15 февр. 2020 г.

First Kill (2017)

Will: I told you, we're gonna do everything the right way. One shot, no pain, no suffering.
Danny: How do you know there's no suffering? When was the last time you got shot with a rifle?

Howell: I'll only ask you for one favor... I want you to keep your eyes open, okay?

Will: ...first, there's some rules, okay? Well, there's three of 'em. Safety, safety, and safety, you got it?

Will: Now just imagine a huge whitetail steps out of the brush. And I'm talking a 12-point, 275 pounds, a real prize animal. And you got a clear shot, just for a second, so you line him up, you put him dead in your cross hairs, take a deep breath, steady your nerve, and then...
Danny: Then what?
Will: Well, then you find out what you're really made of.

Levi: Listen, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Danny: That's what all kidnappers say.
Levi: How would you know?
Danny: Because I watch TV.

Levi: I'm not taking you anywhere. I'm just trying to stay alive.

Danny: Why'd that cop shoot you?
Levi: Uh, it's grown up stuff.
Danny: Like making babies?

Levi: Now, as soon as he gets here, this'll all be over. It'll just be some cool story you can tell your friends back at school.
Danny: I don't really have many friends.
Levi: Aw. Then it will just be some cool story you can use to help you make some.

Howell: Truth is, I enjoyed every minute of it. Exhilaration, tracking your prey. Hemingway said it best. "There is no hunting like the hunting of man..."

Levi: See, bullies are about one thing, intimidation. And they feed off fear. You take that away from 'em, you stop 'em cold.

Levi: You know when you're playing your video games and you're fully into it and focused, ready for anything? It's like you're outside of yourself, but in control of this warrior. That's the attitude you gotta give a bully. Completely still. In your mind, you're able to change what's about to happen. In your heart, there's no fear. There is nothing he can do to you that you can't overcome. You stare at him, think you're unstoppable. You shake your head. No more. That'll back 'em down, 99 times out of 100.
Danny: What about that one time it doesn't?
Levi: Well. In that case, son, you just hit 'em with all you got. Or run. Hey, no shame in either.

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