно мрачный, пустой и безысходный – особенно что касется героини, которая так спаслась, что лучше бы и не спасалась. В конце забавное камео Брюса Уиллиса...»

Casey: Everything is so easy for you guys. You do one thing, you can predict the next thing... It's not the way it's gonna be in this situation. We're not getting out of here.

Casey's Father: When you're aiming, Casey, always keep both eyes open. Cover your target with the barrel then move with it to get its pace... I'm warning you, it's gonna be frustrating the first times. You're gonna shoot under it or behind it. You'll learn to stay with it.

Casey's Father: Females are smarter than the males. But you know that, it's like humans. Females use their nose to stay alive. They make sure they have cover. They always remember they're trying to stay alive. Bucks go off by themselves. Bucks get dumb during mating season.

Dr. Karen Fletcher: They are what they believe they are. The brain has learned to defend itself. ... They have been through trauma. And perhaps now they are capable of something we're not.

Dennis: You shouldn't trick children. That shows who you are.

Dr. Karen Fletcher: I'm gonna ask again. To whom am I speaking with now?

Casey's Father: The thrill, Casey, is about whether you can or can't outsmart this animal.

Dennis: The Beast is a sentient creature who represents the highest form of humans' evolution. He believes the time of ordinary humanity is over. I hope this makes you feel calm...

Dr. Karen Fletcher: I don't understand. He can't be real. There must be limits to what a human being can become.

Dennis: Let him show the world how powerful we can be.

Diner Patron: This is like that crazy guy in the wheelchair that they put away 15 years ago. And they gave him a funny name, too. What was it?
David Dunn: Mr. Glass.
Diner Patron: Oh, yeah.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

+ Множественные умы Билли Миллигана

+ Connections


The Good Place 3×9

Chapter 36

Michael: Oh, Janet, you did it! You brought us into your void. If I had a heart, it would be pounding.

Chidi-Janet: Cool, cool. And when you say "void"...
Janet: Oh, I mean a sub-dimension outside of space and time at the nexus of consciousness and matter tethered to my essence. Does that help?

Chidi-Janet: I just want to lie down. Where is down?!?!

Michael: We're almost at the end, guys. Just stay here, keep Janet's heads on straight.

Chidi-Janet: This is nuts! We're in a void in the body of a white lady.
Eleanor-Janet: Not a lady!
Tahani-Janet: Not a lady, darling.
Jason-Janet: Well, we are white. Let's all say white people things! Billy Joel. I found it on Etsy. There was nowhere to park! Did you refill the Brita?

Neil: Can I just say, I really depreciate you coming. Huh?... A little bit of accounting humor.

Neil: Janet, can you remind me to laugh at that later?
Neutral Janet: Your amusement has been scheduled. End of conversation.

Chidi-Janet: The things you saw weren't part of my life, so they didn't happen to me.
Eleanor-Janet: What the hell are you talking about, man? Of course it was you. I saw it.
Chidi-Janet: Well, it was a Chidi, sure, but it wasn't me Chidi. This is a classic philosophical question. The concept of the self, or who we are. Philosophically speaking, there's the Chidi I am, who lived a certain life, and there's the Chidi you saw... your soul mate or whatever, who had some entirely different life. They're not the same Chidis.

Neil: So this is the main feed. Every action by every human on Earth is recorded and then sent here to be assigned a point value based on the absolute moral worth of that action. For example, a couple in Osaka, Japan, just decided to have a destination wedding. Negative 1,200 points. Oh, and it's a destination theme wedding. Negative 4,300. The theme's "Lord of the Rings..." They're basically doomed.

Neil: Ah, here's one. This means that someone has just done something which has never been done before.
Michael: "Richard Moore of Sugarland, Texas, hollowed out an eggplant and filled it with hot sauce and nickels."
Neil: And amazingly, it's not a weird sex thing. 99% of all new human behaviors are weird sex things. But not in this... oh, no, it is a weird sex thing, yeah.

Michael: Could we look at one specific file, though, just to make sure?
Neil: Oh, who do you want to see... Genghis Khan, Marie Antoinette? Walt Disney's got some freaky stuff in his file...

Chidi-Janet: I don't want to see those memories because, philosophically speaking, they're none of my business. They happened to someone else. Let me explain...

