31 июл. 2018 г.


Sharp Objects 1×1

Camille: No pressure, right?
Curry: Life is pressure. Grow up.

Camille: This isn't going to be a... exploitative piece, more like a think piece on how something like this can affect a town.

Chief Vickery: This story gets out in St. Louis, suddenly that's all Wind Gap's known for. We're already "the hog killers."

Adora: I just can't have that kind of talk around me. Hurt children. Just... don't tell me what you're doing, what you know. While you're here I'll just pretend you're... on summer break.

Detective Willis: Sarcasm. Thank you. Most I get from your hometown pals is a sugary passive-aggression.
Camille: Well, that is our specialty. We just nod and smile until the out-of-town asshole leaves us alone.

Marian: What if after you die, part of you goes to heaven, but part of you stays here? Just to look after stuff, you know? See how things turn out. For you, for Mom...

Adora: I'm happy you're here... but, please, don't embarrass me. Not again.... When you're here, everything you do comes back on me. Understand?
Camille: Uh, honestly, no. 'Cause that might have been true when I was a kid, but I'm an adult now.
Adora: Not in Wind Gap. When you're here, you're my daughter.

Bob Nash: A faggot did it. 'Cause he didn't rape her. And the cops say that's unusual. I'd say it's the only blessin' we got. I'd rather him... kill her than rape her.

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+ Soundtrack

You've Come a Long Way, Baby

Elementary 6×11

Det. Bell: I don’t know about you and your partner, but when I get home, shoes and tie come off as soon as I’m in the door.

Mr. Holmes: Moriarty intends to kill me. I need your help to kill her first.

Holmes: He believes that the person behind that threat is a certain woman. The woman, in fact.

The Nose: If you don’t mind, a little quiet, please? I’m trying to smell.

Watson: English bulldogs...
Maggie: My babies. I know calling them that makes me weird.
Watson: Well, my partner puts wool cozies on our tortoise. You’re not even approaching weird.

Holmes: Aside from their fancy cars, Agent Bakshi’s shoes are Prada. Agent Evaneer’s watch is a Patek Philippe. It alone is worth more than their annual salaries combined. Might be the most conspicuous "conspicuous consumption" I’ve ever seen.

Holmes: ...And unlike every other time in human history when someone was entrusted with another person’s money without oversight, the ATF assumed that these two would not skim off the top to enrich themselves. Not at all idiotic.

On the IMDb

Терри Пратчетт — Делай деньги

<< Зимних дел мастер (Плоский мир — 35)
<<Опочтарение (Мойст фон Липвиг — 1)

Плоский мир — 36

Мойст фон Липвиг — 2

цитаты | Терри Пратчетт | Делай Деньги | Making Money | Плоский мир | Discworld | Terry David John Pratchett | Мойст фон Липвиг / Мокрист фон Губвиг | bank | finance | paper money | gold standard | clown | tyrant | con man | Fantasy
  “Они лежали в темноте, на страже. ...
&  Есть минуты, когда выражения вроде «лучше и быть не может» не всплывают в памяти.

&  – Надеюсь, день выдался приятный? До сих пор, по крайней мере?

&  Заседания. Постоянные заседания. И довольно скучные заседания, что отчасти было причиной их существования. Скука любит компанию.

&  Он поднял кружку с чаем. На ней было написано «Не обязательно быть психом, чтобы работать здесь но это помогает!». Он уставился на нее, потом рассеянно взял толстое черное перо и поставил запятую между «здесь» и «но». А еще вычеркнул восклицательный знак. Он ненавидел восклицательный знак, его маниакальное, отчаянное веселье. Этот знак означал: «Не обязательно быть психом, чтобы работать здесь! Мы позаботимся, чтобы ты им стал!»

&  – Золотого цвета, мистер Липовиг. Меньше золота, чем в морской воде, они только золотистые. Мы обесценили собственную валюту! Позор! Не может быть худшего преступления!
     – Э-э... убийство? – предложил Мойст.
     Мистер Бент махнул рукой:
     – Убийство однажды случается и все. Но когда рушится доверие к золоту, воцаряется хаос.

&  – Люди тогда больше понимали. Все это было вполне приемлемым. Мы с его женой обычно собирались раз в месяц на чай, чтобы обсудить его график, и она говорила, что рада, что может выпустить его из-под каблука. Разумеется, в то время любовница должна была быть женщиной многих достоинств... Сейчас, конечно, достаточно способности крутиться вокруг шеста вверх тормашками.
     – Устои везде рушатся, – согласился Мойст. Это была хорошая ставка. Они всегда рушились.

30 июл. 2018 г.

A Very English Scandal #1.3

Jeremy Thorpe: But evidence goes missing all the time! Policemen lie. Why can't this stuff just disappear? Why is everyone suddenly so bloody honest?

Jeremy Thorpe: Technically he was Bunny, singular.
Marion Thorpe: Then why did you say "Bunnies"? Were there two of you? Are you a Bunny? Am I married to a Bunny?
Jeremy Thorpe: No, I was using a generic noun in an imperative clause.
Marion Thorpe: Well, thank God it's grammatically correct, because the whole country's reading this! Bunnies!

Jeremy Thorpe: I have resigned as leader of the Liberal Party. One word. One bloody word brought me down.
Marion Thorpe: No, it wasn't Bunnies. It's because you lied...

Marion Thorpe: Jeremy, I'm not a fool. I practically grew up with Benjamin Britten. I've seen something of the world. I fled from Hitler, for God's sake. My own son married a hippie in a yurt, and I've toured with orchestras. I couldn't begin to tell you the things I've seen, so there's no need to protect me.

Minehead Magistrate: How do you plead, Mr Thorpe?
Jeremy Thorpe: I will vigorously defend these charges and plead not guilty.

George Carman: I have friends in high places. Even better friends in low places.

George Carman: I want to say, congratulations.
Jeremy Thorpe: What for?
George Carman: These are the greatest charges ever levelled against a Member of Parliament, and considering the House of Commons has had 270 years of bastards, liars, perverts, thieves, blackmailers, inbreds and arsonists, that really is quite an achievement.

George Carman: Peter Bessell, a good friend of yours. How do you want me to handle it?
Jeremy Thorpe: He's a Judas...

Norman Josiffe: These men, they went to Eton and Harrow and Oxford. I went to a secondary modern in Bexleyheath. They're going to destroy me!

George Carman: You could have warned me that Norman Scott is so fucking clever!

Norman Josiffe: All I wanted was... my National Insurance card.

Norman Josiffe: I don't care about the money, but I do care how men like me are shoved into corners and masturbated in the dark and then thrown out the door like we're dirt, like we're nothing, like we don't exist! And all the history books get written with men like me missing. So, yes, I will talk, I will be heard and I will be seen, Your Honour! You can pay me or not pay me, I don't care, but the one thing you will not do is shut me up!

Norman Josiffe: I was rude, I was vile, I was queer, I was myself.

George Carman: This is the story of a liar meeting a fantasist... but I'm not sure which one's which.

Jeremy Thorpe: Yes, I think that people will take my word rather than his, yes.
George Carman: But the jury have just seen him in all his glory, an open homosexual, the new world blazing. In contrast, you might seem a little... old...

Jeremy Thorpe: Are we running in fear from Norman Scott? Are we?

George Carman: Consider the balance of the scales of justice above us. If you don't take the stand, you could look like a liar. If you do take the stand... you could look like a liar.
Jeremy Thorpe: So, which is it to be?

Edna Friendship: Ugh, it's the establishment, same as ever. This whole thing has been a stitch-up, right from the start.

George Carman: Old fool... This thing should be won by me, not the judge.

George Carman: That's the law, I'm afraid. The jury retires and bail is withdrawn until the verdict is reached.

George Carman: ...but I still keep wondering something else. Why Norman?

Jeremy Thorpe: Well, I would imagine... I can only speculate, but... if you do know those men, George... then you know those nights... and you know how those nights can end. .... Given those men... maybe, I suppose, one could imagine... that Norman Scott was the best.

