31 мая 2016 г.

Criminal Activities

& The philosopher Marcel Proust said, «We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that hour to be placed in an obscure and distant future...» Do not take time for granted. There is only now.

& Noah: We can, like, be the Four Amigos or something. With business. Wait, it was three. Four Musketeers!

& Eddie: You boys ever hear of the seven rules of economics?.. Basically there’s seven fundamental notions, let’s say, that reflect how our economy operates. There’s scarcity, there’s subjectivity, there’s inequality, competition, imperfection, ignorance and complexity. But I believe there are eight... Luck. Which as of yesterday morning, you boys seem shit out of.

& Marques: You know what? Sometimes what looks like a dead fucking end to a dire situation, can be an opportunity.

& Marques: The way I look at it, life is a zero sum game. It’s one of the evils of humanity. We all win somethin’ and lose somethin’ at the same time.
    Zach: Okay, so you’re Socrates now?
    Marques: No, I’m simply saying that we all brought into this world with a sheet of columns. And the shit you do in one column has to be balanced out with the shit you do in the other.

& Noah: You’ve always said, failing to plan is planning to fail, well you can rest assured that while I’m still working out a few last details, I will have dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s, you have my word. So what do you think, Uncle ...?

On the IMDb

Σ nostradamvs: Сценаристу Роберту Лоуэллу и режиссёру Джеки Хейли очень не давала покоя слава Гая Ричи. .... Завязка достаточно дурацкая, течение фильма – ещё более, а развязка намеренно сделана в стиле «а теперь всё будет настолько неожиданно, что вы должны открыть рот и сказать «вау».

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