30 сент. 2021 г.

Downton Abbey 2×6

Isobel Crawley: So you want it just to be a private house again?
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Shouldn't she? Or would you like to abolish private houses?
Isobel Crawley: Well, that life of changing clothes and killing things and eating them, do you really want it again? Wouldn't you rather Downton was useful?

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: What about you, Molesley? Are you looking forward to this brave new world of Mrs Crawley's imaginings?
Joseph Molesley: I'm glad of my job, m'lady, and I should very much like to hold onto it, with Mrs Crawley's permission.
Isobel Crawley: Servants are always far more conservative than their employers. Everyone knows that.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Then I must be the exception that proves the rule.

Mr. Carson: I don't dislike him, I just don't like him, which is quite different.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Surely you can put her off.
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: I don't know how, once the bit's between her teeth.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, change the bridle. Find a cause that needs her more than Downton.
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: She's such a martyr.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Then we must tempt her with a more enticing scaffold.

Mrs. Patmore: I know what we should all be doing.
Mrs. Hughes: Yeah? What's that?
Mrs. Patmore: Hoarding. It may be wrong, but this rationing is starting to bite. Even with everyone's books, I had a battle to get enough sugar for this week.

Sir Richard Carlisle: What'll we do about furniture and pictures and everything?
Lady Mary Crawley: What does anyone do?
Sir Richard Carlisle: Buy it, I presume.
Lady Mary Crawley: Your lot buys it, my lot inherits it.

Thomas Barrow: You've gotta speculate to accumulate. Hadn't you heard?
Sarah O'Brien: No, but I know the one about neither a borrower or a lender be.

Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: I'm sorry if it's a bit of a crush. I didn't want to be overheard.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Are we talking financial ruin? Or criminal investigation?

Mr. Carson: A German Republic? No, I don't think so, Mr Branson. The Kaiser will go, I'll grant you... and maybe the Crown Prince too, but there'll be a Regency. Mark my words. Monarchy is the lifeblood of Europe.
Branson: Sorry, Mr Carson, but I think you'll find the kings and emperors have had their day, if President Wilson has anything to say about it.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Fire Pink

Ozark 3×9

Wyatt Langmore: Seems like a nice guy.
Ruth Langmore: Yeah. There are people trying to kill him. You know, everything he touches turns to dog shit. I'm starting to think we might be related.
Wyatt Langmore: Well, I take your point, but... I speak to my dead father, and I'm in love with a woman that speaks to her dead husband and is old enough to be my grandmother, so... What's crazy, really?

Ben Davis: You taught me a lot over the years.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: No, I haven't.
Ben Davis: I called you that night Bush won the second time. And I called you, freaking out... 'cause I hadn't done my taxes in, like, nine years.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: That is the night I taught you all about the Internet.
Ben Davis: Then you taught me TurboTax.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: You wouldn't let me do your taxes. And, uh... the year I taught you TurboTax, didn't you get audited? So, you know...

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: The people that we are dealing with, they care about one thing. It's money.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Helen will have you killed. She'll have our entire family killed. That's why we're doing this.

Ben Davis: Why do it?
Wendy Byrde: I told you why.
Ben Davis: Not really.
Wendy Byrde: .... Because fighting for your life makes every other thing you ever did before... seem extremely dull.

Helen Pierce: But just to be clear... Ben doesn't have to die because of what he told Erin. Ben has to die because Erin is not the last person he will tell.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Ли Чайлд — Кровавое эхо (3/3)

&  – Почему? – спросила Элис.
     – Потому что я из армии. Сначала мы проверяем. Потом перепроверяем. А затем приходит время для третьей проверки.

&  Профессионалы всегда испытывают тревогу в непривычных для них ситуациях. Тут уж ничего не поделаешь, такова природа профессионалов. Профессионалы остаются на высоте, пока действуют по привычной схеме.