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+ Soundtrack

The Knee

Grace and Frankie 4×9

Nick: Have you noticed that water damage on the kitchen ceiling?
Grace: What's it with men and water damage?
Nick: We're against it.

Jacob: That's a damn good swaddle.
Frankie: I learned how to do a tight roll selling vegan burritos at Grateful Dead concerts.

Nadia: Let's do this in the back of my car. There's more room.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

29 июл. 2018 г.

Gonna Hurt

Preacher 3×3

Janitor: I just sweep the floors, lady!

Tulip: Don't you know?
God: I am all-knowing.
Tulip: Well, then you know I screwed up.
God: That was by design.

Tulip: You wanted me to screw up?
God: I was counting on it.

God: It's your nature, Tulip O'Hare. You see, I give all my children free will. And some do the right thing over and over. But others... alas, how did your father put it? The...
Tulip: Curse of the O'Hares.

God: Free will is a blessing and a curse. Do not despair, my child.
Tulip: Just know... I am a loving God.

God: I'm preparing a test for the future of creation.
Tulip: Oh, yeah? What kinda test?
God: A pass/fail.

God: I am God almighty.
Tulip: You're an almighty dickwad is what you are.

Tulip: Yeah, you better run! You better hide! But, one way or another, I will find you. And I'm gonna kick... your... a...

T.C.: No, no. Not the... not the tattoos. Your scars.
Cassidy: I don't have any scars.
T.C.: E-exactly. What with all the cuts and the stabs and bullets. Why ain't you dead?
Cassidy: I'm very limber... You know, Pilates. You know?

Jesse: I said sit tight.
Tulip: I am. I'm sittin'... tight. Enjoy church... Pray for me!

Cassidy: I'm a bloody vampire at Voodoo Disneyland. I should be their main attraction, man.
Jesse: Magic is one thing. Monsters is somethin' else.
Cassidy: Oh, monsters, is it?... Monsters. So, you're calling me a monster.

Jesse: If you're gonna stay, it's gonna hurt!

Tulip: About your dingle. Um... I changed my mind.

T.C.: It's... it's a bit... drafty in here, so take that into account.
Tulip: Well... Draft or no draft, you've got a perfectly fine little dingle.
T.C.: You... You want to touch it?
Tulip: Nope. Let's not wake him.

Tulip: You said that the guy paid off his wife's debt.
T.C.: No, no. That... that fella... He paid a lotta money for an 89-cent cloth, but the debt... The debt is only paid when Miss Marie says it is.

Tulip: How do I break the curse?
T.C.: Get Miss Marie to let him go.
Tulip: And how do I do that?
T.C.: Do... do you know any... any magic or... or... or voodoo?
Tulip: No.
T.C.: Then you can keep squeezing, 'cause there's nothing you can do!

Tulip: There's never nothin' you can do. Every curse can be broken.

Cassidy: So, if you're a healer and you can bring people back from the dead... why are you still in a wheelchair, shittin' into a bag?

Madame Boyd: And you're Tulip O'Hare. I've wanted to meet you for a long time.
Tulip: How do you do?

Jesse: Welcome, you sick sonsofbitches. Tonight, you will see two merciless monsters fight as if their very souls were on the line. A pedophile science teacher... versus a back-stabbing, piece-of-shit vampire.

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+ Soundtrack

Ichi Go Ichi E

Mozart in the Jungle 4×8

Aki: Every detail of a Japanese garden is carefully planned, from the color of the mosses to the shape of the pond to the texture of the rocks. And seeing the landscape in miniature helps you reflect on the transience of life... to foster an attitude of appreciation and a mindfulness of beauty, which is central to a well-lived life.

Hailey: Sorry, I've never done this before. Is there anything I should know about the tea ceremony?
Aki: Boil water, make tea and drink it. This is the essence of the ceremony.
Rodrigo: Told you it was pretty wild.

Aki: Here, we wash the hands and the mouth to purify our mind and soul...

Aki: Each element of the tea ceremony is designed to promote harmony, respect, purity and tranquility. You will see that the art of tea is very simple: Lay the charcoal so that it heats the water, arrange the flowers as they are in the field, and give those with whom you find yourself every consideration. Then share a delicious bowl of tea. This creates a heart-to-heart connection, so that the boundaries between us come down. The Buddhists say this is the main cause of our suffering.

Aki: The door is small so that everyone is at the same level when they come to take tea.

Aki: But be careful not to touch the black lines... Just in case there's a ninja who might be hiding under the house, and who could thrust his sword up through the mat.

Aki: There is always an alcove in the tea room with calligraphy and fresh flowers reflecting the season.

Aki: So, this scroll, selected by Mrs. Kimura for this unique occasion, has the saying: "Ichi go ichi e." It means: one life, one opportunity to be present with each other and to pay full attention to this distinct time and experience.

Aki: Please, take off any jewelry. This is to not call undue attention to oneself.

Aki: Do you hear the sound the water makes? It's called Matsukaze, or "pine wind." In the ceremony, we don't use a thermometer, but we know when the water is ready because it makes the sound of the wind in the pine trees.

Mrs. Kimura: Ippuku sashi agemasu.
Aki: This is a traditional greeting that means, "I'd like to serve you some tea."

Aki: Since you are the first guest, you take the bowl and put it to the side. And then, you say to your guest, "Osakini." "Please excuse me for going ahead of you."
Rodrigo: Osakini. Excuse me for going ahead of you.
Aki: And then, you say, "Otemae chodai itashimasu," or, "Thank you. I'm now going to drink your tea."

Aki: Please place the bowl in your left hand. Turn it slightly, as it is a courtesy to the potter to not drink from the best side. And then, you give thanks in your heart and take a sip... And then, you drink the rest of it. And the last bit, you can slurp.

Thomas: Comfort? That's the worst word for an artist, as far as I can tell.

Thomas: "The way it is." The way it is, that's a kiss of death. You have to evolve.

Thomas: All right, then, as a man, you have to experience the joy of holding your very own child in your arms. To... to love them, to smell them, to live your life through them, even though they may shit all over your fingers.

Aki: It's been said that a bowl of tea is the universe held between the palms.

Aki: So, now you ask, "May I see the tea container and the tea scoop, please?" "Onatsume..." "Ocha shaku..." "No haiken..." "Onegai..." "Itashimas."

Aki: You may see little hills and valleys, formed by the scoop as it withdrew from the tea.
Rodrigo: It's like bamboo.
Hailey: From the forest.

Aki: This is why tea takes a lifetime to master. Everything tells a story.

Aki: There is one thing more thing to say before we go.
Mrs. Kimura: Shitsurei itashimasu.
Aki: It means, "excuse me for anything that wasn't perfect."

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+ Soundtracks

The Good Neighbor (2016)

Ethan: They did this experiment in England once. A group of people were told that for the following few weeks... hired strangers would be interfering ever-so-slightly in their lives. Nothing they would normally notice, maybe a passerby on a bicycle... or a waiter at a restaurant. Just little interactions set up to alter the course of their routines. When the study was finished... the volunteers recounted all the things that had happened to them. And some of them were seriously affected by the message they were being sent. One woman started believing in God. But here's the thing. Nothing was done to them. Their lives had carried on completely unchanged. The only thing altered was their perception. People see what they're looking for.

Ethan: The theory, simply put... with the proper execution it is possible to drive an unsuspecting person... into believing that they are truly being haunted.

Sean: Honestly?... I think scientifically it's interesting enough just watching someone. You know, observing someone in their natural state... uninfluenced... there's something fascinating about it.
Ethan: Yeah, kind of. But... that's not what we're doing here. Remember that?

Sean: You know who Little Albert is?...

Ethan: All right, Sean, you know what needs to happen now, right?...

Ethan: We're this close, all right? Don't let me down on this. Seriously, how can you live with yourself without knowing?

Sean: No! No way! We're not going in there!

Grainey: , I just want you to know that... whenever you need anything... I mean anything at all... All you have to do is ring this and... I'll hear it, honey. And I'll come to you, no matter what, okay?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The Lockdown

Grace and Frankie 4×8

Nwabudike: Allison, you're frustrated. You're hormonal--
Frankie: Tread lightly, soldier.
Nwabudike: You're beautiful.

