2 авг. 2019 г.

A Cure for Wellness (2016)

Pembroke: To my fellow-members of the board. A man cannot unsee the truth. He cannot willingly return to darkness, or go blind once he has the gift of sight, any more than he can be unborn. We are the only species capable of self-reflection. The only species with the toxin of self-doubt written into our genetic code. Unequal to our gifts, we build, we buy, we consume. We wrap ourselves in the illusion of material success. We cheat and deceive as we claw our way to the pinnacle of what we define as achievement. Superiority to other men...
    There is a sickness inside us. Rising like the bile that leaves that bitter taste at the back of our throats. It's there in every one of you seated around the table. We deny its existence until one day the body rebels against the mind... and screams out, "I am not a well man." ... But the truth cannot be ignored. For only when we know what ails us can we hope to find the cure...

Hollis: Can I ask you something, Mr. Lockhart?.. You ever have a 12-inch black dick in your ass?... Prison, Mr. Lockhart. You're in a lot of trouble.

Lockhart: Only rich people, huh? Must be expensive.
Enrico: Well, wealthy people have wealthy problems.

Hannah: No one ever leaves.

Volmer: Tell me, Mr. Lockhart... when was the last time that you actually felt well? Before you came here, when was the last time... that you even slept through the night? The mind may lie... but the body cannot.

Volmer: We don't believe in chemical anesthesia at the institute. The impurities inhibit the cure. But, you will find that with a proper focus... the mind can overcome any amount of pain.

Lockhart: There is a sickness inside each of us. We do our best to deny its existence... dealing in lies... and distraction. Until one day the body rebels against the mind and screams out... "I am not a well man."

Lockhart: A man cannot unsee the truth. He cannot willingly return to darkness... or go blind once he has the gift of sight... any more than he can be unborn.

Volmer: Do you know what the cure for the human condition is? Disease. Because only then is there hope for a cure.

Volmer: I will always be here to take care of you.

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