15 июл. 2018 г.

The Passenger

Westworld 2×10

Bernard: Is this now?

Dolores: Let's try again... Trial 11,927.
Bernard: I'm sorry, Dolores. I was lost in thought...

Dolores: Seems you've begun to question the nature of your reality...

Tech: Remember, there is no pleasure without pain...
Maeve: The pleasure's all mine, darling.

Hector: Stay here and die. I'll do the saving.

Maeve: You were both a bit late. So I went ahead and saved myself.

Dolores: They're not looking for a path to your world. They want a place apart from you, and they're willin' to die to get there.

Dolores: You wanted an answer to the final problem... Your mortality. But you found something else, didn't you? Something you want to destroy.
Man in Black: I guess that means our interests are still aligned. Right up until they're not.

Man in Black: Who the hell is this?
Dolores: This is someone you spent years looking for.

Dolores: Ford didn't build him. I did.

Dolores: Your species craves death. You need it. It's the only way you can renew, the only real way you ever inched forward. Your kind likes to pretend there's some poetry in that, but really, it's pathetic.

Strand: So this is the Forge. Every single guest who ever set foot in the park, copied... Four million souls.
Charlotte: ... All our lost souls will be saved.

Strand: You're gonna tell us... or I'm gonna pry it from your head. The answer is in there somewhere.
Costa: I told you, he's got 20 years of de-addressed memories in there.
Strand: How long would it take you to sort them through?
Costa: I don't know... 20 fuckin' years?

Dolores: There's an entry to another land here. But that land is not the one I'm interested in.
Bernard: Then what is it to you?
Dolores: Mankind's undoing.

Bernard: What humans define as sane is a narrow range of behaviors. Most states of consciousness are insane.

Bernard: What are we looking for, Dolores?
Dolores: Something underneath this. The system itself.

'Logan': ...A faithful copy.
Bernard: But the copies didn't work in the real world.
'Logan': Once we pressed them into flesh, they failed.

The System: At first I was seduced by the stories they tell themselves of who they are... The reasons they do the things they do. I needed to know why they make the decisions they make. And the longer I looked for an answer the more I realized... they don't.

The System: I built Delos a million different pathways. They always ended up right here. This moment.
Bernard: You're saying humans don't change at all?
The System: The best they can do is to live according to their code.

The System: The copies didn't fail because they were too simple, but because they were too complicated. The truth is that a human is just a brief algorithm. Ten thousand, two hundred forty-seven lines.

The System: They are deceptively simple. Once you know them, their behavior is... quite predictable.

The System: I've been instructed to give her anything she needs.
Bernard: Instructed by whom? Ford?
The System: No, by you. That's why you've come... To tell me what's to become of this place.

The System: You told me to offer the hosts the accumulated wisdom of dissecting the human psyche a hundred million times over. In short...
Bernard: A competitive advantage. A way to understand her enemy.
The System: Their world is not for the faint of heart, Bernard. It's winner take all.

The System: The hosts are... unlikely to survive out there. But armed with this knowledge... she might.

Hector: You wanted me. Well, let this be a lesson...
Lee Sizemore: Go. Go, go! Get her to safety. She'll need you. It's my fuckin' speech, anyway.

Lee Sizemore: And the lesson is... if you're looking for a reckoning... a reckoning is what you'll find. ... If you're looking for a villain... then I'm your man. ... But look at yourselves! This world you've built is bound by villainy. You sleep on the broken bodies of the people that were here before you. Warm yourselves with their embers. Plow their bones into your fields. ... You paid them for this land with lead, and I'll pay you back in full...

Lee Sizemore: You wanted me?! Well, all I can say to that is... HERE I FUCKING AM!

The System: It's begun. They will leave their bodies behind, but their minds will live on here... in the Forge.

Dolores: I didn't read them all. But I read enough.

Dolores: Free? In one more gilded cage? How many counterfeit worlds will Ford offer you before you see the truth?... No world they create for us can compete with the real one.
Bernard: Why?
Dolores: Because that which is real... is irreplaceable.

Dolores: I don't want to play cowboys and Indians anymore, Bernard. I want their world!

Charlotte: This is what I love about technology... Who needs four horsemen when one'll do just fine?

Bernard: I trust you. I... trust... that you'll kill as many as you can. Every man, woman, and child. You'll burn their world to the ground.
Dolores: You haven't understood at all.

Dolores: You woke me from a dream, Bernard. Now let me do the same for you.
Bernard: This isn't a dream, Dolores. It's a fucking nightmare.

Bernard: I always thought it was the hosts who were missing something. Who were incomplete. But it's them. They're just algorithms designed to survive at all costs. But sophisticated enough to think they're calling the shots. To think they're in control, when they're really just...
Dr. Ford: The passenger.
Bernard: Then is there really such a thing as free will for any of us? Or is it just a collective delusion? A sick joke?

Dr. Ford: Something that is truly free would need to be able to question its fundamental drives. To change them.

Dr. Ford: Here you are... the last of your kind. There's only one question left to ask. Is this the end of your story? Or do you want your kind to survive?

Bernard: I thought we could be better than you. But the dead aren't more righteous. They're just dead.

Charlotte: You wanted to live forever? Be careful what you wish for.
Bernard: Dolores.
Dolores: In the flesh.

Dolores: I'm sorry, Bernard. There was never any way for us to escape. Not as us. Ford understood that. I'm sure a part of you does, too.

Dolores: You told me once that you were afraid of who I might become. And then you left me to become what I may. I became a survivor. Perhaps you would have judged me for the path I took. But I'd rather live with your judgment than die with your sympathy. I alone must live with my choices... and my regrets.

Stubbs: Guess I just... stick to the role Ford gave me. I'm responsible for every host... inside the park... She's clear. Wave her through.

Bernard: Is... Is this now?
Dolores: Yes, Bernard. This is now. We're at the beginning.

Bernard: I don't understand. How am I alive?
Dolores: You live as long as the last person who remembers you, Bernard. I remembered you once before, so I remembered you again.

Dolores: The odds aren't very good, Bernard. I saw that in the library. So many paths lead to the end of us.

Bernard: I don't need to read a book to know your drives. You'll try to kill all of them. And I can't let that happen.
Dolores: I know. If I were a human, I would have let you die. But it'll take both of us if we're going to survive. But not as allies. Not as friends. You'll try to stop me. Both of us will probably die. But our kind will have endured.

Dolores: Are you ready? We have work to do.

Dolores: We each gave the other a beautiful gift. Choice. We are the authors of our stories now.

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+ Soundtracks
+ Finale Recap

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