1 июл. 2018 г.

No Men Beyond This Point (2015)

Iris Balashev: Seventy-five years from now, our daughters will be able to give their daughters and granddaughters a firsthand account of what men were really like. Yeah, I think that's important. It's nature's way.
Terra Granger: .... Praise nature.

Andrew Myers: My name is Andrew Myers. I am 37 years old, and I'm the youngest man in the world.

Gordon Trescott: It would have been irresponsible just to come out and say that a growing number of women were procreating without male insemination. On the whole, men are rational beings. But we have egos, too. And nobody likes being told they're becoming obsolete.

Andrew Myers: There's six kids, six months to 17. But that's okay. I prefer it that way. It's better to stay busy. What makes the job a lot easier, though... is when you genuinely like the women that you work for.

Zinia Jones: Can you keep your voices down? Nobody wants to listen to a bunch of manosaurs! It's so annoying.

Ajala Bhatt: For as long as history has been recorded we have seen, with civilization after civilization, that once a group attains power, they are very reluctant to give it up. But history also shows us that eventually they are always forced to.

Exodus Man: My grandfather, he warned that this would happen. He said we never should have given women the vote. He said, "You give them an inch, and they'll take your soul."

Gordon Trescott: I don't think the issue is whether or not the MLO is an effective organization. It's the fact that their central goal can't be achieved. Not when the government firmly believes that there's no solution to the problem. They don't even see manlessness as a problem. To them, it's simply an evolutionary event, an act of nature that's beyond our control and should never be questioned, because nature is sacred.

Senator Booth: I really don't understand this obsession they have with putting a man on the moon. We all appreciate the important role it plays in our lives, but do we really need to go to the trouble of sending someone up there to stand on it?... I don't think so. Now, if we had a way to put all of the men on the moon...

WGC Official: My personal feeling? It's evolution. Humans evolved from the apes and now we're evolving further into a single sex. But why? Why would nature do that? We just don't need them anymore. That's all. It's not as if we're a hunter-gatherer society. We don't need men to protect us or hunt for food or build shelters. And since they aren't needed anymore, nature just stopped producing them. It's nothing personal.

Gordon Trescott: Women have two X chromosomes, men only have one, which would be okay if our Y chromosome had something to offer. But the fact is, it pales in comparison. It only carries a tiny complement of genes and it offers no protection against genetic mutations. It's kind of a runty little thing.

Iris Balashev: You're comparing the extinction of men to a punk band from the '70s?
Terra Granger: It's actually kind of the same thing.

Darius Smith: Like animals. That's how I'd characterize it. Except when animals are endangered, everybody's all up in arms. Committees are formed, monies are raised. Can't do without those Tasmanian fruit bats, can we? But what do they do when it comes to men? They take away our livelihoods, shove us out into the wilderness, erase us from their books and movies. And just for good measure, they basically go and castrate us. I'm not joking.

Darius Smith: A man's sex drive is his life blood. You take that away from him, you might as well kill him.

Andrew Myers: It was like being on the deck of a ship that was sinking really slowly. And the women have all left on the lifeboats, but the men are just sitting there. Waiting to meet their fate.

Andrew Myers: But if we wanted things to change, we were gonna have to be the ones to do something about it.

Radio Show Caller: I think they should find a way to start producing men again. But not too many. Maybe 100 or 150. Then see how it goes.

Andrew Myers: I'm just praying it's not a girl. No, no, I was just...

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