2 февр. 2020 г.

Parasite (2019)

«...... Поставлено отлично, снято отлично, актерски сыграно отлично. Картинка, звук, все дела. Теперь только подставляй панамку и сиди складывай.

Фильм "Паразиты" я НЕ рекомендую читателям к просмотру. Чтобы не было потом в комментариях - вот, Артем, мы тебе доверились, думали что-то хорошее посоветуешь, потратили 2 часа, и, простите, на что мы их потратили? А у меня самого все еще нет ответа на данный вопрос, наверное, видно по рецензии.

Если вы считаете себя тонким ценителем категории "кино не для всех" - попробуйте. Но имейте ввиду, очень может статься, что он и не для вас в том числе. А то я до сих пор как пыльным мешком по голове хожу прибитый.

Не могу сказать, что фильм мне понравился. Не могу так же сказать, что фильм не понравился. Фильм производит впечатление на зрителя (лично на меня), а это признак хорошего кино, вероятно даже шедевра. Это не мое кино, но что-то в нем очевидно есть.

А может я все это выдумал.

Kim Ki-jung: We're screwed. No more free Wi-Fi.

Kim Ki-taek: Ki-woo.
Kim Ki-woo: Yes, Dad?
Kim Ki-taek: For Wi-Fi, held it high. Stick it in every corner and so on.

Kim Ki-woo: God, with skills like this, why can't you get into art school?

Kim Ki-taek: Wow, does Oxford have a major in document forgery? Ki-jung would be top of her class.

Kim Ki-taek: Son. I'm proud of you.
Kim Ki-woo: Dad. I don't think of this as forgery or crime. I'll go this university next year.
Kim Ki-taek: So you've got a plan!
Kim Ki-woo: I just printed out the document a bit early.

Park Yeon-kyo: I don't trust anyone now. I only trust someone recommended by a person I know well. But if you've known him so long, I'd feel much more at ease.

Kim Ki-jung: Do you really want to meet him?
Park Yeon-kyo: I'm deadly serious. This chain of recommendations is best. How should I describe it? A belt of trust?

Park Dong-ik: We're in trouble now. In a week, our house will be a trash can. My clothes will start to smell. My wife has no talent for housework. She's bad at cleaning, and her cooking's awful.
Kim Ki-taek: Still, you love her, right?
Park Dong-ik: Of course. I love her. We'll call it love.

Park Da-song: It's the same! They smell the same!

Kim Ki-taek: In an age like ours, when an opening for a security guard attracts 500 university graduates. Our entire family got hired!

Kim Ki-taek: ...this family is so gullible, right?
Chung-sook: The madame especially.
Kim Ki-taek: You said it... She's so naive, and nice. She's rich, but still nice.
Chung-sook: Not "rich, but still nice." "Nice because she's rich." You know? Hell, if I had all this money... I'd be nice too! Even nicer!
Kim Ki-taek: That's true. Your mom's right. Rich people are naive. No resentments. No creases on them.
Chung-sook: It all gets ironed out. Money is an iron. Those creases all get smoothed out.

Kim Ki-jung: Fucking hell!.. We're the ones who need help. Worry about us, okay? Dad! Come on, Dad! Just focus on us, okay? On us! Not driver Yoon, but me, please.

Moon-gwang: Many rich houses have secret bunkers, where you can hide in case North Korea attacks, or if creditors break in.

Geun-se: Honey, this 'send' button is like a missile launcher.
Moon-gwang: What do you mean, honey?
Geun-se: If we threaten to push it. Those people can't do anything. It's like a North Korean rocket. A North Korean missile button!
Moon-gwang: Today our beloved Great Leader Kim Jong-un, after witnessing the charlatan family video, was unable to contain his shock and fury at their wicked, despicable provocation!

Chung-sook: What the hell is ram-don?

Park Dong-ik: Wait a minute. Where's that smell coming from?
Park Yeon-kyo: What smell?
Park Dong-ik: Mr. Kim's smell.
Park Yeon-kyo: Mr. Kim? Not sure what you mean.
Park Dong-ik: Really? You must have smelled it. That smell that wafts through the car, how to describe it?
Park Yeon-kyo: An old man's smell?
Park Dong-ik: No-no, it's not that.
Park Yeon-kyo: What is it? Like an old radish?
Park Dong-ik: No. You know when you boil a rag? It smells like that. Anyway, even though he always seems about to cross the line, he never does cross it. That's good. I'll give him credit.
Park Yeon-kyo: Yeah.
Park Dong-ik: But that smell crosses the line. It powers through right into the back seat.
Park Yeon-kyo: How bad can it be?
Park Dong-ik: I don't know. It's hard to describe. But you sometimes smell it on the subway.
Park Yeon-kyo: It's been ages since I rode a subway.
Park Dong-ik: People who ride the subway have a special smell.

Kim Ki-taek: Ki-woo, you know what kind of plan never fails? No plan at all. No plan. You know why? If you make a plan, life never works out that way... Look around us. Did these people think, "Let's all spend the night in a gym?" But look now. Everyone's sleeping on the floor, us included. That's why people shouldn't make plans. With no plan, nothing can go wrong. And if something spins out of control, it doesn't matter. Whether you kill someone or betray your country. None of it fucking matters. Got it?

Kim Ki-woo: Wow. Everyone looks gorgeous, right? Even for a sudden gathering, they're so cool. And look so natural.

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Σ colonelcassad: «...... В итоге, на удивление очень цельное полотно, с сложным интересным сюжетом, многочисленными подтекстами и метафорами, отличной игрой актеров и неплохим юмором. В этом году конечно было неплохие фильмы, но этот произвел наиболее благоприятное впечатление. Тем, кто еще не посмотрел, строго рекомендую к просмотру.»

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