12 февр. 2019 г.

Tully (2018)

Marlo: I don't want a stranger in my house bonding with my newborn every night. That's like a Lifetime movie, where the nanny tries to kill the family and the mom survives and she has to walk with a cane at the end.

Marlo: You're expelling him?
Laurie: No, Marlo, expulsion is a punishment. We like to think of this as a dismissal.

Tully: I'm here to take care of you.
Marlo: I thought you were taking care of the baby.
Tully: Yeah, but you pretty much are the baby.

Tully: Even though this one's been earth-side for three weeks, her DNA is still inside of you... Actually her cells will hang around in your bloodstream for years, and though Mia here will be her own person someday, right now she's still very much an extension of you.

Tully: I'm like Saudi Arabia... I have an energy surplus.

Tully: Hey, kiss good night. She'll be different in the morning.
Marlo: That's sweet.
Tully: No. She will. She'll grow a little overnight. So will we.

Marlo: All the things I'm just too tired to do. Honestly, even getting dressed just feels exhausting. I open my closet and I just think, didn't I just do this?
Tully: Yeah, but that's the downside of living on a planet with a short solar day... Although Jupiter is even shorter.
Marlo: You're like a book of fun facts for unpopular fourth graders.

Marlo: It's like we both want dinner, we just can't pick a restaurant or even decide if we're hungry.

Marlo: Girls don't heal.
Tully: Girls heal.
Marlo: No, we don't. We might look like we're all better, but if you look close, we're covered in concealer.
Tully: ... Fuck.

Tully: So, let's say you take a wooden ship and you replace one plank every year. Well, eventually the ship will be made up of entirely new planks. There'll be nothing left of the original ship. So, is it still the same ship or is it a new ship?
Marlo: New ship.
Tully: Why?
Marlo: It just is. Nothing is the same. It's a new ship, baby. Nouveau bateau.
Tully: Okay. So, what about people? Most of the cells in your body have divided and regenerated since you were a baby.
Marlo: Then I guess I'm just not me without my original parts.
Tully: Well, there's one part of us that actually can't regenerate.
Marlo: What's that?
Tully: The hearing cells. In your ears. Yeah, they can't grow back.

Marlo: I used to be like that. Yeah. I rode every horse on the carousel until I met Drew.
Tully: And... which horse was Drew?
Marlo: Drew was the bench.
Tully: But you love him.
Marlo: Yeah.
Tully: Oh.
Marlo: Definitely. I know I picked the right person.

Marlo: I bet you have big plans. I mean, your 20s are great. They are, but then your 30s come around the corner like a garbage truck at 5:00 a.m. What are you gonna do when that cute little butt of yours drops and your feet grow a half a size with each pregnancy, and this whole free spirit thing... it stops being charming. And it just starts to look ugly.
Tully: I'm not afraid of the future.
Marlo: Oh, my God. You should be.

Tully: You're convinced that you're this failure, but you actually made your biggest dream come true.
Marlo: Oh, my... what?
Tully: That sameness that you despise. That's your gift to them. Waking up every day and doing the same things for them over and over. You... are boring. Your marriage is boring. Your house is boring, but that's fucking incredible! That's the big dream, to grow up and be dull and constant, and then raise your kids in that circle of safety.

Tully: One second! We're performing a miracle!

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