&  Затем он решил применить двойной блеф: «Она подумает, что я буду двигаться, а я останусь на месте». Он остался, где был. И стал ждать следующей молнии. Теперь он узнает, насколько она хороша. Любитель постарается отойти подальше. Настоящий профессионал постарается приблизиться. А суперпрофессионал сделает двойной блеф и останется на прежнем месте.

&  – В течение тринадцати лет я занимался полицейской работой, – сказал Ричер. И ... многому научился.
     – Чему, например?
     – Тому, что ложь всегда приводит к неприятностям. Рано или поздно ситуация выходит из-под контроля. Но и правда может привести к неприятностям. Поэтому в любом случае можно ждать проблем.

&  – Ты знаешь, что однажды написал Бен Франклин? – спросил Ричер. ... «Трое могут хранить тайну, если двое из них мертвы».

&  – Ты жестокий человек, Ричер, – наконец сказала Элис.
     – Мне кажется, я реально смотрю на вещи, – после некоторых раздумий ответил он. – И в целом я порядочный человек.
     – Некоторые нормальные люди с тобой не согласятся.
     Он кивнул.
     – Многие из вас так думают.

&  – Уверенности в себе тебе не занимать.
     – Какой смысл рассчитывать на поражение?
  ... – Куда угодно, – ответил Ричер.”

29 сент. 2021 г.

Reminiscence (2021)

Nick Bannister: The past can haunt a man. That's what they say. And the past is just a series of moments. Each one... perfect. Complete. A bead on the necklace of time.
     The past doesn't haunt us. Wouldn't even recognize us. If there are ghosts to be found... it's us who haunt the past.

Emily 'Watts' Sanders: You're late.
Nick Bannister: "Late" is a construct of linear time. We don't deal in that.
Emily 'Watts' Sanders: And yet, we charge by the hour.

Nick Bannister: We'll be fine, Watts. Nostalgia never goes out of style.

Nick Bannister: Truth is, nothing is more addictive than the past. Who wouldn't want to be reunited with a loved one? Or relive the most meaningful moments of their life?
     But memories, even good ones, have a voracious appetite. If you're not careful, they consume you.

Mae: Don't say "always." "Always" makes promises it can't keep.

Nick Bannister: Memories are like perfume. Better in small doses.

Mae: Tell me a story.
Nick Bannister: A story? What kind of story?
Mae: One with a happy ending.
Nick Bannister: No such thing as a happy ending. All endings are sad. Especially if the story was happy.
Mae: Then tell me a happy story, but end it in the middle.
Nick Bannister: Ever hear of Orpheus and Eurydice?...

Mae: Maybe memory fades for a reason. If we just dwelled on the bad things in the past, we'd never get over them. And if we just dwelled on the good... we might never match it again.

Cyrus Boothe: When the waves came, they washed away our lies. Revealed what this world has always been. A wilderness with one rule. Survive or die.

Cyrus Boothe: Only sin left is self-deception. Telling yourself that you're better than everyone else. That you deserve to be standing... while everyone else sinks.

Emily 'Watts' Sanders: Missing people is a part of this world. Without that sadness... you can't taste the sweet.

Nick Bannister: Ever hear of Orpheus and Eurydice? They were a couple very in love. Until one day Eurydice died.
Mae: That's a horrible story.
Nick Bannister: I'm not in the middle yet. Orpheus descended to Hell... begged the Devil to release her, until... finally, the Devil agreed... with one condition. He couldn't look back until they had escaped.
Mae: And what happened?
Nick Bannister: Orpheus took her by the hand... and led her back to life.
Mae: And they lived happily ever after?
Nick Bannister: What other ending could there be?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks


Ozark 3×8

Special Agent Maya Miller: Don't you have a casino to run?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Mm-hmm.
Special Agent Maya Miller: Or money to launder?