Chidi-Janet: Conceptions of the self. Let's start with John Locke, who believed that personal identity was based on having a continued consciousness... essentially, memory. Memories are links in a chain that together form a single self. If I can't remember what happened because it happened to a Chidi from another timeline, it's not a unified me.

Chidi-Janet: .... That leads us to Derek Parfit. Parfit said even if I have memories from an earlier time, that doesn't necessarily mean it was me. After all, if my brain was split in two and each half was put in a different person, which one is me? All I know is that other Chidi doesn't exist anymore, and this one does. So this must be the real Chidi.
Eleanor-Janet: And all I know is that you're just barfing Wikipedia all over everyone to avoid talking about your feelings.
Chidi-Janet: Let's talk about David Hume...

Neil: Look, mate, the points are indisputable. They have been since the beginning. "Og Gives His Rock to Grog." First ever act of human altruism. Og earned 10,000 points that day. Of course, then Grog used that rock to beat Og's brains in and lost a million points. The point is, the math is cold, objective, and airtight, and unless you can prove otherwise, I don't know how I can help you.

Matty: I just got 700 new Weird Sex Thing files in the last one second.
Neil: Oh, yeah, Burning Man just started. Buckle up, Matty. It's going to be a long week...

Chidi-Janet: So, in essence, Hume thought that we don't truly have a self. We're just a bundle of our ever-changing impressions—

Neil: No one. No one got in.
Michael: No one's gotten in for a year?!
Neil: Correct.

Michael: When was the last time someone got in?
Neil: The last time someone got enough points to get into the Good Place was... 521 years ago.

Jason-Janet: Hey, if we hear with our ears, why is it called "butt overhearing"?

Chidi-Janet: I got into philosophy to try to make sense of a world that almost never makes sense. And that was before I learned that I died and then un-died and then re-died. I just can't take one more thing.

Chidi-Janet: You're not Jason-Janet! You're Eleanor-Janet pretending to be Jason-Janet. That is so wrong and so confusing!

Michael: Neil, be logical. Not one Good Place resident in over 500 years? Not Jonas Salk? Not Harriet Tubman? Not one single Golden Girl? The Bad Place has hacked your system!

Michael: If he's not going to fix this, who is?
Janet: You, Michael. It has to be you. We keep wandering around these different realms expecting someone else to have the answer, but no one ever does. You're the guy, Michael. You're the only one who can fix whatever's wrong with the afterlife.

Eleanor: Nice work, bud. Did you mean everything you said, or did you just say it because the world was ending?

Eleanor: Where are we?
Michael: We're in the Good Place.
Eleanor: No offense, dude, but you have told us a lot of lies in the last 300 years. So, seriously, where the fork are we?... Fork. Shirt! Ash hole!.. Holy forking shirtballs. We're in the Good Place!

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Ричард Морган — Пробужденные фурии (2/4)

&  – Вот это все вокруг, Михаил. Все, что происходит. Это называется жизнь. Прояви интерес. Пока еще можешь.

&  – У всех рано или поздно растаптывают мечты, да? И если при этом не больно, то что же это за второразрядные мечты такие?

&  – «Если лишить нас преданности высшим идеалам, мы неизбежно вернемся к страху и жадности». Правильно?

&  – Если факты против тебя, сказала Куэлл, но ты не можешь вынести отказа от веры, тогда хотя бы не торопись судить. Жди и наблюдай.

«Есть мысль и есть действие, – однажды сказала молодая Куэлл, свободно воруя, как я узнал позже, у древних самураев... – Не следует их путать. Когда приходит время действовать, мысль уже должна быть завершена. Когда начнется действие, для мысли уже не останется места».

&  – Гнев из-за несправедливости – как лесной пожар: он переходит любые границы, даже между поколениями.

&  – Как же будет круто, снова быть с тем, кто знает, что делать.

&  поразительно, как из-за постоянного пережевывания хочется спорить даже с самой очевидной истиной.

&  Разве у кого-то бывает второй шанс? Рано или поздно все мы увязаем по уши. А потом остается просто не уйти по макушку в болото.

18 февр. 2019 г.

If You Have Ghosts

True Detective 3×5

Detective Hays: Believe that guy? Actin' like I ruined his life?... Please explain to me all the hardships and tribulations of bein' a white man in this country... I'm gonna tell you, when I was his age, age he was in the room with us, I was in the fuckin' jungle... I made the kid skip college?... I think that whole generation's a bunch of pussies.

