19 февр. 2020 г.

Harriet (2019)

Edward Brodess: Now, you listen here, girl. Your daddy may be free and your husband, too, but you and your mama and your brothers and sister... they belong to me... for life. And your babies will belong to me and their babies will belong to me. Do you understand me?

Gideon Brodess: [Daddy] warned me. "Boy, having a favorite slave is like having a favorite pig. You can feed it, you can play with it, give it a name... One day... you might have to eat it or sell it. You know it and the pig knows it. And if you have to sell it, there's no more guilt than separating piglets. And if you have to eat it, you'll forget its name."

Minty: I ain't going back. I want to be free.

Reverend Green: Now, I need you to remember what I tell you. Can you do that?
Minty: Yes, sir.
Reverend Green: Fear... is your enemy. Trust in God. The North Star will guide you. Follow that North Star...

Gideon Brodess: You been there all my life... like your mama was all my daddy's. Daddy vowed never to sell your mama. And I'm vowing... never to sell you. Now, you can come on back, and I won't hurt you bad.

Thomas Garrett: Here we are, friend. Pennsylvania border. Shall I drive thee across or would thee prefer to walk alone into freedom?
Minty: I walk with the Lord.

William Still: Well, I don't know if you know how extraordinary this is, but... by some miraculous means, you have made it 100 miles to freedom... all by yourself. Would you like to pick a new name to mark your freedom?

Harriet: That baby girl Araminta... you call her Minty. You call me Harriet from now on. That's my freedom name. I'm Harriet Tubman, leader of this group. We do what I say.

Rachel: Don't judge her, Minty. Don't you dare judge us. We do what we got to to stay sane. Can't everybody run.

Harriet: I ain't giving up. I'm-a do what I got to do, go wherever I got to go, however I got to do it, to free as many slaves as possible... till this beast, this monster called slavery, is slain dead.
— Amen.

Gideon Brodess: Minty!
Harriet: Name's Harriet.

Harriet: Ever since your daddy sold my sisters, I prayed for God to make me strong enough to fight. And that's what I prayed for ever since. I reasoned that there was one of two things I had a right to. Liberty or death. If I couldn't have one, I'd have the other.

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