24 мая 2016 г.


& Dan Rather: Asking questions, that’s important. Some people are gonna say it doesn’t matter. One side or the other’s always gonna say you’re being partisan. But you stop asking questions, that’s when the American people lose. Now, that may sound hokey, but I believe it. So keep it up.

& Lt. Colonel Roger Charles: You know what’s crazy? Many things are crazy.

& Mike Smith: Why did you get into journalism?
    Dan Rather: Curiosity.
    Mike Smith: That’s it?
    Dan Rather: That’s everything. .... Why’d you get into it?
    Mike Smith: You.

& Dan Rather: I was there, Mary. I was there the day they figured out that news could make money. After a while it dawned on them, «How come the evening news... isn’t a profit center too?» «Why aren’t the morning shows earning more?» If you interview Survivor contestants instead of survivors of the genocide... your ad rates go up. Pretty soon we won’t even run down our own stories because it’s too expensive. We’ll just... We’ll just pay someone else to do it, then we’ll read them on the air for show. It was a public trust once. I swear to you it was.

& Dick Hibey: [F.E.A.] What does that mean?
    Mary Mapes: Fuck ’em all.

& Mary Mapes: Our story was about whether Bush fulfilled his service. Nobody wants to talk about that. They wanna talk about fonts... and forgeries and conspiracy theories. Because that’s what people do these days if they don’t like a story. They point and scream. They question your politics, your objectivity. Hell... your basic humanity. And they hope to God the truth gets lost in the scrum. And when it is finally over... and they have kicked and shouted so loud... we can’t even remember what the point was.

+ quotes on the IMDb

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