20 окт. 2018 г.

...Someone Like Me as a Member

The Good Place 1×9

Michael: I don't even know what to offer. I mean, what do you get somebody who wants to eat a unicorn?

Real Eleanor: ...And then at night, it was pretty classic torture. Uh, flying piranhas, lava monsters, college improv, and there was always jazz music playing.
Eleanor: Ugh, I hate jazz. Every jazz song is like 40 minutes long. It's like, we get it. You can blow on a trumpet. Wrap it up, Elton John.

Trevor: I can't believe you thought you could pretend to be Real Eleanor. She's like a perfect ball of light, and you're like a... wet pile of mulch. Someone made a person out of wet mulch and leaves and, like, dead slugs, and that's you.

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