17 февр. 2020 г.

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

Sarah Connor: There once was a future in which humankind was hunted by a machine that could think and Terminators built to kill. A future without hope. That future never happened because I stopped it... to protect my son and to save us all.

Grace: Don't thank me yet.

Grace: Grace. My name is Grace.

Sarah Connor: I'll be back.

Grace: You put a hundred cops between you and a Terminator... you'll get a hundred dead cops.

Sarah Connor: I keep my cell phone in the chip bag. The foil blocks the GPS signal so they can't track me.
Dani Ramos: Who's trying to track you?
Sarah Connor: I'm wanted in a couple of states. 50, actually.
Dani Ramos: But why 10 bags?
Sarah Connor: Because I really like potato chips.

Sarah Connor: Funerals don't help them. And goodbyes don't help you. You just have to learn to live with it.

Sarah Connor: : Talk. Talk fast.

Sarah Connor: What are you? Never seen one like you before. Almost human.
I am human. Just enhanced. You know, increased speed and strength, thorium micro-reactor...

Sarah Connor: Clearly you don't know everything about this time. How anyone with a phone is a walking sensor platform. How every intersection, every gas station and 7-Eleven has cameras. Nobody walks through this world without leaving a digital trail a mile wide.

Sarah Connor: You wanna cross the U.S. border with an undocumented Mexican national and a woman who had her own episode on America's Most Wanted?

Grace: Why do you care what happens to her?
Sarah Connor: Because I was her. And it sucks.

Dani Ramos: I'm nothing. I'm nobody.
Sarah Connor: Yeah, you're not the threat. It's your womb.

Carl: I'm not what you think I am.

Carl: Do you believe in fate, Sarah? Or do you believe that we all can change the future every second by every choice that we make?

Sarah Connor: So, you're Carl...

Carl: Our relationship is not physical. She appreciated that I could change diapers. Efficiently and without any complaints. I am reliable, I'm a very good listener and I'm extremely funny.

Dani Ramos: You just keep these around?
Carl: Even without a rogue AI taking over, I calculate a 74% chance that human civilization will collapse into barbarism. And in that eventuality, these weapons will be vital to protect my family. Also... this is Texas.

Sarah Connor: You've been tracking me?!
Carl: If you want to keep your phone in a bag of potato chips, then keep your phone in a bag of potato chips.

Carl: I won't be back.

Grace: You look terrible.
Carl: At least I still have all my face.

++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ pita4og: «Это действительно не сиквел и не перезапуск, а ремейк, эксплуатирующий прекрасные первые части. Тим Миллер все еще снимает крутой экшен, а также способен подвинуть Майка Бэйа с пьедестала "расхерачим в кадре автомобильную эстакаду к ***ням". ... Минус фильму - беззубый сценарий без единого шокирующего твиста, ...»

Σ colonelcassad: «..... В целом, настоящий "Терминатор" закончился на 2-й части и это вполне себе законченная дилогия, которую и сейчас можно спокойно пересматривать, а второй фильм так и вовсе даже сейчас легко даст фору большинству современной кино-фантастики. Все что было после "Судного дня" - это стабильный путь по наклонной и отнюдь не в светлое будущее. Пора бы уже "Терминатору" упокоиться с миром.»

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