Frankie: I've delivered lots of babies in the '60s and in the early part of the '70s. Really until the commune disbanded and Guru Jeff went to jail for marrying too many ladies. ...
Mallory: You can't be serious!
Frankie: Serious as a federal polygamy inquest.

Robert: I wasn't expecting company...
Frankie: Oh, I'm not company. I'm a beloved fixture.

Robert: Friends, let me tell you what is about to happen here: the three phases of sober Grace... Phase one: irritability. The complete loss of all politeness and all social courtesy. ....
Grace: I love your little scarf. It's strong enough to choke a man.
Robert: Phase two... euphoria. Now this is a tricky one, because she is so lovely, and you'll think the worst is over, but you'll be wrong. It is just the calm before phase three: rage. Pure, unfiltered rage. And you don't want to be close when it hits.

Frankie: Sol, I want you to ignore that nonsense and pay attention to this nonsense.

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+ Soundtrack

28 июл. 2018 г.

A War (2015)

MP Officer: I have to inform you that you have the right to remain silent, and we can't guarantee that we won't press charges against you later.

Lawyer: You're charged with breaking the code of military justice, section 36.2.
Claus: What does that mean precisely?
Lawyer: It means that you stand accused of killing civilians.

Lawyer: The judge advocates have gathered depositions, and none of them corroborate the fact that you had PID.
Maria: So what? His men are bleeding. It's his duty to save his men!
Lawyer: I see what you mean... But you must understand that to everyone else Claus is a soldier who killed 11 people.

Maria: You may have killed eight children, but you have three living ones at home!

Figne: Dad? Is it true that you've killed children?

On the IMDb

We're Not Robots

Mozart in the Jungle 4×7

Gloria: Where's the rest of the Requiem? What is he doing?
Thomas: He's not doing WAM's version, he's doing Mozart's. But only the bits he wrote before he died.

Rodrigo: Mozart is gone. He's gone. He's completely lost, but Berlioz, he needs us. Right? Because he's in love.

Thomas: Great art, it sometimes needs a little destruction.

Thomas: Tell me, in Japanese, what is "asshole"?

Sadako: ...and good luck to all the finalists. And the piece will be Mahler 6.
Hailey: Mahler. Fuck.

Sadako: You know that only four of the top 150 orchestras in the world are led by a woman? Four... Take the fucking Mahler and ram it down their throats.
Hailey: I'll do my best.

Rodrigo: I am an out-of-box kind of guy, I mean, like an inside-box... I don't even see the box.

Gloria: - Uh, uh, arigato... uh, gozayamishita, Fukumoto-san. I look forward to continuing to discuss our partnership.

Hailey: I don't know, this music, it's, like, an abyss, and you go through the abyss and come out on the other side, and there's just even more fucking darkness.

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+ Soundtracks!

27 июл. 2018 г.

A Very English Scandal #1.2

Jeremy Thorpe: I regard it as immoral. This country is continuing to supply arms to Nigeria while no food has been able to reach these people since the 10th of June. And who takes advantage of the situation? Soviet Russia. The Russians have been growing in strength within Nigeria with every passing day and the world should see this. The world should know!

Jeremy Thorpe: ...Of course, the real question is where to dispose of the body. In New York, they drop corpses in the river...

Norman Josiffe: I love you!
Susan: Do you know what you sound like when you say that? You sound queer.

Peter Bessell: ...leaving me half a million in debt, and since you're not allowed to be an MP and a bankrupt, off I pop. I swear, a man is not allowed to lose his money these days without everybody making a fuss.

Jeremy Thorpe: Well, who knows where time and tide will take us... I'll see you again, old friend.
Peter Bessell: I hope so...

Jeremy Thorpe: I wish you a safe journey, Peter, and I wish you a happy life. And then... I wish Norman Scott to be killed.

Gwen Parry-Jones: Norman. Norman. The nights... are very... very long.

Gwen Parry-Jones: Don't be silly. My husband was in the army. But Jeremy Thorpe, for God's sake! He's the leader of the party!... Norman, you've struck lucky.

Norman Josiffe: ...And in the end, I never did get my National Insurance card.

Norman Josiffe: ....I loved him and I still love him, even though that's ridiculous. And he loved me. So you can write down this... I wasn't his prostitute or a one-night stand or a quick little fuck in the dark. I was Jeremy Thorpe's lover.

Reggie Maudling: There's only one reason anyone asks to see me, hugger-mugger. Have you been an idiot?

Reggie Maudling: We can all bear a little scandal. My own mother disowned me when I married an actress, and I survived. ...
Jeremy Thorpe: See, I think it's different when the lies are homosexual in nature, because I think stories like that reflect badly on the whole of Parliament.

Reggie Maudling: Is it true? What Scott says?
Jeremy Thorpe: No.
Reggie Maudling: Consider it done.
Jeremy Thorpe: Thank you.
Reggie Maudling: Consider it done, and no more.

Jeremy Thorpe: Danny, it's a game. It's a very, very long game and I'm playing it well.

Norman Josiffe: It's just... people are so lovely to me wherever I go, and I never know why.

Andrew Newton: I'll contact you as soon as the man from Canada arrives.
Norman Josiffe: Was he the man you wanted me to meet or is he the man who's going to kill me?
Andrew Newton: It's complicated.

Norman Josiffe: Jeremy Thorpe. Jeremy Thorpe did this. It was Jeremy Thorpe!

+ Quotes on the IMDb
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Sea Spray

Colony 3×10

Garland: I hate this town. Rainy as hell. Duller than dirt.

Garland: Why are you still alive?
Snyder: You know, it's your empathy that really sets you apart.

Will: What happened... It'll always be a part of us. But I can't let it be everything.

Will: If we're gonna get on that boat, the weak link has to be human...
Broussard: Usually is.

Will: It's easier to work with professionals. They know what they sign up for. So you don't blame yourself if they take a bullet.

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+ Soundtracks

26 июл. 2018 г.

The Doldrums

Outlander 3×9

Jared: Oh, the weather is beginning to turn. Even a brig of this size will be bobbin' like a cork. Uh... but at least you'll have a physician at hand when ye begin retching yer innards.

Jared: Dinna fash, a healthy male can be sold for upward of 30 pounds in Jamaica. As long as he doesn't make trouble, Ian will be fine.

Jamie: Will we be? Happy?

Jamie: Now I am gonna be sick.

Captain Raines: I've sailed on many ships, madam, and on each one, the sailors have their superstitions. Anything that provides them with a sense of assurance is, in my view, to be encouraged.
Claire: The disadvantage being... that men can also lose faith when the portents signify disaster.
Captain Raines: Even then, I would rather have them make their luck than give up all hope. It matters not whether I believe touching a piece of iron will bring good luck... The men believe it.

Mr. Willoughby: I've been scribing the story of my life in China, so that it... will not be forgotten. A story told is... a life lived.

Jamie: I like the gray... The way the light hits it. Like a piece of... silver moonlight.
Claire: Oh, how could I not love a man who says such things?

Jamie: There's no talking you out of this, is there, Sassenach?
Claire: It seems you are both older and wiser.

On the IMDb

The Adventure of Ersatz Sobekneferu

Elementary 6×11

Mr. Holmes: Sherlock...

Mr. Holmes: Well, it's wise to prepare for the worst. Although I'll allow that some preparations are unreliable...

Holmes: ...it made me realize that grudges are pointless and that people who hold them are petty and small-minded... I am neither of those things.
Mr. Holmes: We'll talk soon... son.

Prof. Hausmann: To be honest, when I first heard your theory, I was skeptical. Forging a mummy is ambitious.

Prof. Hausmann: Note the cartouche. This is a proper name.
Holmes: Sobekneferu.
Prof. Hausmann: You read hieroglyphics?
Capt. Gregson: He reads all sorts of things.

Holmes: I submit the Jane Doe was killed with one of these... That's a khopesh. It's the preferred weapon of the ancient Egyptians.
Watson: So, if I manage to adopt a baby, you know the box of swords has to go, right?

