6 февр. 2020 г.

Woman of the Year (1942)

Phil Whittaker: What are you gonna do?
Sam Craig: What do you think?
Phil Whittaker: Swing with both hands. We men have only ourselves to blame. Women should be kept illiterate and clean, like canaries.

Tess Harding: How could that be a strike? He didn't even swing at it.
Sam Craig: Well, he doesn't have to swing at it. You see, it's a strike as long as he puts it over the plate... between the batter's shoulders and his knees.
Tess Harding: I see. If the batter were really smart, he'd stoop down and fool the pitcher.

Sam Craig: If the shortstop had kept his... I mean, if the short... Maybe I could draw you a diagram of it here a little...

Ellen Whitcomb: You like your work, don't you?
Sam Craig: More all the time. I don't know why, either, unless it's because I like people. I like meeting them and writing about them. Unimportant people, though. Guess that makes me an unimportant guy.
Ellen Whitcomb: That makes you a very important guy, Sam. Not because you rate a byline, but because you have a heart... a job you like to do and a future. You're just a normal human being, Sam. Go on leading your normal human life.
Sam Craig: That sounds fine. How do you go about arranging it?
Ellen Whitcomb: You mean, how do you go about arranging it?
Sam Craig: Yeah...
Ellen Whitcomb: Well, I'd say marry the girl.
Sam Craig: All right, I will.

Sam Craig: I love you.
Tess Harding: You do?
Sam Craig: Positive.
Tess Harding: That is nice. Even when I'm sober?
Sam Craig: Even when you're brilliant.

Sam Craig: I'm catching the train home.
Phil Whittaker: Are you nuts? This is Saturday night, even in Chicago.
Sam Craig: A day on a train is a day on a train. Especially on Sunday.
Little Sports Reporter: You are really got it bad. Now, I'm a family man, I love my wife and kids... but free steaks and beer!
Phil Whittaker: It always happens that way. The first couple of months a guy's married... he acts as though it was gonna be the last.

Sam Craig: Do I look like the husband of the Woman of the Year?

Tess Harding: Couldn't you duck it, give some excuse?
Sam Craig: No. It's quite important. In an unimportant sort of way.

Tess Harding: Why can't we sit down like adults and patch this thing up?
Sam Craig: I'm afraid that might become a habit. Then we'd wind up with a patchwork quilt instead of a marriage.

Ellen Whitcomb: Can't live alone in this world, Tess. It's no good. Success is no fun unless you share it with someone. I'm tired of winning prizes. They're cold comfort. This time, I want to be the prize myself.

Priest: Dearly beloved... we are gathered here together in the sight of God... and in the face of this company... to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Which is an honorable estate... instituted of God... and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly... but reverently, discreetly, soberly... and in the fear of God.
     You are performing an act of utter faith. Believing in one another to the end.
     As the bride gives herself to the bridegroom... let him be to her father and mother... sister and brother... and, most sacred, husband.
     As he gives himself to her... let the bride inspire and sustain him... let her unite with him in all the experiences of life... to which their paths shall lead. The great moments and the small.
     That the joys of each shall be the joys of both. And the sorrows of each, the sorrows of both. If you wish your new estate to be touched with lasting beauty... cherish those gracious visions of your first love. Let them not be blurred by the common events of life. Be not moved in your devotion. Believe in the ideal. You saw it once. It still exists. It is the final truth.

Tess Harding: I love you, Sam. Will you marry me?
Sam Craig: You mean love, honor, cherish and obey until death do us part?
Tess Harding: Yes, Sam.
Sam Craig: You're gonna live here with me? Kiss me goodbye and wait for me to come home... with stories about what you and the girls did?
Tess Harding: Yes, Sam.
Sam Craig: Gonna run up diminity curtains and sew my underwear?
Tess Harding: Yes!
Sam Craig: Cook and sew... and put on your rubber gloves and wash the dishes?

Sam Craig: Tess. I'm disappointed in you. I've been mad, but this is the first I've been disappointed. Why do you have to go to extremes, Tess? I don't wanna be married to Tess Harding... any more than I want you to be just Mrs. Craig. Why can't you be... Tess Harding-Craig?
Tess Harding: I think it's a wonderful name.

Sam Craig: I've just launched Gerald.

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