18 сент. 2021 г.

Magical Bird #1

Atypical 4×1

Sam: In the beginning of a journey, no one knows what to expect. Sure, they might have a vague idea that the road ahead could be rough. But no one sets off on an expedition thinking, "In four months, I'll have a crippling case of scurvy and be forced to eat a sled dog."

Elsa: And this is where you can sit when we talk when I FaceTime you every night.
Sam: Every night?
Elsa: I talked myself down from three times a day, so that is my best and final offer.

Sam: That's what makes new beginnings so exciting. You don't know what will happen until it's over.

Doug: You know, we spend a lot of time with each other on this job. Sometimes it's good to just... be quiet.

Sam: Okay. Rule number one. Only check off the boxes when the task is completed.
Zahid: Check. For real.
Sam: Rule number two. Stop buying in bulk.
Zahid: Word. I got that Costco card, and I got drunk with power.
Sam: Rule number three. No loud, angry typewriter-ing when I'm home.
Zahid: I will rage alone. It is for the best. Is that all? Great. Well, if anything else pops up, you let me know.

Zahid: I got you something.
Sam: A trash can?
Zahid: A second trash can. We can have one in each spot.
Sam: Smart. Two trash cans is literally twice as good as one.
Zahid: You know, rules aren't a bad idea. But instead of a million, can we do, like, three each?

Sam: I think this is gonna work.
Zahid: Me too, roomie. Weed brownie?
Sam: No.
Zahid: Dance party?
Sam: No.
Zahid: Sit quietly and enjoy each other's company in silence?
Sam: Sure.

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