12 июл. 2013 г.

Spring Breakers

& Pastor: I’m gonna read from I Corinthians 10:13. It says, “But when you are tempted... He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” How cool is that?.. Dudes, how cool is that? It’s awesome. Do you feel what that says? That’s very temptation He’s gonna give you a way out.

& Brit: Just pretend it’s a video game. Like you’re in a fucking movie.

& Faith: Know what would be really cool?.. If we could freeze life. Like if we could just... click it... and freeze it and say... this is the way it’s gonna be forever. Like have this moment together forever.

& Faith: I’m starting to think this is the most spiritual place I’ve ever been.

& Alien: Bikini’s and big booties — that’s what it’s all about.

& Alien: Y’all be careful of that water. Lots of sharks out there. And the water looks real pretty, but the sharks are waitin’. Bunch of vicious motherfuckers. Just lurking. Just lurking. Lurking.

& Brit: I think that’s the secret to life — being a good person.

& Faith: Grandma. It was really great. I think we found ourselves here. We finally got to see some other parts of the world. We saw some beautiful things here. Things we’ll never forget. We got to let loose. God, I can’t believe how many new friends we made. Friends from all over the place. I mean everyone was so sweet here. So warm and friendly. I know we made friends that will last us a lifetime. We met people who are just like us. People the same as us. Everyone was just trying to find themselves. It was way more than just having a good time. We see things different now. More colors, more love, more understanding. God, it’s so nice to get a break from my uni for a little while. I know we have to go back to school, but we’ll always remember this trip. Something so amazing, magical. Something so beautiful. Feels as if the world is perfect. Like it’s never gonna end.

+ quotes on the IMDb

Σ Funny pair came out together with the Triangle.

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