27 февр. 2020 г.

A Slump, a Cross and Roadside Gravel

Young Sheldon 3×14

Georgie: I'm serious. This thing is full of tips on how to make a fortune. Only cost me a dollar.
George: Is one of the tips "make a crappy newsletter and charge idiots a dollar for it"?
Georgie: .... No, but not a bad idea.

George: Y-You're just going through a little slump. Happens to everyone.

George: You just got to get out of your head. You... you're thinking too much.
Missy: I promise thinking too much has never been my problem.

Mary: I'm gonna pray for you tonight.
Missy: Everybody prays to God at night. Do it now while he's got some free time.

Georgie: Let's mine some platinum.
Sheldon: No, thank you. I don't care about money.
Georgie: But you care about science, right?
Sheldon: Of course.
Georgie: So I offer you the chance to do an experiment and you'd rather play a video game? What would Professor Proton think?

Missy: Ooh, what if I start wearing a cross so God knows I mean business?

Missy: I know you got your hands full with all that sad stuff, like disease and war and hunger and poverty, so thanks again for helping me get some hits at practice. Amen.
Mary: Don't forget to ask him to keep our family safe and healthy.
Missy: I just hung up. Don't make me call Him back.

Sheldon: Why do you care so much about money?
Georgie: You saw Back to the Future when their dad's rich at the end, his wife is all skinny and loves him way more.
Sheldon: So you want a wife who loves you because you have money?
Georgie: A skinny wife.

Georgie: If I was as smart as you, I'd play the stock market. Or go on Price Is Right.
Sheldon: I'd rather spend my time focusing on important things. Like figuring out how the universe works.
Georgie: So, say you figure out how the universe works. Then what?
Sheldon: I'm not sure, but in the meantime, I agree with Richard Feynman. I simply enjoy the pleasure of finding things out.
Georgie: I agree with the Beastie Boys. You got to fight for your right to party.
Sheldon: Well, it's good to have a personal philosophy...

George: Hmm. I don't like it.
Mary: What are you talking about? Our kids are behaving.
George: Exactly. Something bad's gonna happen...
Mary: Why can't you just be thankful?
George: Because that's when life kicks you right in the plums, Mary.

Missy: If you're unhappy, just ask God for help.
Sheldon: I don't believe in God.
Missy: Shhh! He can hear you. He knows if you've been bad or good. Like Santa, but He can send you to hell.

Mary: What do you think you're doing?!
Missy: Sharing God's love and making some cash.
Mary: Absolutely not!... God's love has nothing to do with money.
Missy: What about the collection plate at church?

Georgie: I know. I listen.
Sheldon: And you understand it?
Georgie: I work in sales. I don't need to know what I'm talking about to make it sound good.
Sheldon: Don't you think it would make you better at your job if you understood the products you were selling?
Georgie: No. People don't want to hear facts.
Sheldon: I do.
Georgie: Normal people don't want to hear facts.
Sheldon: I'm normal.
Georgie: Are you?
Sheldon: No, I'm special.

Missy: God, cover your ears... Damn it!

Mary: Lord, I really need you right now... I have tried so hard to lead my family to your light, but so far, Sheldon doesn't believe in you, Missy thinks you're a magic trick, and you're not a teenage girl, so Georgie doesn't think about you at all.

Missy: Mom took my cross away, and I have a game on Saturday.
George: Why would you do that? She's out of the slump!
Mary: She was being sacrilegious.
George: Mary, this is sports. When something's working, you do not mess with it.

Missy: I don't want another cross. I want my lucky cross.

Sheldon: Georgie. Are you still interested in getting rich quick?
Georgie: No, I want to do it slow like a chump.
Sheldon: Oh. Never mind.

Sheldon: It occurred to me that a good way to generate a positive cash flow would be to curate popular songs and make them available in a digital form. Possibly on a small device that could also be used as a phone or even a camera.
Georgie: Right. A phone, camera, music machine... Get out of here!

Missy: I think I want to do this on my own.
George: You sure?
Missy: Just in case Mom's right, I don't want to make God mad.

On the IMDb
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