Det. Bell: Have you seen Raiders of the Lost Ark? Doesn't go well for the guy with the sword.

Det. Bell: Never had a suspect who wanted to cooperate so badly and knew so little.

Holmes: I certainly don't need the money. All I require is...
Mr. Holmes: "A loaf of bread and a clean collar."

Holmes: Aside from a slight disagreement regarding his estate, we had a not unpleasant morning.

Mr. Wells: Few people understand how dangerous the business of art can be. Criminals, oligarchs, despots, terrorists... They all use art to move their dirty money from place to place.

Holmes: Oh, you will answer. Either to me or to the servants of the queen.

Mr. Holmes: I wouldn't be the first Holmes man to underestimate her... She's back, son. And she wants what's hers.
Holmes: ....Moriarty.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

25 июл. 2018 г.

A Very English Scandal #1.1

Peter Bessell: Call it a hobby. Some people play golf, I like screwing.

Jeremy Thorpe: What would you say you are, vis-a-vis men and women? What are you? 50-50?
Peter Bessell: More like 80-20. I mean, 80% for the ladies.
Jeremy Thorpe: Yeah. Yes, I call myself 80%, but... 80%... gay.
Peter Bessell: Gosh, I'm not sure that word's ever been said within these walls before. Not in that context. My wife insists that gay means happy.
Jeremy Thorpe: I think she's absolutely right. And I intend to be very happy, very many times in my life.

Jeremy Thorpe: Peter, we are nothing but a pair of old queens. To... Her Majesty.
Peter Bessell: Her Majesty.

Jeremy Thorpe: It is my duty to inform the Prime Minister that if he continues to restrict immigration, he is staunching the lifeblood of this country... And, and fuelling the rise of the "Keep Britain White" campaign. Citizens from all over the Commonwealth deserve a free and safe right of entry, or else the Government may find that its White Paper is very aptly named.

Peter Bessell: What does he want? Money?
Jeremy Thorpe: The vast sum of £30. He can't even blackmail properly.

Jeremy Thorpe: Now I'm going to kiss you, and you will enjoy it...

Jeremy Thorpe: Now, we are going to need this, just in case... And a good little helping of every bachelor's friend... Just hop onto all fours, there's a good chap. That always works best, don't you think?
Norman Josiffe: On the bed?
Jeremy Thorpe: Yes, on the bed.

Jeremy Thorpe: And remember... mother's room.

Jeremy Thorpe: This country's application to join the Common Market represents a huge opportunity, for growth and investment, and not just for the bankers and businessmen in London, they have lined their pockets enough, but for my constituents in North Devon, and for all the good and honest workers across the land, Europe represents a bold new horizon, an undertaking from which we may profit and learn, and enrich our lives for generations to come.

Norman Josiffe: Technically, he was my employer, because he paid for everything, so he's got to do it. If I don't have a National Insurance card, I can't work, I don't get benefits, I don't exist!

Lord Kilmuir: I will refuse to sit in any Cabinet meeting where this filthy subject is even being discussed. We would be licensing buggers' clubs. I have no desire to go down in history as the man responsible for legalising sodomy in Britain!

Boofy: What puzzles me is that the heterosexual man is so relentless in his attack.
Countess Arran: We've had some dreadful letters, full of bile, quoting Deuteronomy and Leviticus. No-one ever mentions the Sermon on the Mount.
Boofy: I had shit sent to me. A parcel of shit. Shit in the post! Human shit! My secretary thought it was pate. She said, "I threw it away, Lord Arran, it wouldn't keep."

Peter Bessell: It's astonishing to think, if Leo Abse wins, there will be freedom.
Jeremy Thorpe: Those men will be free to be pitied, that's all. I don't care what change they make to the law, if anything about me ever became public... I give you my word, Peter, I would put a gun to my head and blow my brains out.

Jeremy Thorpe: I swear on my grandfather's sword... that I shall lead... a Liberal crusade!

Jeremy Thorpe: Pedro, I've come to a very important conclusion. If I'm to get any further, I had better get married.
Peter Bessell: Really? Who do you have in mind, the Queen Mother?

Norman Josiffe: ...Because he was my employer. He was my employer and my lover.

Caroline: It's disgusting.

Jeremy Thorpe: I really don't care. I don't care if we shoot him or we strangle him or we poison him or we bludgeon him or we tie him up in a sack and drop in the Thames, there is only one way for us to survive, Norman Scott has got to die. So, how?

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+ Soundtrack!

Domo Arigato

Mozart in the Jungle 4×6

Tateo-san: How is the Queens Phil?
Thomas: Oh, uh, what's the Japanese for apeshit?

Rodrigo: Fukumoto-san. Hi. Hey. Hello, Betty Cragadale.

Rodrigo: Don't be nervous. Just a little.

Fukumoto: As you can see, the theme of the campus is Buddhism. I-I really like Buddhism because I think it's the closest thing to an AI simulation.

Fukumoto: ...And I started playing the French horn and my mom gave me this advice, "Never date an oboist..." 'Cause they carry knives.
Rodrigo: Yeah, to cut the reeds.
Fukumoto: So, you've heard that one before?
Rodrigo: I've heard all of them, man. Yes, yes.

Rodrigo: What, does he conduct?
WAM: I'm learning. I would like to learn from you. In particular, I would like to learn about what you call "the blood."

Fukumoto: Now, M-Maestro. I'm not asking you to sing and dance for tacos. You and I both want the same thing. We want to keep beautiful music alive forever. And the way the human race is going, I think WAM is our best shot.

Rodrigo: Do you want to know about the blood?... The blood is love, cabrón.

Hailey: I feel weird that I'm staying in a super, super nice hotel and that everyone else is just staying at a super nice hotel.
Rodrigo: Mmm. Yeah, you're having the... and, yeah, the bourgeois' guilt.

Rodrigo: It's Tokyo, come on. It's good, come on. There's so many good places here...

Thomas: I got the, you know, genealogy thing back. I'm related to Tolstoy and to Meryl Streep.

Thomas: Yeah, that was delicious. What number are we on now?
Betty: Nine courses so far.
Thomas: Oh, great! Only nine to go.

Rodrigo: All these people saying that I'm dead. But what is this "Rodrigo is dead," thing? Why? Why? Why?
Daisuke Ueno: Some crazy people believe the real Rodrigo is dead. Replaced by a shinigami, a death demon. They can tell because he cut his hair.

Thomas: It's funny they never talk about artificial stupidity.

Rodrigo: If you were me, would you do the Requiem?
Thomas: If I was you, I would sleep with as many beautiful women as I possibly could.

Rodrigo: You're gonna see a robot conduct. He might be great, or he might be terrible. He might be the future, or he might be just the nightmare of somebody... very hungover.

Fukumoto: Maestro. There will always be a place for human conductors and composers. Even when with a hundred WAMs in a hundred symphonies across the world.
Rodrigo: I'm curious to see how... how a robot audience will react.

Rodrigo: Most robots can't do this. Do you want to know?
WAM: I do want to know. What can't most robots do?
Rodrigo: Swim.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

24 июл. 2018 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 2×12

Aunt Lydia: We must look to the future, and you are a popular girl. Several households have already made overtures.

June: Praise fucking be.

Serena: Patience and... service and sacrifice. In the end, it's all worth it.

Aunt Lydia: Offred. You're not as productive as we would like. Seeing her might prime the pump, so to speak.

Commander Waterford: Nichole... This is Offred.

June: May I be worthy?

Aunt Lydia: You're lucky they agreed. Four couples have refused. You're running out of chances.

Commander Lawrence: You know the penalty for reading nowadays?... Feel free to answer anytime.
Emily: A finger for a first offense.
Commander Lawrence: .... It used to be a hand. Back in the "good old days."

June: I think... in this place... you grab love wherever you can find it.

June: Thank you.
Commander Waterford: Is that all the thanks I get?
June: .... We could play Scrabble sometime...

Nick: You have your whole life ahead of you.
Eden: The Lord said...
Nick: Eden, please.
Eden: When thou passest through the waters, I shall be with thee.
Nick: Stop.
Eden: And through the river, they shall not overflow thee.
Nick: Stop.
Eden: When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned...
Nick: Oh, stop.
Eden: Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

Judge: Children of God! Renounce your sins and plead for His mercy!

