21 сент. 2021 г.

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Bloodsport: You stole what?
Tyla: A style watch.
Bloodsport: A star latch?
Tyla: A style watch. You can watch TV on it.
Bloodsport: Why would you want to watch TV on your watch?
Tyla: I don't know.

Bloodsport: Next time you want to nick something, you take a partner, and they can be your lookout.
Tyla: That's your advice?
Bloodsport: Yeah.

Ratcatcher 2: This is Sebastian. Say 'Hello, Sebastian.'
Bloodsport: I'm not shakin' the rat's hand.

Bloodsport: Why the fuck are you in your underwear? Tighty-whities? Really?
Peacemaker: Now, that's just racist.

Amanda Waller: Terminate his captors with extreme prejudice. Kill anyone you see. These are dangerous people.

Peacemaker: Nothing like a bloodbath to start the day.
Ratcatcher 2: They call you Peacemaker?
Peacemaker: I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.
Ratcatcher 2: I thought you were the crazy one...
Polka-Dot-Man: I am.

Harley Quinn: Oh, wow. I'm a princess.

Harley Quinn: You want me to what?!
General Silvio Luna: To marry me.
Harley Quinn: You're joshing.

Harley Quinn: I know, I know. I know what you're tryin' to say. "Harley, why not just leave?" And I'd say, "Why are you screaming at me? I'm not deaf. I'm standing right here." And then I'd say, "When your taste in men is as bad as mine, they don't just go away quietly. They slash your tires and they kill your dogs and tell you that the music you like ain't real music at all." And all the cruelty... tears you apart after a while.

Harley Quinn: You were real pretty and all, and R.I.P. to that absolutely beautiful monster between your legs, but... all in all... I think you're more pretty like this, with all those rotten thoughts emptied from your head.

Harley Quinn: What are you guys doing?
Rick Flag: I... You. We're here to save you.
Harley Quinn: You were gonna... save me?
Rick Flag: It was a really good plan, too.
Harley Quinn: Well, I can go back inside, and you can still do it.
Bloodsport: That's patronizing.

Rick Flag: Uh, what's with the javelin?
Harley Quinn: I'm waitin' for God to tell me.
Bloodsport: Jesus Christ.
Harley Quinn: Yeah. Or Him. Or any of them, really.

Rick Flag: All right, here's the deal. We fail the mission, you die. We find out any information you give us is false, you die.
Harley Quinn: If we find out you have personalized license plates--
Rick Flag: What? No.
Harley Quinn: If you mismatch blacks, you die.
Rick Flag: No.
Harley Quinn: If you cough without covering your mouth...
Rick Flag: Harley. Those last three aren't things. Although, probably don't need to say this, but that isn't an open invitation for you to cough without covering your mouth.

Thinker: This is suicide.
Bloodsport: Well, that's kind of our thing.

Harley Quinn: I love the rain. It's like angels are splooging all over us.
Bloodsport: It's good for cover.
Harley Quinn: Yep, that too.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

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