11 июл. 2018 г.

Crème de Menthe

Outlander 3×7

Jamie: He doesn't deserve your mercy.
Claire: Maybe not. Once he's recovered, you can turn him over to the authorities.
Jamie: I ken ye've jes returned, so mebbe ye dinna recall the workings of the law in this time. But all they'll see is that you were alone wi' a man that's not yer husband, in a brothel.
Claire: I'm not a whore.
Jamie: Doesna matter.

Jamie: Well... I'll no grieve for the man that tried to kill my wife.

Jamie: You will... return... afterward?

Fergus: The art of seduction can be mastered thus. First, you must look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she is. Second, offer her a drink, whatever her heart desires.
Young Ian: Simple enough.
Fergus: And the pièce de résistance is perhaps the most important part.
Young Ian: What is it?
Fergus: Repeat one and two.

On the IMDb

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