26 февр. 2020 г.

The Trophy Wife

Grace and Frankie 6×3

Grace: Did you shrink?
Frankie: No! Suck on that, gravity.
Grace: Congratulations. I, too, am fighting gravity and winning.
Frankie: That's true, your boobs do look great.
Grace: I'm talking about the pulley system.

Sol: So, what do you say, back-to-back colonoscopies next?

Sol: Aren't we catastrophizing a bit?
Robert: I don't know. It's never a good sign when the nurse taking your blood pressure says, "Uh-oh!"
Sol: We haven't even gotten the results back yet.
Robert: I've already got "uh-oh." So either I'm dying, or I'm gonna die because I have to give up everything that I love. Any way you put it, dead man walking.

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