28 февр. 2020 г.

Wait A Minute, Then Who Was That On The Ladder?

Avenue 5 1×4

Ryan Clark: Oh, bugger. I'm still here.

Ryan Clark: Sorry, can't... Can't let you see that, because then I'd have to sleep with you to find out what you saw, and then kill you.
Spike Martin: We've all been there!

Herman Judd: Anyone giving negative comments should be blacklisted from all future voyages. How would they like that?
Iris Kimura: I imagine they might like that a lot.

Ryan Clark: You know, I just a little bit curious as to why you never told me that the whole crew are a bunch of fakes who have been shat out of Julliard.

Ryan Clark: Maybe I should learn about this stuff. Space and so on.
Billie McEvoy: Uh... I'll, um... I'll explain it to you...

Herman Judd: I don't wanna go the same way as Richard Branson! Fed to his own pigs on his private island...

Herman Judd: Oh. I don't like being unhappy, Iris. I just don't like it.
Iris Kimura: You get used to it.
Herman Judd: Do you verbally consent to a hug?

Iris Kimura: Okay, so you can meet 19 people a week.
Herman Judd: Nineteen. Odd number. Don't people come in couples?
Iris Kimura: No. Widows, widowers, priests, ugly people. You're not a couple.

Ryan Clark: This is just hopeless. I don't even believe they're actors.

Ryan Clark: So, popcorn and dirty jokes. Who's in? ... So, she said, "Wait a minute, well, then, who was that on the ladder?"

Ryan Clark: Seriously, though, on a scale of one to "we're all going to die," how fucked did you think we were when we found out that I'm just a beard in a Sergeant Pepper uniform?

— Fly safe!
Ryan Clark: Fly drunk!

Billie McEvoy: There is a shitstorm coming, and when I say "shit," I mean shit, and when I say "storm," I mean shit!

Billie McEvoy: Captain. We are currently leaking human shit and piss live right now.
Ryan Clark: Wha...
Billie McEvoy: Or excrement and urine, if you're in first class.

Matt Spencer: So, the ship seems to be shitting itself, but don't get hung up on results, Frank. The journey is the destination.

Herman Judd: Iris, I'm hearing things right now that would worry me if they were true. Please tell me they're not true.
Iris Kimura: They're all lies.
Herman Judd: Oh, thank God. Wait! You're just saying that because I told you to, aren't you?
Iris Kimura: Yes.
Herman Judd: Oh, fuck!

Matt Spencer: Okay, if anyone needs to freak out, this is a safe space. Emotionally. Physically, we're obviously in terrible danger.

Herman Judd: Look, I think you may have to do this...

Billie McEvoy: Ryan? Ryan, can you hear me? Are you ready to do this?
Ryan Clark: With every fiber of my being, NO!

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