11 февр. 2019 г.

All the World Is Birthday Cake

The Orville 2×5

First Prefect: Let's keep it simple... "Is anyone out there?"

Capt. Mercer: You'll... give me a heads-up if you're gonna hit me, yeah?

Bortus: Is this an order?
Kelly: No, it's just a thought.
Bortus: Ah. Then I do not wish to have a joint party.
Kelly: Why not?
Bortus: I prefer my birthday to be my day.

Lt. Keyali: Oh, my God. It says, "Is anyone out there?"

First Prefect: On behalf of the people of our world, welcome to Regor 2.
Capt. Mercer: On behalf of the Planetary Union, welcome to the galaxy.

Capt. Mercer: In the vast emptiness of the universe, we have found a fullness of cultural diversity. ....

Kelly: Wow, that was pretty good.
Capt. Mercer: Yeah, thanks, I plagiarized it from, like, nine different things.

Kelly: Our currency is reputation. An individual's wealth is determined by their personal achievements, not their monetary value.
Dr. Finn: We decided a long time ago that forcing people to toil relentlessly in the pursuit of material wealth was an unnatural state for our species to exist in.

Dr. Finn: Captain, this planet is governed by astrology!
Lt. Keyali: What's astrology?

Admiral Perry: Look, I want those two officers back safely as much as you do, but to go in guns blazing 24 hours after meeting these people... We're not the Krill. You're gonna have to find another way to do this.

Isaac: I am unclear concerning the astrological practice. What is the methodology?
Dr. Finn: It's the idea that personality traits, behavioral tendencies, even future events can be determined by studying the movements of celestial bodies.
Isaac: That would seem scientifically unsound.

Lt. Keyali: We actually have this crazy system where we judge people by their actions, not their birthdates. It's kinda wacky, I know.

Capt. Mercer: Look... you are an advanced society. Now, just stop and think about this: How can the relative position of a ball of gas and dust thousands of light-years away influence someone's personality? I mean, do you honestly believe it yourself?

Capt. Mercer: We look for patterns in the natural world around us. It's in our blood. We're desperate to find meaning. But sometimes a star is just a star.

Kelly: Bortus, you have a kid. Any suggestions?
Bortus: Will there be an egg?
Kelly: Okay, that's a no.

Bortus: It is much easier with an egg...

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