Elisa: A lot people around this thing are dead. A lot of people gone.
Hays: People do that, miss. Most people I ever knew are gone.

Amelia: Stop pretending that you're too dumb to know that you're full of shit.

Rebecca: Mom? Dad? What do "we do not"?
— ... We do not say goodnight without "I love you's." I love you.

Detective Hays: Oh, come on, man. It's too big for that political bullshit.
Lieutenant West: It ain't bullshit to the Man. You ever learned that, you wouldn't've been on a desk last ten years.

West: Them eggs are fierce, huh? You show a woman you got good kitchen skills... they know you ain't lookin' for a cook.

West: Well... you don't talk to somebody for 24 years, you're gonna miss some shit.

West: How you gonna talk to these people... we done what we done? You don't know what you might say. Or might remember.
Hays: If I remember what we done, I'll remember not to say.

Hays: Roland. I don't remember. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I just can't remember. I don't... I... I, uh, I can't... Can't remember my life, man. I can't remember my wife... I-I don't know. If you tell me I... I did something wrong, well, okay. I'm sorry.

Hays: She still be out there. ..... And before I'm a... droolin' fuckin' squash plant, and with whatever brains I got left, I'm gonna finish this.

Hays: Come on. Stir some shit up with me.

West: How is it your son don't have you locked up?
Hays: He don't know how fucked up I am.

Hays: Seventy-year-old black man... goin' batshit crazy, runnin' around with a badge and gun. You shouldn't miss that.
West: Well, I could use a laugh...

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Do No Harm

Outlander 4×2

Jamie: Maybe we can make a small difference for those in our part of the world. A spark... that might light a fuse. I can't change River Run without you, Sassenach. What do you say?
Claire: ... Fuses often lead to explosions.
Jamie: Aye. Aye, but when the dust settles, oftentimes, the devil ye're fightin' is gone.

Jamie: Ye cannot put a price on freedom.
Farquard Campbell: But the Assembly can and does. 100 pounds sterling a slave.

Jamie: If yer oath is to do no harm, then... isn't it better to save his soul then to have those men tear it from his body?

On the IMDb

Ричард Морган — Пробужденные фурии

<< Сломанные ангелы (Takeshi Kovacs — 2)

Takeshi Kovacs — 3

цитаты | Пробужденные фурии | Ричард Морган | Takeshi Kovacs | Woken Furies | Altered Carbon | sci-fi | future | Marsian | nano-technology | AI | mercenary
  “Там, где меня разбудили, все было тщательно подготовлено. ...
&  Никогда не влезай в драку, если можешь быстро убить и исчезнуть.

&  Как всегда бывает с похвальбой, она оказалась неуместна.

&  Можно сколько угодно называть ховерлодеры в честь революционных героев, но их идеи лучше скрыть во мраке истории, чтобы никто не помнил, за что люди сражались.

&  Да, софт – он естественным образом склоняет к избыточной работе. ... Но в конце концов это всего лишь софт. Всего лишь прошивка, сам. Если подчиняться прошивке – что ты тогда за человек?

&  – Все, что куэллисты выжали из первоначального режима Харлана, эти ребята урезали с самого начала. Мексек – просто очередной сменщик на посту.
     – Этого врага убить нельзя, – пробормотал я. Он кивнул и закончил цитату:
     – Только загнать, побитого, в пучину, и учить детей, чтобы они следили за волнами в ожидании его возвращения.

&  Конечно, на деле не все так просто: правда куда сложнее и в итоге куда страшнее.

&  Что ни говори, а организованная преступность замечательно вселяет страх в своих прислужников и тех, кто с ними якшается. Иерархия головорезов. ...все сеют уважение в своих рядах через страх возмездия. И все пожинают одинаковый урожай нежелания брать на себя инициативу. Никому не хочется принимать независимые решения, когда независимый поступок несет риск показаться неуважительным. А за такую хрень можно нарваться на настоящую смерть.
     Лучше всего довериться иерархии.

17 февр. 2019 г.

Nathaniel and I Are Just Friends!

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 3×11

Rebecca: Anyway, I'm feeling good, ready to dig into all of it... Abandonment issues, dissociative episodes, my dad. It's all on the table. Let's get into it. See you soon.

