Mad Men 6×13
Season 6 Finale
& Don: Los Angeles is not what you see in the movies. It’s like Detroit with palm trees.
& Ken: Name a chocolate.
Don: What, like Hershey’s?
& Don: Hershey’s isn’t serious. They don’t advertise. They never have.
& Minister: What if I told you that Jesus could offer you not only eternal life, but freedom from pain in this life?
Don: I’m doing just fine. Nixon’s the president. Everything’s back where Jesus wants it.
Minister: He doesn’t work that way.
Don: ’Cause He’s mysterious... He offer the same deal to Kennedy?.. Martin Luther King?.. Vietnam, for Christ’s sake? Studies show Jesus had a bad year.
Minister: Well, I’m afraid there’s not one true believer in that list.
Don: What the hell did you just say?!
& Minister from Don’s childhood: The only unpardonable sin is to believe God cannot forgive you.
& Clara: You just got this telegram.
Pete: Open it.
Clara: Let’s see... “Need to inform you, mother lost at...” Oh, my goodness. She fell off a ship!
Pete: What?!
& Don: I spent the night in jail.
Megan: Why are you laughing?
Don: Because I realized it’s gotten out of control. I’ve gotten out of control.
Megan: Sorry you had to find out that way.
Don: But I realized something else, too. I don’t want to be
here anymore... I want to move to California.
Ω Plagiarist!
& Don: We were happy there. We could be happy again.
& Don: I can probably get you out there eventually.
Stan: To work for you? No, I’d rather stay here.
Don: Where are you going?
Stan: I’m gonna have that sandwich on my desk. I need to get to it before you do.
& Peggy: I’m leaving a little early because I have plans. I hope that’s okay.
Cutler: Yes, of course, dear... Chanel No. 5?
Peggy: It’s all I wear.
Crane: ....... Vixen by night.
& Ted: I don’t know why women do anything. Why did you parade your ass in front of my door on your way out to see another man?
Peggy: I’m following
your lead, Ted. You let Don terrify you into ignoring me and now you’re here.
Ted: Because I don’t want anyone else to have you!
& Ted: Peggy, I’m going to leave my wife.
Peggy: Don’t say that. I’m not
that girl.
Ted: I love you!
& Ted: Let’s go to Hawaii.
Peggy: For work?
Ted: For Christmas.
& Ted: I don’t know how to say this, but I want to go to California.
Don: Really? We can’t both go. {...}
Ted: I’m the one who needs to start over.
Don: With Peggy?
Ted: No. With my family.
Don: I don’t understand.
& Don: I’m sorry, I have to say this ’cause I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again.
Hershey: What?
Don: I was an orphan. I grew up in Pennsylvania... in a whorehouse. I read about Milton Hershey and his school in “Coronet” magazine or some other crap the girls left by the toilet. And I read that some orphans had a different life there. I could picture it. I dreamt of it... of being wanted. Because the woman who was forced to raise me would look at me every day like she hoped I would disappear. Closest I got to feeling wanted was from a girl who made me go through her john’s pockets while they screwed. If I collected more than a dollar, she’d buy me a Hershey bar. And I would eat it alone in my room with great ceremony... feeling like a normal kid. It said “Sweet” on the package... It was the only sweet thing in my life.
Hershey: Do you want to advertise that?
Don: If I had my way, you would never advertise. You shouldn’t have someone like me telling that boy what a Hershey bar is. He already knows.
& Trudy: I’d invite you, but I think it’s best you’re alone right now.
Pete: Don’t be cruel!
Trudy: No. It’s going to take you a moment to realize where you are. You’re free. Free of her. You’re free of them. You’re free of everything.
Pete: It’s not the way I wanted it.
Trudy: Now you know that.
& Cooper: Don, there’s no need for defense. This isn’t a trial. The verdict has been reached.
& Don: I want a return date.
Cooper: We can’t give you that.
Ω Hm-hm. Finally, The Final?
& Stan: I thought you left.
Peggy: No, I’ve got too much to do.
Stan: And you thought you’d do it in here?
Peggy: It’s where everything is.
& Sally: Why are we stopping?
Bobby: This is a bad neighborhood.
Don: Come on... This is where I grew up.
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