22 февр. 2020 г.

The Rescue

Grace and Frankie 6×2

Sol: The first challenge in researching what to do for our honeymoon was narrowing it down into four categories: 'Getting away from it all,' 'Learning adventure,' 'Feeling good because we're doing good,' and 'Rumpus, general!'

Frankie: Are you seeing anyone?
Dana: Oh, no, no. Boyfriends have an annoying habit of becoming husbands, and I'm not going down that road again anytime soon.

Dana: Hey, Frankie. I need you to give me three good reasons why we should keep this Happy Meals prize from 1988.
Frankie: It's a collector's item. He swivels. And we almost named Coyote "Hamburglar" but ultimately decided that was a ridiculous name for a child.

Frankie: 'Five stars. Great service. But if you're looking for love, she's not your gal.'

Frankie: Hey, lover.

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