Rebecca: I'm here in the present with you right now ready to rock my mental health. So, come on, let's do this. Bunch and Akopes, back together, tonight on CBS at 9:00 p.m., solving crimes in different climates around the world.
Dr. Akopian: I do not wish to be called "Akopes."
Rebecca: God, I forgot how un-fun you are.

Paula: Okay, can you stop playing air hockey... with the snotty tissue?!

Heather: God, I love my new hobby... Growing people.

Paula: Okay. Tall idiot is Tim. Short idiot is Jim. Tiny idiot is Maya.

Rebecca: So, it's been eight months, and he still has a girlfriend and we're still sleeping together. So what?

Rebecca: An affair? Well, that's unfair..... Come on!

Rebecca: Are we not doing this? Bunch and Akopes, tonight on CBS. Grab your parka or bikini, and let's find out whodunit!

Nathaniel: Big mistake. Never again. This... is the last time.

Heather: ...now I feel like I'm gonna cry all the time, and I think it's because there's this alien growing inside of my guts.

Maya: Paula is from an older generation of women. She came up in an era where she had to fight, and that's why now, sometimes, she's such a big ol' "B."

Rebecca: Paula? You gonna be mad at me. You know the possum and the cat who have been fighting in the supply closet?.. That's not a possum or a cat.

Rebecca: It-it has to end. So... what I'm saying is no more staples, no more paper clips, no more... spray cleaner for the white boards.

Nathaniel: I guess we were just kidding ourselves when we thought we could get erasers and toners and index cards forever.
Rebecca: I wish you all of the... freshest, inkiest yellow highlighters there could ever be.

Maya: I'm sorry, Paula. I badly want to foster an alliance with a woman, but I have to be on the side of consent.

Paula: I'm just saying, chew one piece at a time. It's not a meal!

Rebecca: Relationships do not work for me. ... I'm afraid. ... I don't want to die, okay? I've gotten better. Okay, I've progressed, and yes, I know that my relationship with Nathaniel is not like it was with Josh. But if I try with Nathaniel, something will happen, okay? He'll... he'll go out to dinner with a friend, and he won't answer one of my texts, or he'll go on a trip, and he won't call me enough, and... I know what I'm capable of when I feel abandoned. I can go to a really dark place, and it's a place where I can hurt myself, and I-I never want to be in that place again, ever.

Heather: I never thought I would actually be a grown-up. You know, I'm gonna pay taxes this year. Isn't that ridiculous?

♪ Face your fears ♪
♪ Stare them down ♪
♪ Don't be scared ♪
♪ Stand your ground ♪

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Heart Is a Dumb Dumb

You're the Worst 2×13

Lindsay: Amy was right. I had a perfect man and I let him go.
Becca: Linds, you never liked Paul. You only referred to him as dork, Lumpy Hubby, Paul Nye the Science Homo...

Becca: Oh, dang it! I guess you figured it out... My sister impregnated herself by heating a condom full of your sperm in a microwave.
Paul: You know, that's scientifically impossible in ten different ways.
Becca: Of course. That's my point.

Paul: This isn't a good time. I just received some highly enervating news that has my bowels in a state.
Vernon: You don't know enervating, Paul! Come talk to me about enervating when you got a goddamn baby on the way that's gonna cost at least a half millie in its stupid life.

Jimmy: I'm used to being the complicated one. Like, with-with Becca. Becca's, uh, like a Monday crossword. Gretchen... Sunday. Takes-takes all day, but it's rewarding as hell.

Gretchen: You know, after I cleaned the fries off your face and put you to bed, you said something to me that was pretty dark...
Jimmy: Don't tell me.
Gretchen: Okay, I won't... I love you, too.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

16 февр. 2019 г.

Papillon (2017)

Henri Charrière 'Papillon': Honestly, I'll be back in no time...

Louis Dega: What, you've heard of someone escaping the prison?
Henri Charrière: Doesn't mean it can't be done.

Louis Dega: I have trouble seeing hope in hopelessness.

Sierra: What animal but a man keeps his only means of survival up his ass?

Warden Barrot: Keeping you is no benefit. Destroying you is no loss.

