6 авг. 2019 г.

The Highs

Grace and Frankie 5×10

Frankie: I finished your new to-do list. I to-do-ed it all, including getting staples.
Grace: "Staples" is the brand name of the pad I wrote the list on.
Frankie: Good, because I forgot to get staples.

Frankie: Ever wonder why the donut has its own national day? Ever wonder why spicy mustard has a week?
Grace: Not for one second.
Frankie: Well, wonder no more!...
Grace: "National Vibrator Day"?
Frankie: It's like National Donut Day but for vibrators!

Frankie: Grace, not only will this get us tons of great publicity, it will also reach vaginas of all socioeconomic classes!
Grace: I like the enthusiasm, but vibrators aren't like donuts. People don't bring a dozen into work.
Frankie: Because masturbation in the office isn't socially acceptable... yet.

Frankie: Sol, how do you go about getting a national day for vibrators? In Masturbation Month, which is May, of course.
Sol: You'd think it would be a winter month... But day-making isn't really my area of expertise.

Frankie: Children shouldn't have to pay their parents back.
Sol: He's not a child. He's a man who wants to act like a man. And I, for one, am going to encourage that.
Frankie: By bleeding him dry?
Sol: It's called holding him accountable, Frankie.
Frankie: It's called being a hard-ass, Sol.
Sol: I'm okay with that.

Brianna: So, the article is about older women who are still dynamic in the workplace. So, find a way to mention Snapchat and where you were during Pearl Harbor.

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