Wendy Byrde: You know, I ran a lot of campaigns, and, I mean, over time, I've just... I've learned what people really want.
Senator Andrew Wade: And what's that?
Wendy Byrde: Courage. Courage... for your family, for your state, for your country. I mean, if you lack courage, you are doomed.
Senator Andrew Wade: Is that a challenge?
Wendy Byrde: In a way. Yeah.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Ли Чайлд — Кровавое эхо (2/3)

&  – Вы верите в то, что я смогу это сделать? – спросила она.
     – Я верю в то, что любой человек может сделать то, что он очень сильно захочет сделать, – ответил Ричер.

&  У бывших военных есть одно преимущество перед всеми остальными людьми: они в состоянии жить где угодно. Ведь им есть с чем сравнивать.

&  ...он заплатил тридцать долларов наличными. Он мог прожить в этой одежде три дня. Десять долларов в день только на одежду – сначала это казалось слишком большой суммой, но Ричер быстро изменил свою точку зрения, когда выяснил, что стиральная машина стоит четыреста долларов, сушилка еще триста, а подвал, где их можно установить, предполагает владение домом, на покупку которого придется потратить никак не меньше ста тысяч, а потом платить десятки тысяч в год на налоги, содержание, страховку и прочую чепуху. После таких подсчетов десять долларов в день на одежду уже не казались глупостью.

&  – Вы сразу перешли к делу.
     – Жизнь слишком коротка.

&  – За нашего адвоката. За то, что великий француз Оноре де Бальзак ошибся, когда написал: «Законы – это паутина, сквозь которую легко пролетают большие мухи, но в которой запутываются маленькие».

&  – Помните Герберта Маркузе? ... Маркузе родился через девяносто девять лет после Бальзака. Маркузе сказал: «Закон и порядок повсюду защищают установленную иерархию».
     – Это отвратительно.
     – Конечно, но так устроен мир, – сказал Ричер.

&  Она назвала цену, а потом молча выслушала ответ. Ее собеседник не торговался. Сказал «хорошо» и повесил трубку. Женщина улыбнулась. «Умный парень», – подумала она. Ее команда не станет работать на скрягу. Экономия на расходах создает определенные трудности.

28 сент. 2021 г.


American Horror Story. Double Feature: Red Tide


Alma Gardner: I think that there are people that are really good at something... And then there's everybody else. I feel like everybody else could just disappear one day and it wouldn't matter.
Harry Gardner: .... Me too.

Harry Gardner: That's what happened to those pale people. They took the pills, but they didn't have any talent, so they turned into nothing. But you were great already. You didn't need to take the pills.
Alma Gardner: But I don't want to be great. I want to be the greatest.

Alma Gardner: I don't know if I could do that.
Harry Gardner: That's the price of being the greatest.

Alma Gardner: Dad?
Harry Gardner: Yes, honey?
Alma Gardner: I'm hungry now.

Harry Gardner: Do you mind if I come in?...

Ursula: I didn't come all this way to deal with emotional shit. You know, you want that, get a manager.

Ursula: I thought I would hop on over here and check on you. And no one told me what an enormous pain in the ass it is to come out here.
Harry Gardner: I think there's a ferry you can take from Boston. You just drive your car right on.
Ursula: Oh, no, no, I don't like to ride in vehicles that carry other vehicles. It just... It does not feel right to me.

Harry Gardner: What? Oh, my God! No, no, Quentin writes everything himself.
Ursula: Up until now. But he said... And I quote... "That motherfucker is a better writer than I am." And then he said something about how he just got married and so it's harder for him to do what he has to do to write things and that you would understand what that means and why he wants you to write it.

Ursula: There are fewer talented writers in the world than there are astronauts. There's a few great ones, a lot of terrible ones, and a pack of interchangeable ones who move from one network writer's room to the next. My client Harry was one of those writers until he arrived here. And now he's Mark fucking Twain.

Ursula: Sorry, homeboy, but there is something weird going on out here, and I want to know what it is. You guys sell your souls to the devil? Aliens? Uh, little writer elves?