Eden: Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is does not dishonor others. It is not self-seeking...

Serena: Thus says the Lord: even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered. For I will contend with he who contends with you, and I will save your children.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Miserable Mill: Part Two

A Series of Unfortunate Events 1×8

Lemony Snicket: "Seeing in black and white" is a way of saying that a person looks at the world in a manner that is oversimplified and often incorrect. Like many newspapers, the Daily Punctilio is printed in black and white, and its look at the world is oversimplified and often incorrect.

Lemony Snicket: It is my duty to report these events correctly, the way they actually happened. But if you prefer to look at the world in black and white, then you should avert your eyes or pick up a newspaper instead.

Sir: Nonsense! Dr. Orwell has provided free eye exams to Lucky Smells employees for years. And there's nothing villainous about free healthcare.

Count Olaf: Hi, I'm Cookie. Shirley?.. I'm Shirley. Cookie?

Flacutono: Move as fast as you can and then move faster!

Lemony Snicket: "Fatal" is a word here which means "caused the death of one person who... it is my solemn duty to inform you... was not Phil."

Klaus: I don't understand. Everyone is staring at me like I'm a pariah... "Pariah" means "outcast."
Violet: Klaus, it's you.

Lemony Snicket: If the world ever feels confusing, as if people are having secret meetings to plot against you behind your back, it's useful to know they are. .... Like most things from the past, it's best seen... in black and white.

Sir: Absolutely not... They're an economic bonanza. They do the work of an adult for half the gum. What kind of a businessman would I be to part with them?

Violet: What's that thing Samuel Beckett said?
Klaus: "I can't go on. I'll go on."
Violet: Let's go on. Together.

Lemony Snicket: Sorry about that. We all have skeletons in our closet, metaphorically, meaning things from our past we'd prefer not leave lying around because they are painful or incriminating or would create unnecessary clutter.

Lemony Snicket: ... Unless you are a murderer or a taxidermist, it is rare to have actual skeletons in your closet, as opposed to metaphorical ones.

Violet: He was hypnotized, just like the rest of the workers here!
Sir: I don't care what my employees do for a hobby.

Sir: "Don't ask, don't tell." That's my motto.

Klaus: "It'll build character." That's just something people say when they're trying to make others accept a miserable situation.

Father: Sometimes when things look bad, they turn out to be worse.

Count Olaf: Wherever you go, I will be waiting. Wherever you hide, I will hunt you down. I'm smarter. I'm pluckier. I'm stronger... I'm unstoppable!
Violet: Why do you hate us so much?
Count Olaf: Because it's fun.

Lemony Snicket: Perhaps you've been told never to shout "fire" in a public place. When you shout "fire" and there isn't one, it can cause chaos. Of course, when you shout "fire" and there is one, it can cause chaos but also save lives. Still, there are times when shouting "fire" can save lives even when there isn't one. For example, you may be trapped in a motel room...

Dr. Orwell: How in the world does a child know a word like "inordinate"?!
Count Olaf: These brats know all kind of words. They're book addicts.

Charles: He may not have been a good partner, or a good boss... or a good person... but someday you'll learn things aren't always black and white.

Phil: Look on the bright side. You're alive!

Violet: What's our new guardian's name?
Mr. Poe: Guardian? Oh, no. Good God, no. I couldn't find a single one willing to take you in. Not after what happened to the last three. Uh, two. No, four.

Mr. Poe: Here's a fun bit of trivia. The architect who built this school was severely depressed.

Lemony Snicket: In a world both frightening and unlucky, there are a few comforts. One of them is making new friends. Friends can make you feel the world is smaller and safer than it really is, because you know people who have similar experiences. When you meet people like that, you may find your world feels a little more complete. Like the missing piece of a puzzle...

Lemony Snicket:
♪ You may think that the Baudelaires ought to prevail ♪
♪ And be tucked some place all safe and sound ♪
♪ Count Olaf captured and rotting in jail ♪
♪ His henchpeople nowhere around ♪

Count Olaf:
♪ But there's no happy endings not here and not now ♪
♪ This tale is all sorrows and woes ♪
♪ You dream that justice and peace win the day ♪
♪ But that's not how the story goes ♪

Mr. Poe:
♪ You might think that two parents both brave and both true ♪
♪ Would live till a nice ripe old age ♪
♪ But I'm sad to say I have bad news for you ♪
♪ The curtain rings down on the stage ♪

♪ Yes, there's no happy endings not here and not now ♪
Count Olaf:
♪ This tale is all sorrows and woes ♪
Mr. Poe:
♪ You might dream that justice and peace win the day ♪
♪ But that's not how the story goes ♪

Lemony Snicket:
♪ I once loved a girl and she thought well of me ♪
♪ We thought we'd be happy together ♪
♪ But now I'm alone as you can well see ♪
♪ And she's cold in her grave forever ♪

Count Olaf:
♪ There's no happy endings not here and not now ♪
♪ This tale is all sorrows and woes ♪
♪ You might dream that justice and peace win the day ♪
♪ But that's not how the story goes ♪

Count Olaf:
♪ The world is a pair of ill-fitting pants ♪
♪ And other dire hideous clothes ♪

♪ You may think that three children would lead pleasant lives ♪
♪ But that's not how the story goes ♪

Lemony Snicket:
♪ Some people smile at the end of the day ♪
Count Olaf:
♪ Some people laugh, I suppose ♪
Mr. Poe:
♪ But to me there's nothing but gloom and despair ♪
♪ That's just how the story goes ♪
♪ That's just how the story... ♪

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!
+ Origins (Зловещая лесопилка)

Елена Минкина-Тайчер — Эффект Ребиндера (2/2)

&  А на небе Луна — полна, как на Пасху...
     Будто шепчет она нашу вечную Сказку,
     Будто ищет детей, чтоб задали четыре вопроса...
     — Просто так... Без затей, как стучат вдоль откоса колеса.

&  Наконец официально разрешили отъезд! Конечно, с лишением гражданства, публичным осуждением в коллективе – на все тех же собраниях, но разрешили. Невозможно было поверить! Вдруг в один момент избавиться от «недремлющего ока», патриотического бреда, эзопова языка в самых простых разговорах?! Неужели это возможно – увидеть Париж, Латинскую Америку, Японию? Просто выйти за глухую железную дверь и навсегда забыть удушающий серый мир? Серое небо, серые дома, серые газеты с портретами серых вождей...

&  Пусть расскажет король,
     Как простому шуту
     Незаметно уйти, не создав пустоту,
     Как сыграть до конца эту горькую роль...

&  Снова и снова, жива и остра,
     Смерть полыхает в осенних кострах,
     Всё обнимает своей чередой.
     Тысячу лет я прощаюсь с тобой...
     Тысячу лет – не спасти, не помочь.
     Тысячу лет продолжается ночь...

&  Да, в знании истории есть особое очарование, вспоминаешь, что речь идет о живых людях.

&  Как просто жилось в детстве – не трусь, не жалей себя, не предавай друзей – вот и все условия победы.

&  Если бы верить в Бога, если бы уметь молиться... Как это говорила мама? Прости и спаси? Спаси и сохрани?
  ... Прости и сохрани... прости и сохрани...”

23 июл. 2018 г.


Preacher 3×2

Young Jesse: Madame L'Angelle is a world-renowned spiritist, diviner, and mistress of the pyramids. She's got spells to fix everything... But she's expensive.

Young Jesse: But it'd be real bad if you missed a payment.
What's she gonna do? Pull out my fingernails?
Young Jesse: I'm guessing it's something worse...

Young Jesse: You got Madame L'Angelle's help, and now you gotta pay what you owe.

TC: A yak will give up his milk freely, but a cat... A cat will fight you right to the end, scratchin', hissin'. It's something to think about.

Jody: Fingernails? You don't pay what you owe, Miss Marie pull out your goddamn soul... Girl's gotta eat.

Herr Starr: Hare, Hare. Yeah. We have an appointment.

