13 окт. 2021 г.


American Horror Story. Double Feature: Red Tide


Tuberculosis Karen: Mickey?
Mickey: In the flesh.
Tuberculosis Karen: Whose flesh, Mickey?

Mickey: All right, check this out. Here's the plan. You and me, place in the Palisades, parties, premiers, power couple. All them Hollywood p words. I mean, shit, we could be running that town by Christmas. I mean, come on, what's not great about that?
Tuberculosis Karen: The price of admission, that's what.
Mickey: You can make anything sound shitty when you concentrate on the negative, Karen.

Alma Gardner: I still don't understand why you keep her around. .... We're trying to be great at something, daddy. People like her just wanna get through the day. Have breakfast, go shopping, check Facebook. We want to live deep.

Ursula: I don't think you understand what I've been able to pull off these last few weeks regarding your husband's career. Harry is currently in an orbit all his own. He's got a greenlit movie at Warners, he's got two series ready to go at Netflix, and this big rewrite he's working on for the next "Avatar."

Alma Gardner: You don't think she's good enough, daddy?
Ursula: Well, maybe if she doesn't have the talent, she shouldn't take the risk.
Alma Gardner: Do you think you're good enough, mommy?...

Alma Gardner: But it's not darkness. It's a beauty and light. Don't you hear it when I play? Think about all those people that are gonna be touched by daddy's work. Think of those beautiful rooms you can design. Being a little less afraid of the blood. Being more afraid of being mediocre... You can have it all, mommy. Just like us.

Mickey: I'll help you, all right? It'll be easy. We'll find someone easy. Someone who deserves it.
Tuberculosis Karen: How do you know who deserves it?
Mickey: We'll find someone who's better off dead, okay? You know this place is full of those kinda people. I mean, gosh, they come here like flies.

Mickey: But first... You have to feed.

Ursula: Well, I said it before, and I'll say it again: Some people have it, and some people don't. There is nothing more tragic, pathetic, and sad than a person with no talent trying to make it in the world.

Mickey: If you want your "starry night," you have to feed.

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