27 февр. 2019 г.

The Hostile Hospital: Part Two

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2×8

Lemony Snicket: Mr. Sirin was a lepidopterist, a word which usually means a person who studies butterflies. In Mr. Sirin's case, it also meant one who is being pursued by government officials.

Lemony Snicket: When a situation is particularly fraught or tense, a person is said to have butterflies in their stomach. Having butterflies in one's stomach is not a pleasant feeling, but it is the best way to describe how Klaus and Sunny felt, hiding in the vents at a hostile hospital...

Perky Volunteer: A cheerful attitude is much more effective at fighting illness than painkillers or water. So, cheer up and enjoy your balloon!

Hal: In my experience, those people who say they want to help you are the ones who let you down the most.

Count Olaf: It's time. Let's lose our first patient...

Klaus: Well, "cranio" means head, and "ectomy" means to remove something.
Esmé Squalor: You know very big words. You must be a very good doctor. Let's find out how good you are...

Esmé Squalor: If you're wondering about my enormous, terrifying knife, the answer is, yes, it's incredibly sharp. One swipe and...

Count Olaf: Doctors, nurses, Volunteers Fighting Disease, gore fans, regular people, welcome to the operating theater of Heimlich Hospital!...

Count Olaf: As I'm sure you've heard, a cranioectomy is a procedure in which the patient's head is removed. Scientists have discovered that many health problems are rooted in the brainial area. So, the best thing to do for the patient is remove the head altogether.

Lemony Snicket: When you read a lot of books, you are going to learn information that might not be useful for a long time. Then suddenly, like a strike of lightning... or a grand piano falling out of a window, an opportunity arises to use the information gleaned from even the most unlikely piece of reading.

Lemony Snicket: I am alone this evening, alone because of a cruel twist of fate, a phrase which means nothing has gone the way I thought it would.

Lemony Snicket: Sometimes life feels like some dismal story presented as entertainment by some cruel and invisible author. It isn't a pleasant way to feel. But what choice do we have?...

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