Cassidy: So, no, like, bright, white lights, no men playing harps, none of that?

Jesse: Till the end of the world, right?

Cassidy: Right. So what are we waitin' for? Let's go and get those dickheads right now... What?

Tulip: I'm okay. When I smash my fist into that mom-haired bitch's face, I'm gonna be really okay.

Swami: Welcome, brothers and sisters and gender-neutral relatives. Krishna welcomes all with open arms and warm embraces.

Herr Starr: Last chance, hippie. Will you take Humperdoo as your one, true leader and join us?
Swami: Eat shit, you fascist pig!
Herr Starr: Profanity? In a house of worship? No wonder God left.

Jesse: Or you could just say, "It's been great to see you, Jesse. I'm glad I could help your friend. Spell broken. Be on your merry way."
Miss Marie: Why would I ever say that?
Jesse: You never know what a person'll say... till you ask 'em right.

Jody: You Jesse's dead lady friend?
Tulip: Oh, I'm alive. And I'm not anybody's lady anything.

Jody: Nothing? No bright lights or angels singing?

Tulip: I like guns that take more skill than blowing away other people's beer cans.
Jody: Like this one... for instance?
Tulip: DDM4ISR. CQBSS scope, 1,000-yard range...

Tulip: Screw the can. I'm going huntin'.

Cassidy: "Put a bullet in his brain. Then he's dead. Then we go home, huh?"
Jody: That's the idea.
Cassidy: No, I'm doing "Miller's Crossing" there, with the accent and that. You know the bit where Gabriel Byrne takes John Turturro through the woods? God, it's a brilliant film. It's brilliant. It's hard to believe that the same two geniuses who made the "Miller's Crossing" film are the same two idiots that made "The Big Lebowski" film.

Lara: You could fill a book with all the things you don't know, but you'd be too stupid to read it.

Tulip: How much more in the middle of nowhere we got to get before we put a bullet in their brains?

Tulip: Jesse Custer. What the hell did you just do?

Jesse: Once I have my power back...
Tulip: Then we go kill them, right?
Jesse: We kill them all...

Cassidy: I think it sounds like another plan... But sure. Let's go and kill some people.

TC: That's a goat. It's a pygmy male, about 6 years of age, nearly deceased.
Tulip: Why the hell they shooting goats at us?
Jody: Voodoo telegram.
TC: It's the Boyd way of saying they want Jesse dead.

Herr Starr: It was a genetically modified placebo...

Herr Starr: Now that you've got that predictable spasm of juvenilia out of your system, let's talk.

Tulip: Sonsabitches...

Jesse: At least the gators will be happy.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack!

Nobody Lives Forever

Elementary 6×9

Holmes: It's a fine automobile, Alfredo.
Alfredo: Fine? Sunsets are fine. Puppies are fine. This car is exquisite. Six-piston GT-R, slotted brake kit, 5.4-liter supercharged V8. Not to mention the unbeatable security system I designed for it. “Fine.”

Watson: I think it was thallium... It's a soft metal. It's odorless, colorless, tasteless, but extremely toxic.

Holmes: As I told you before, planning the perfect crime is child's play compared to unraveling one.

Holmes: Mating calls of the Serengeti. A number of studies have concluded that exposure to nature sounds can reduce stress and improve focus.
Watson: Yeah, I think they were talking about, like, rain or ocean waves, not horny wildebeests.

Det. Bell: How is creating a bunch of geriatric rats gonna stop humans from aging?
First, you work toward everlasting rats, then pigs and dogs, then monkeys and apes, and one day...
Holmes: Everlasting us.

Watson: Are you seriously keeping score? It doesn't matter who calls who first. You get to see your brother again.
Holmes: You're taking his side-- understandably. Perhaps if I'd have given you three and a half orgasms, you'd see things my way.

Holmes: “When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused...”
Alfredo: It's also good for swimming.
Holmes: I was quoting Rainer Maria Rilke, the German poet. He was consumed by a need to understand the, uh, fundamental essence of the world. And himself. Think I would've gotten on quite well with him.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Елена Минкина-Тайчер — Эффект Ребиндера

«Семейная сага, охватывающая четыре поколения - причем не одной семьи, а нескольких, с переплетенными судьбами. Героев много, а роман короткий, не соскучишься, только и успеваешь головой туда-сюда. Это нелегко, держать такой темп - и тем не менее все сюжетные линии на местах, ничто не провисает и ничего лишнего. И странным образом - все персонажи живые, хоть и написаны двумя мазками кисти. Еще странно и необычно отсутствие главных героев в романе, все участники равны. И так эти герои проживают XX век, что их касаются практически все знаковые события советской и пост-советской эпохи - а это меня неизменно увлекает и трогает. Нет, это не высокая литература - но роман я прочла с удовольствием и, безусловно, буду читать Е. М.-Т. еще. ...»

цитаты | Елена Минкина-Тайчер | Эффект Ребиндера | Moscow, Russia | USSR | XX-th century | Drama, History | семья
  “Нет, слова пришли позже. ...
&  – Сегодня опять жидовкой обругали. В очереди. Хотя я и не думала влезать, я просто сбоку стояла. Но если бы и влезла, то почему именно жидовка? Понимаешь, ничего не помогает – ни имя, ни любовь к русской литературе, ни даже папина смерть на фронте. Все равно найдется дурак и обругает.

&  – Обидно, друг мой, согласен. Обидно и несправедливо потерять учителей, родной город, родных людей. Но кто вам сказал, что в мире вообще существует справедливость? Нет, дорогой коллега! Ни справедливости, ни гуманности, ни нравственности. Есть только труд и удача.

&  – Прошу вас, молодой человек, садитесь и не стесняйтесь! Такой куриный бульон сегодня уже не готовят, разве молодая хозяйка станет отдельно обжаривать шкурку!

&  – Что же ты, братец, творишь? Легкой любви захотелось? Костер, гитара, романтика на полчаса? ... Не пристало мужику на жалость бить! Ты потрудись, братец, поищи, шишек набей, тогда, может, и разберешься! Женщина должна быть своя, единственная. Чтобы с любого пути ноги сами возвращали! И чтобы щедрая была, дарить умела. Любовью, покоем, едой, весельем, чем захочет. Если заслужишь, конечно.

&  – Знаешь, Олечка, ... я думаю, что эффект Ребиндера – очень широкое философское понятие, гораздо шире химии или физики! Ты только вдумайся: многократное падение прочности тела вследствие воздействия окружающей среды! Представляешь! Нужно только умело изменить окружающую среду, и ты можешь одним движением, одной каплей олова сломать самую гибкую и крепкую пластинку! Или судьбу. Или душу человека. Но это еще не все! Смотри, как он пишет дальше: «Существенную роль играет структура тела, наличие изъянов...». Именно! Существенную роль! Потому что одного человека можно сломить клеветой, а другому наплевать! У него другая структура совести. А про изъяны – это самое страшное! Потому что у каждого есть свои изъяны и слабые стороны. Кто-то безумно любит женщину, кто-то ребенка, а еще кто-то боится крыс. И если узнать заранее, то не нужно его долго допрашивать или пытать, достаточно запустить крысу под рубашку.

&  – Оля, ты совсем не слушаешь! А ведь самое главное в конце, нужно только внимательно читать определения! Помнишь, что говорится в эффекте: обратимое влияние среды. Обратимое!

21 июл. 2018 г.

The Second Mother (2015)

Jéssica: I'm not smart. I'm curious.
Dr. Carlos: Isn't it the same thing?

Val: Fabinho... What about Jéssica?
Fabinho: Jéssica what?
Val: What did you think of her?
Fabinho: A bit strange.
Val: What do you mean?
Fabinho: I don't know. Too sure of herself.
Val: You're right. She's too sure of herself. ... With those eyes of hers... looking at everyone as if she were the president.

Val: Jéssica, who set the table?
Jéssica: Bárbara did.
Val: It's not Bárbara. It's Dona Bárbara! Come on, "Bárbara"! And you can't sit at their table.

Val: This is Fabinho's!
Jéssica: But he said I could have it.
Val: When they offer you something that is theirs... they're being polite. They are sure we're going to say no.

