9 февр. 2019 г.

The Worst Possible Use of Free Will

The Good Place 3×7

Michael: I'm skipping all of the sleeping and chewing. You guys are always either sleeping or chewing something.

Chidi: So, we are moving onto the subject of free will versus determinism. We are officially done with Nietzsche.
Eleanor: Aww. I'm gonna miss Nietzsche. I spent a lot of my life thinking I was better than everyone else, and he showed me why I was right.

Eleanor: Uh-oh. It's Chidi kryptonite, a choice between any two things. Settle in, lizard. This is gonna be a while...

Eleanor: What are you hiding?
Michael: Nothing. It's just, the rest is not interesting.
Eleanor: Yeah, no, you're right. "Not that interesting." Just watching myself fall in love for the first time in fake heaven. What else is on?

Michael: That's the story. You're capable of human love. Congrats. Can we go now?

Eleanor: Once you made us bond, the romance was inevitable. It's a basic reality show playbook. Put a bunch of attractive young people in stressful situations, so they act like idiots and have sex with each other. This is all just... determinism.
Michael: What?!

Eleanor: "Determinism is the theory that we have no control over our own actions. Everything we do happens because of some external force, which exists outside of our control."

Eleanor: Everything in my life has been determined by my upbringing, my genetics, or... or my environment. And everything in my afterlife was determined by you. There is no such thing as free will.

Waitress: You want something to drink?
Eleanor: Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But whatever I choose will be the result of millions of biological, genetic, and societal factors that are entirely outside my control.
Michael: Iced tea.

Eleanor: Where am I?
Michael: Hell. You're in Hell.

Michael: I tried to script your whole afterlife. And I devised a 15 million-point plan to torture you. You made choices I never saw coming. I call that free will.
Eleanor: .... What if all your choices are predetermined?
Michael: Oh, you've got to be kidding me!
Eleanor: What? We don't know. Maybe there's a mega-demon who built a torture chamber for demons, and this whole thing is just him torturing you. And maybe all the mega-demons are just fulfilling a destiny laid out by a bunch of super intelligent tarantula-squids, who are torturing them, be...

Eleanor: Whatever. Who even cares?
Michael: I do. Because if everything is determined, and we have no free will, then all the stuff we're doing to put more good into the world is pointless. And I want to believe that it matters.

Michael: We need to find someone who can serve as a... as a blueprint for humanity, someone who's life is so great that we can use it as a model to get as many points for as many people as possible. And I think I know the perfect person—
Eleanor: Rihanna! Good call. I don't know her personally, but I did see her in Vegas once, and her calf brushed up against my tongue...

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