23 февр. 2019 г.

American Animals (2018)

Warren: All I'm saying is that nothing will happen, unless you make something happen.

Warren: We're supposed to be hunter-gatherers, man. And our whole life, we're just unwrapping shit. Packaging, packaging, packaging. The illusion of choice. It's bullshit, man. Everyone in here thinks that they're gonna win the lottery, but no one buys a ticket.

Spencer: So, you wanna go all the way over there, to meet some actual criminals we know nothing about, to talk about something we don't even have?
Warren: ... Yes.

Warren: This would be something dangerous, and very fucking exciting, that I need you to be a part of. This could change everything. This is your red pill or blue pill moment, my friend.

Eric: I'm sorry. Why the fuck would we go disguised as old men?
Spencer: Because, being old is the closest thing to being invisible.

Warren: You really wanna come all this way, and not find out what happens next?... Man, I don't want you waking up, ten years from now wondering what could've happened. And who you could've been.

The Real Spencer Reinhard: To have this, this need to know what is on the other side of that line, and realizing the only way to actually do that is to cross it, there's never a point in your life after that where you haven't already crossed that line.

The Real Warren Lipka: And we just tried to, get past it, but there's no... There's no looking past it.

The Real Warren Lipka: You're taught your entire life that what you do matters and that you're special. And that, there are things you can point towards that would... which'll show that you're special, that shows that you're different, when, in all reality, those things don't matter. And you're not special...

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