Jéssica: I don't know where you learned these things. What you can and cannot do. ls there a handbook? How come? Who taught you that? They explained it to you when you got here?
Val: Nobody has to explain that. You're born knowing it, what you can and cannot do. It's like you're from another planet.
Jéssica: Who's born knowing it?

Dr. Carlos: Do you believe in reincarnation? .... I don't. I think this is our only time here. So sometimes we say things that might sound crazy. But maybe not saying it... would be crazy too, if this is my only chance... Would you marry me?

Val: You think you're special. You think you're better than everyone else. You think you're superior.
Jéssica: I don't think I'm better, Val. I just don't think I'm worse.

On the IMDb

The Miserable Mill: Part One

A Series of Unfortunate Events 1×7

Violet: We're almost out of the woods...
Lemony Snicket: "Out of the woods" is an expression referring to the fact that woods are dangerous places to be.
    In Hansel and Gretel... two siblings enter the woods and are menaced by an elderly cannibal.
    In Little Red Riding Hood, a wolf enters the woods and is menaced by a rude little girl.
    And in Walden, a poet enters the woods and is menaced by revelations that we should abandon civilization and live by a pond...
    It is for that reason that "out of the woods" has come to mean "a return to safety, away from menace and disturbing revelations." I am sorry to say while Violet was right in that the Baudelaires were almost out of the forest... they were far from out of the woods.

Klaus: What if we don't like what we find? Knowing can be a terrible thing.
Violet: But not knowing, isn't that worse?

Klaus: What exactly are we looking for?
Violet: It's like Father said about fine art. We'll know it when we see it.

Charles: Well, this lumbermill is hardly a safe place for children. And I should know, I run it. I'm Charles.

Charles: Uh, children, I'd like you to meet...
Sir: Call me Sir. Everybody does 'cause I tell 'em to. I'm the boss. They have to do what I say, even my partner here.
Klaus: Doesn't "partner" mean "equal"?

Lemony Snicket: Well, in fact, "partners" can mean several things. It could mean "two people who own a lumbermill together, or a cupcakery." Now, with the advent of more progressive cultural mores, not to mention certain High Court rulings, it could also mean...
Sir: I do all the work. He irons my clothes.
Charles: I also cook your omelets.
Lemony Snicket: The definitions are not mutually exclusive.

Sir: I'm an important man. Don't make me repeat myself.

Klaus: We're orphans.
Phil: Lucky you! The unsupervised life. No rules, no curfews.

Phil: I know things seem dark. But you have to look on the bright side... So your parents burned down towns. You don't have to be like your parents. My parents were Olympic athletes and look at me. I work in a lumbermill!

Lemony Snicket: ...the Baudelaires could tell that their new coworker was an optimist... a word meaning "person who thinks hopeful thoughts about even the bleakest situation." For example, if an optimist were to have his right arm bitten off by an alligator, he might say, "Oh, boy, half-price manicures for life." Whereas the rest of us would say, "Ah, my arm!" "Optimist" is not to be confused with "optometrist," a word meaning "healthcare professional who performs eye exams." Though both can be dangerous.

Count Olaf: You've changed your hair.

Lemony Snicket: Morning is an important time of day, because how you begin your morning can often tell you what kind of day you're going to have. If you wake up in a mansion to a butler serving you blueberry pancakes and fresh-squeezed orange juice... your day will probably be wonderful. If you wake up in a lumbermill to the sound of metal pots banging together...

Flacutono: Hurry up. It's log day.

Count Olaf: Oh, Georgina, I missed this. You, me, an evil scheme, a little death...
Dr. Orwell: La petite mort.
Count Olaf: You know I love it when you speak Spanish.

Klaus: In the book The Great Gatsby, there's a famous sign shaped like a pair of eyeglasses.
Phil: Does it represent an optometrist?
Klaus: It represents the eyes of God staring down and judging society as a moral wasteland.
Phil: Oh, that sounds like a fun book.

Phil: See? Perfectly friendly.
Dr. Orwell: Well, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Klaus: Actually, you catch the most flies with manure.
Dr. Orwell: Aren't you smart? It's just an expression. A fancy way of saying you're more likely to get what you want by acting in a sweet way, than in a distasteful way, like vinegar.

Phil: Inordinate? What... what the heck does that mean?
Klaus: It can mean many things. Immoderate, irregular. But in this case, I think it means you missed me a lot.

Flacutono: Baude-liars!

Lemony Snicket: I beg you, turn this program off now. Imagine this story has a happy ending. You can pretend the woman at the door is the Duchess of Winnipeg, and she's come to throw the Baudelaires a pony party at her chateau. Or you can pretend that she's a butler with a tray of blueberry pancakes, or a loving parent that you thought you'd never see again... But if you choose to watch on, let me warn you, the misery does not end here.

Lemony Snicket: ...if you choose to look this misery in the eye, you should be asking one question. It's the same question that the Baudelaires should've asked, my beloved Beatrice should've asked on the day that she died. And that question is... where is Count Olaf?

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+ Origins (Зловещая лесопилка)

20 июл. 2018 г.

The Do-Over (2016)

Charlie: Reunions are strange. They bring up a lot of feelings about your past. Were you a jock? A pothead? A Drama Club kid? A loser? Did you get the girl? Or did she ever even notice you? Who did you want to be, and who did you actually become?

Max: I wish you would've told me before I called your wife an alcoholic hosebag...

Max: You're runnin' with the law tonight, Charlie. You're an untouchable.

Charlie: My life fuckin' sucks... I drive the same car. I have the same job. I talk to the same people. I'm chasing the same girl... except now I pay all her credit card bills. She still doesn't care about me.

Max: Go to Antigua. Jump off a cliff.

Charlie: I don't wanna be Dr. Ronald P. Fishman.
Max: Well, you can't be Butch Ryder, 'cause I already put my picture on this one, so, you snooze, you lose.

Nikki: Charlie... you tried.
Ted-O: Go on.
Nikki: Um... You made a good casserole. I feel real sad that you were a Democrat. And, um... I don't know what else to say.
Ted-O: I think you said it all, baby. I think you said it all.

Max: He didn't have a tattoo, but there's somethin' else that he had.
Oh, yeah! I'll get an earring, I don't care.
Max: You don't put this in your ear...

Charlie: Hey, wait, why are you telling 'em that we're in our mid-'50s?
Max: Whenever a chick asks me my age, I always add ten years.
Charlie: Why do you do that?
Max: You tell them your real age, they just shrug. No big deal. Now, you're the fountain of fucking youth.

Max: ....And the Russian judges give that a what-the-fuck-just-happened-there?

Max: Question, the, uh, thing with the, uh, metal clamps, that, um... I'm looking for, uh... Joe Pesci used it in Casino to, you know, crush the guy's head?
Daisy: You mean a vise?

The Gymnast: That's... It's not gay. It's torture.

Max: Sure about this, tough guy?
Charlie: Fuck yes. You only live twice, right?

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+ Soundtracks

The Landline

Grace and Frankie 4×7

Frankie: How was the funeral?
Grace: Best one this week. I'd give it four out of five headstones.
Frankie: Why'd you hold back on the fifth?
Grace: Oh, to get the fifth headstone, I need something really special. You know, marching bands. Fireworks. All-you-can-eat vodka.

Brianna: All right, here's what we're gonna do. I will call in the product nerds where you can pitch your nerd ideas to the people I pay to hear nerd shit.

Grace: Well, you'll figure it out.
Robert: You will, too.
Grace: Oh, yeah? How?
Robert: By taking every chance that comes your way.

Sol: Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Now say, "Free the Bunnies."

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19 июл. 2018 г.

Abaddon's Gate

The Expanse 3×13

Camina: I still don't understand what you see in him.

Holden: "Bunch of blade boys humping shank." What does that even mean?!

Holden: .... I know how to fix this.

Amos: Nothing you're doing here matters... Unless we can convince a whole lot of people to do something they're not gonna want to do, everybody's going to die.

Amos: You're pissed, I get it. You want me to feel bad that you're angry. You want me to feel guilty... But I don't. And I never will, so let's just skip the bullshit, to where you agree to help.

