9 сент. 2021 г.

Early Adopters

StartUp 2×3

Nick Talman: Is it like the Silk Road? Kind of like that?
Izzy Morales: No. Silk Road is just a marketplace, this is, basically, the new Dark Net. And nobody can touch it except us.

Izzy Morales: Well, there's enough nodes on the network where I can add another hop. It'll make it more secure.
Ronald Dacey: Yes, still don't know what y'all talking about because I'm old as shit.
Izzy Morales: Yes, you are. Look real quick. Liberty City dude makes a transaction with a dude in Homestead. These two computers aren't talking directly to each other. Any cop or hacker can easily intercept that. So what ArakNet does, it turns all the other computers on the network into hops, right? Liberty City here is the entrance node. Dude buys a gram of pookie from Homestead dude, Homestead becomes the exit node. Right. But the request comes from Liberty City, the entrance node, hops over to somewhere over here in North Miami Beach, down to some pill popper in Coral Gables, to a computer in Overtown, back to homeboy in Homestead. Different configuration every time, that's what makes it impossible to trace.

Nick Talman: There is an overwhelming demand for this sort of thing right now. Law enforcement's getting smarter, hackers are getting savvier. Just forget about the pedestrian Internet. I mean, even the Dark Net itself is becoming polluted with corporations and surveillance. And new and upcoming generations are absolutely looking for a new safe haven, somewhere pure. So I think... I really think that this could be not only the new Dark Net, I think it could be the new Internet.

Nick Talman: You want this thing to grow, you want it to spread? You want to have hundreds of people buying and selling drugs or do you want millions of people buying and selling legitimate goods? You have to think about the average customer. Now, there's no way in hell, any millennial is gonna wait more than .4 seconds for something to load or buffer.

Nick Talman: I think I should be your CEO.

Nick Talman: To go global and... Just your dream version? Aim high.
Izzy Morales: I need a real team.
Nick Talman: Okay. How much?
Izzy Morales: I need a network manager, I need at least two cryptographers, I need a couple of more coders other than myself.
Nick Talman: How much?
Izzy Morales: Millions.
Nick Talman: I can get you millions.
Ronald Dacey: Then why the hell you still waitin' tables?
Nick Talman: I'm not. I quit.
Izzy Morales: What?
Ronald Dacey: When?
Nick Talman: I... Thirty-eight minutes ago.

Nick Talman: You're sitting on the next big thing. You need somebody to make it real. I can do that. But you have to empower me.

Wes Chandler: So... I know about the investigation.
Nick Talman: Yeah. Uh, good. Let's talk about that. That's, uh... That's actually bullshit. That's gonna be cleared up--
Wes Chandler: Mmm. We're fine. I mean, rich white guys, we don't go to jail.

Nick Talman: What if I told you there's a new tech frontier on the horizon? A new Dark Net, completely separate from Tor. It has its own software, it's on its own network. Goods and services can be bought or sold, information exchanged, political uprisings orchestrated. All securely, all anonymously. It's free from government interference, it's free from corporatization. This network is controlled by myself and two other very smart people. And what if I was to tell you that we're not even financed yet...

Tamara Dacey: It ain't just about money, Ronnie, okay? They want... They want power.
Ronald Dacey: Ain't no difference, Tam.
Tamara Dacey: Yeah, there is. Because all them niggas have been talking shit. All of them, not just E.
Ronald Dacey: I ain't tryin' to hear that shit about who run the streets harder! I ain't tryin' to hear that shit from E. I ain't tryin' to hear that shit from friends, and, baby, I ain't tryin' to hear that shit from you! I'm tryin' to make money! And when we make that money, the rest of these fools, they can fend for themselves, 'cause we're getting up out of here. We're taking Touie, we're taking Els, and we're getting out of here.

Izzy Morales: Fuck!

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