10 окт. 2012 г.

Revolution 1x4

The Plague Dogs

& Miles: My name is Miles Matheson.
    Militia Soldier: You’re joking.
    Miles: No. And all the stories are true, by the way.

& Miles: Come on, I told you it’s none of your business, all right?
    Charlie: Look, and normally, I’d agree, except every person that we meet wants to capture you, kill you, kill us for knowing you, or they’re flat-out terrified of you.

& Miles: Run!
Ω Run! from mad dogs? C’mon, people, r u kidding, or what?

& Rachel: We really have to play this game? You’ve asked me these questions a hundred times.
    Monroe: And I’m gonna ask you again... What was Ben working on?
    Rachel: Ben was an algebra teacher.

& Monroe: Sergeant Strausser...
    Strausser: Mrs. Matheson... My apologies in advance.

& Miles: I don’t... I don’t need any of this.
    Nora: She’s your family.
    Miles: Doesn’t make her my responsibility. I have no idea why I signed on for this in the first place.

& Sailor: You can’t get to England. There are no more tall ships, no more steamboats. They were all destroyed in the wars or ripped apart for lumber when the militias got ’em. Hell, getting to England? That’s like trying to get to the moon... Maybe one day.

& Maggie: He severed an artery. I’m bleeding out.

& Charlie: You were there. You were always there for me. Kind, protective, annoying... The least I can do is give you a taste of your own medicine.

& Rachel: I came. Like you asked... Miles, you promise me. Just promise I see my kids again.

On the IMDb

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