Holden: No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Holden: Together till the end?

Anna: Do you think we're gonna die here?
Amos: Well, there's a lot more of them than there is us.
Anna: Hmm.

Anna: ...I left a lot unsaid.
Amos: Well, everyone leaves unfinished business. That's what dying is.

Anna: Hate is a burden. You don't have to carry it with you.

Holden: There's a way to save us all!
Ashford: That is not the point. Even if the station doesn't kill all of us, now others will come through the Ring. That is our nature. We won't be able to resist.

Naomi: Now I know why you don't need to carry a gun.

Holden: We're on the brink right now, because we keep reacting to things we don't understand! We're scared, we're hurt, and we're reaching for violence because we can't figure out what to do. But just this once, can't we try something else?

Holden: You've given us a new frontier. 1,300 habitable systems on the other side of those Rings. You know we're gonna go. We won't be able to resist. It's gonna be another blood-soaked gold rush.

Holden: The civilization that built the Rings is gone. Wiped out. What could have killed them?
Miller: That's what I'd like to know. Gonna need a ride...

+ quotes on the IMDb


The Expanse 3×12

Naomi: I'll take Amos and the priest.
Alex: Pastor.
Naomi: Whatever.

Ashford: James Holden. In de flesh.

Holden: It was like seeing a whole civilization all at once. Billions of them. Strange, bright minds. Not human.

Holden: We've had it all wrong... It's not a weapon. It wasn't sent to kill us. It was just trying to build a road. ... It doesn't care about us anymore than we care about anthills we pave over.

Holden: We are in a graveyard. We need to get out of this place and never come back.

Ashford: That man is seeing ghosts. He's insane.

Alex: You ever think you'd see anything like this? Inners and Belters, side by side, helping each other...
Amos: Peace in our time? All it took was everybody about to die.

Anna: I think that's what most of my life is. Seeing what needs to be done and trying to do it.

Anna: I try to care about everyone. It's exhausting.

Anna: I keep looking for a way to care about you. I think "her father was a terrible person. But a lot of people have terrible parents. And... I think, well, she's clearly a damaged... person, but then... who isn't?" So, I'm down to "maybe she has a brain tumor?" Do you have a brain tumor?

Ashford: 'They burned whole solar systems like they were trying to cauterize a wound...'
Kolvoord: What was that?
Ashford: Ah, nothing, just something a madman told me once.

Ashford: ...And we will have saved the human race. Not a bad way to die.

On the IMDb

18 июл. 2018 г.

First Wife

Outlander 3×8

Claire: Perhaps... perhaps we should tell her the truth.
Jamie: We say ye traveled from another time, ye may as well convince her ye're a mermaid.

Claire: If I don't tell her the truth, then... there will always be this wall between us. Jenny casts a very warm light on those that she trusts and a very cold shadow on those that she doesn't.

Jamie: Ye ken the... greylag, yeah, it mates for life? You kill a grown one, out hunting, you must wait... For its mate will come to mourn. Then ye must kill that one too, otherwise, it will grieve itself to death... Calling through the skies for the lost one.

Claire: I haven't stopped being angry.

Jamie: Uh... That... that, uh, that looks mighty sharp.
Claire: It is, so you better hold still and relax.
Jamie: Look, will ye please explain why jabbing needles in my arse is going to help my arm?
Claire: Because germs are no match for penicillin.

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+ Soundtrack

The Incredibles (2004)

Mr. Incredible: No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!

Bob: Hey, I saved your life!
Oliver Sansweet: You didn't save my life, you ruined my death, that's what you did!

Helen: Everyone's special, Dash.
Dash: Which is another way of saying no one is.

Edna: Supermodels. Heh! Nothing super about them... spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves. Feh! I used to design for gods!

Syndrome: I learned an important lesson. You can't count on anyone, especially your heroes.

Violet: Mom and Dad's lives could be in jeopardy, or worse... their marriage.

Elastigirl: Let go of me! Let go, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep...
Mr. Incredible: How could I betray the perfect woman?
Elastigirl: Oh, you're referring to me now?

Syndrome: I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. Everyone can be super! And when everyone's super... no one will be.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb

Ричард Морган — Сломанные ангелы (5/5)

&  – Преданность – валюта, ничем не хуже любой другой. Что зарабатываешь, то можешь потратить.

&  – Чертов солдафон. Покажите мне солдата, и я покажу вам кусок идиота с головой, полной дешевой романтики.

&  – Техника и везение – вот составляющие успеха здесь, на Санкции IV. … Санкция IV либо иной конфликт. Какая разница? ... В этом суть игры. Если не желаешь участвовать – не нужно садиться за стол.

&  – Коммунитарианизм.
     – ... То есть продукт, не выдержавший проверки временем. В противовес старой доброй героической саге. Плановое производство, общественное равенство... Наивная надуманная конструкция. Ради всего святого, кто на такое купится? Где вкус жизни? Где кровь и где адреналин?

&  Если процитировать Квел: пусть события идут своими, гормональными путями.

&  Возврат инвестиций – вот название игры... Мы давно утратили интерес ко всему остальному.

&  Человеку трудно осознать это, но в межзвездном пространстве кажется недостаточной любая скорость.

  ... Отчасти я загадываю наперед. И жду конца месяца.
       Задолбало виртуальное дерьмо.”

17 июл. 2018 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 2×11

June: I'm sorry there is so much pain in this story. ... But there's nothing I can do to change it. I've tried to put some of the good things in as well...

Radio: Now, a tune to remind everyone who's listening, American patriot or Gilead traitor: we are still here. Stars and stripes forever, baby.

Serena: How could you be so stupid? They hate you!!

Serena: You sent her out here with the father of her baby to see her daughter? What did you think was going to happen?

Serena: I only ever wanted a baby...

June: Just don't make promises you can't keep. Okay?

June: Here I am. Come and get me.

June: Holly. Your name is Holly.

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+ Soundtracks

The Coach

Mozart in the Jungle 4×5

Liberace: I'm having a vision. You're conducting the Requiem. You throw off your mink cape, and your bare skin is covered in Swarovski crystals. Mm?

Liberace: Play the melody, not the spiritual struggle. That's what people want.
Rodrigo: What did it feel like when you died?
Liberace: Fabulous.

Egan: How would you love her?... Okay. Um... I don't believe that you love her. What if you don't love her, but you need her to love you or you'll drown?

Rodrigo: I love you, Hai Lai. I don't need you to love me.

Rodrigo: He's a very sleepy character. All musicians are. They're very bad with words. They-they don't listen that well with words.
Hailey: Did you just put your coaching hat back on?
Rodrigo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The-the hat, the-the slippers, the-the heavy thing, yes.

Rodrigo: What you're saying is very good, but in Japan you'll only have time for, like, 20 minutes to work with the orchestra.

Hailey: I feel kind of silly right now, though.
Rodrigo: Yeah, well, it's very silly, yes, because everything we do is-is kind of ridiculous.

Liberace: What's to understand? Just play the music and cash the checks.

Thomas: You've got 88 keys. Use them!

Warren Boyd: Oh, you want me to go ponticello.

Union Bob: Oh, you... You want me to dance around like a little girl?... I'm sorry, Maestra.

Mahajan: ... And the best part: unlike your moody musicians or conductors... the art doesn't talk back and won't go on strike.

Hailey: I need you to tell him to leave. Otherwise I'm not gonna be able to do this.
Rodrigo: Okay, I can tell him to leave. Or, or... you can go onstage and kill yourself.
Hailey: What?!
Rodrigo: Yes, yes. Do a sacrifice, Hai Lai. Yes. Grab that little girl that thinks stuff like "you're the best or you fucking suck"... you know, those voices that your father has in your head... And just throw them out of the window! Throw them, like they're a boomerang.
Hailey: Boomerangs come back, though.
Rodrigo: But... but it depends how you throw them.

Rodrigo: I swear, because afterwards the whole Japan thing, really, is just gonna be like a quark.
Hailey: A quark?
Rodrigo: Just a little thing of an atom.

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