16 февр. 2019 г.

A Happy Refrain

The Orville 2×6

Isaac: You have modified the configuration of your hair.
Dr. Finn: A little bit, yeah. I didn't think anyone would notice...
Isaac: Did the previous alignment fail to provide adequate warmth?

Claire: Sit down. Have a drink with me.
Isaac: I do not drink.
Claire: Well, nobody's perfect.

Claire: I know you can't share the feeling, but he's really attached to you.
Isaac: The data I have acquired from his behavioral stimuli has been plentiful.
Claire: Is it possible that's the machine equivalent of saying you like spending time with him, too?

Isaac: Ty has demonstrated superior focus. There is a human phrase: "You should be very proud of him."

Claire: Incapable of love, incapable of emotion, I know. He's a machine, I understand that, but... when I'm with him, I don't know, I... We get along really well. I feel warmth.
Kelly: Is it possible that you're projecting that feeling yourself, onto Isaac?
Claire: Maybe. But hey, don't we all do that? In every relationship? Especially when someone's a little mysterious...
Kelly: I guess so. Whenever Ed was silent for long stretches, I used to think he was pondering big questions. Then he'd just be like, "I'm hungry."

Claire: He brought me a banana.

Isaac: A... date?
Claire: Yes.
Isaac: A social coupling designed to facilitate mating.
Claire: Wow, it just got really hot in here.
Isaac: I am not detecting a rise in the temperature.

Gordon: I just think, if it had a little more kick when I hit the gas, it would feel better, you know?
Lamarr: You understand this isn't a Porsche, right? This is a quantum drive engine that makes a thousand trillion independent calculations every millisecond.
Gordon: Yeah, I know that, I-I just like to feel a certain level of responsiveness when I'm driving.

Lamarr: Uh, well, who's the lucky lady? Or fella? Or o-object?

Capt. Mercer: Well, it's not as simple as that. The guy has limitations. I mean, even in the best-case scenario, he's still... my father, and he'll never be a weight lifter no matter how much his heart is in it.

Klyden: Bortus, I wish that you would remove that thing... That strip of hair above your lip.

Claire: Well, I had a really interesting time tonight, Isaac.
Isaac: As did I. It yielded considerable data. Of which I have already begun analysis.

Isaac: Was that a kiss?
Claire: It was.
Isaac: Did I execute it correctly?

Lt. Keyali: How was he?
Claire: At first, I thought it was gonna feel mathematical, but that was the exquisite part of it. He could instantly attune to and harmonize with my every move, with such precision. Imagine a human guy that aware, that eager to please. It was amazing.

Kelly: It sounds like he really is a machine.
Claire: But does that really matter? Does it matter why people do what they do for us, whether it's a man or a computer?
Kelly: As long as they make you feel the way you want to feel, then I don't think so.
Claire: ... And maybe it's okay that it doesn't look like I thought it would. Maybe it's okay that it looks like a woman and... a vacuum cleaner.

Capt. Mercer: There is one part of the relationship experience that you haven't yet tackled.
Isaac: Please elaborate.
Capt. Mercer: You screwed up, and now you have to win back the girl.

Bortus: It was... itchy.

Isaac: Dr. Finn. I apologize for my conduct. Further analysis of human interaction has informed me that a relationship is best served when both parties make a commitment to its longevity. I wish to attempt this.

Claire: And why should I just say yes?
Isaac: My internal programs will function more efficiently if you do.
Claire: You're saying... you're better with me than without me?
Isaac: Affirmative, Doctor.

Gordon: We are, without a doubt, the weirdest ship in the fleet.

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