12 июл. 2018 г.

The 15:17 to Paris (2018)

Elementary Teacher: If you don't medicate them now, they'll just self-medicate later.

Elementary Teacher: You know, boys of single moms, it's just statistics! Statistically, they are more likely to develop problems.
Heidi: My God is bigger than your statistics, so I don't really care what you have to say anymore.

Coach Murray: If you have any questions, don't ask me. I promise I'm not gonna have the answer.

Spencer: So you don't think I can do it, then?
Anthony: Spencer, man, no one thinks you can't do it. We just don't think you will.

Alek: There's, like, nothing to do over here.
Spencer: But you're in Afghanistan.
Alek: Yeah, well, nobody cares about Afghanistan anymore. Now the real bad guys are ISIS.
Spencer: Not many of those over there?
Alek: No, I'm like a security guard. Basically just a mall cop.

Spencer: You ever just feel like life is just catapulting you towards something? Some greater purpose?
Anthony: You sure that's just a cigarette?...
Spencer: No, man, I'm serious. Like... Sometimes, I don't even feel like I have a choice, you know. Like life is just pushing us towards something. Maybe it's, like, life is meant to slow us down sometimes, too, you know.
Anthony: Yeah, well, not today, my friend.

Tour Guide: This is the Fuhrerbunker. This is one of the more important sites in our history, and it is one of the, perhaps, lesser studied sites. This is where Hitler killed himself, as Russian forces were closing in.
Spencer: Wait, for real? But I thought Hitler killed himself in the Eagle's Nest, with the American forces closing in.
Tour Guide: No, your American textbooks are wrong by about 700 kilometers. The Kehlsteinhaus is down in the south and Hitler was here with his wife, Eva, and it was the Russians who were closing in. You Americans can't take credit every time evil is defeated. Ja?

Spencer: Nothing's actually stopping us. If we weren't meant to be on the train tomorrow, something would physically stop us. An object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by a greater force.
Anthony: Okay, Isaac Newton. I'm telling you, man, he's been deep as hell on this trip...

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