Warden Barrot: You'll be transferred to the island of Saint Joseph, where you'll serve a two-year sentence in solitary confinement. There's no rehabilitation. We know that's useless, so we do our best to break you.

Warden Barrot: Strange things happen there. Especially to those who cling to hope, because there is no hope on Saint Joseph. Just silence.

Warden Barrot: I'll put you on half rations. You're choosing another man's life over your own.

Louis Dega: I had to figure I'd know how to throw a punch considering how often my father used to beat me. Yours too?
Henri Charrière: My parents are school teachers.

Louis Dega: I don't know how you made it.
Henri Charrière: I just got used to the silence. If I ever get out... I'm gonna live a different kind of life.

Henri Charrière: Nobody needs to die.

Warden Barrot: Few men survive five years in solitary. What were you living for?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

A Happy Refrain

The Orville 2×6

Isaac: You have modified the configuration of your hair.
Dr. Finn: A little bit, yeah. I didn't think anyone would notice...
Isaac: Did the previous alignment fail to provide adequate warmth?

Claire: Sit down. Have a drink with me.
Isaac: I do not drink.
Claire: Well, nobody's perfect.

Claire: I know you can't share the feeling, but he's really attached to you.
Isaac: The data I have acquired from his behavioral stimuli has been plentiful.
Claire: Is it possible that's the machine equivalent of saying you like spending time with him, too?

Isaac: Ty has demonstrated superior focus. There is a human phrase: "You should be very proud of him."

Claire: Incapable of love, incapable of emotion, I know. He's a machine, I understand that, but... when I'm with him, I don't know, I... We get along really well. I feel warmth.
Kelly: Is it possible that you're projecting that feeling yourself, onto Isaac?
Claire: Maybe. But hey, don't we all do that? In every relationship? Especially when someone's a little mysterious...
Kelly: I guess so. Whenever Ed was silent for long stretches, I used to think he was pondering big questions. Then he'd just be like, "I'm hungry."

Claire: He brought me a banana.

Isaac: A... date?
Claire: Yes.
Isaac: A social coupling designed to facilitate mating.
Claire: Wow, it just got really hot in here.
Isaac: I am not detecting a rise in the temperature.

Gordon: I just think, if it had a little more kick when I hit the gas, it would feel better, you know?
Lamarr: You understand this isn't a Porsche, right? This is a quantum drive engine that makes a thousand trillion independent calculations every millisecond.
Gordon: Yeah, I know that, I-I just like to feel a certain level of responsiveness when I'm driving.

Lamarr: Uh, well, who's the lucky lady? Or fella? Or o-object?

Capt. Mercer: Well, it's not as simple as that. The guy has limitations. I mean, even in the best-case scenario, he's still... my father, and he'll never be a weight lifter no matter how much his heart is in it.

Klyden: Bortus, I wish that you would remove that thing... That strip of hair above your lip.

Claire: Well, I had a really interesting time tonight, Isaac.
Isaac: As did I. It yielded considerable data. Of which I have already begun analysis.

Isaac: Was that a kiss?
Claire: It was.
Isaac: Did I execute it correctly?

Lt. Keyali: How was he?
Claire: At first, I thought it was gonna feel mathematical, but that was the exquisite part of it. He could instantly attune to and harmonize with my every move, with such precision. Imagine a human guy that aware, that eager to please. It was amazing.

Kelly: It sounds like he really is a machine.
Claire: But does that really matter? Does it matter why people do what they do for us, whether it's a man or a computer?
Kelly: As long as they make you feel the way you want to feel, then I don't think so.
Claire: ... And maybe it's okay that it doesn't look like I thought it would. Maybe it's okay that it looks like a woman and... a vacuum cleaner.

Capt. Mercer: There is one part of the relationship experience that you haven't yet tackled.
Isaac: Please elaborate.
Capt. Mercer: You screwed up, and now you have to win back the girl.

Bortus: It was... itchy.

Isaac: Dr. Finn. I apologize for my conduct. Further analysis of human interaction has informed me that a relationship is best served when both parties make a commitment to its longevity. I wish to attempt this.

Claire: And why should I just say yes?
Isaac: My internal programs will function more efficiently if you do.
Claire: You're saying... you're better with me than without me?
Isaac: Affirmative, Doctor.

Gordon: We are, without a doubt, the weirdest ship in the fleet.

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+ Soundtracks