Mickey: You don't understand. See, it's... It's really fucked up, what happens when you take them.
Ursula: I represent the producers of "The Bachelor." Fucked up is my bread and butter.

Belle Noir: I've never pictured a more inhospitable home than yours, Mickey. How do you not just wake up and kill yourself every day?

Mickey: I'm one of you now.
Belle Noir: Honey, you're a paper airplane and I'm a 747. Don't you ever think you're anything like me just because you can fly a little.

Holden Vaughn: When I'm looking to get inspired, I like to go down to the beach and feel the colors. The color of the waves, of the... of the sky, of the sand.
Chief Burleson: What do colors feel like?
Holden Vaughn: What does love feel like? What does Mahler feel like? What does the perfect Jean Prouvé chair feel like? Darling, if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand.

Holden Vaughn: I like it here, though, in the winter. It's quieter. Except for those pale, strange homeless creatures wearing the AIDS-era couture...

Mickey: There's a chemist. I know where their house is, but look, there's two rules when you're out here, right? Never steal lobsters out of another man's pot, and never go near that house.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks


The Walking Dead 11×4

Leah: Just as stubborn as ever.
Daryl: Is that what you think this is? Hmm? Me being stubborn?
Leah: Fine. Hard-headed.

Pope: God is here. He's angry. I'm angry. Do you feel that? Hmm? Go make them feel our wrath.

Pope: Forged by fire. Ordained by God. Welcome him!
— Fortitudo Saludis!

Pope: We were the Chosen Ones. These men... These men upon whose bodies the fire had no power. God chose you tonight. I mean, you... you came out of that fire alive and whole. And look at you now, sitting right here. Are you hurt? Hmm? Any burns? A scratch?
Daryl: ... I've been through worse before.
Pope: Are. You. Hungry?

Pope: You see... there's one thing I forgot to tell you. Never turn your back on your brother.

Pope: God doesn't only use fire as His baptism. It's also His wrath.

On the IMDb

Ли Чайлд — Кровавое эхо

<< Гость (Джек Ричер — 4)

Джек Ричер — 5

цитаты,Кровавое эхо,Джек Ричер,ex-MP,military police,Ли Чайлд,sequel,Texas,cowboy,Mexican,racist,lawyer,hitman,trap,kidnapping,
  “Наблюдателей было трое: двое мужчин и мальчик. ...
&  Ему просто повезло, но, поскольку Джек Ричер отличался наблюдательностью и всегда был настороже, ему везло чаще, чем другим.

&  Ричер сразу лег спать, хотя было еще рано. «Спи, когда можно, чтобы не хотеть, когда нельзя». Этому правилу он всегда следовал. Он никогда не работал в обычном режиме. Для него вторник ничем не отличался от воскресенья, понедельник от пятницы, а день от ночи. Он мог с удовольствием проспать двенадцать часов, а потом работать следующие тридцать шесть. Если же не приходилось работать тридцать шесть часов, он снова спал двенадцать часов, потом снова и снова, пока что-нибудь не случалось.

&  – Поверьте мне, если вы достали оружие, с этого момента – все или ничего.

&  – Если видишь что-то страшное, Кармен, нужно сделать шаг ему навстречу, а не бежать от него прочь. Это должно быть инстинктивно, подсознательно и в ярости.
     – И вы так поступаете?
     – Всегда.
     – И я должна так себя вести?..
     – Я считаю, что все должны так себя вести.

&  Проблема с всепоглощающей яростью ... состояла в том, что, возникнув, она требовала всего или ничего.

&  Он привык к ожиданию и умел это делать. Множество раз во время службы активным действиям предшествовала длинная поездка куда-нибудь. Так бывало почти всегда. Терпеливый сбор улик, принятие решения, идентификация подозреваемого, поездка на встречу с ним. Военная служба быстро учит терпению и умению ждать.

&  «Бей сильно, бей прежде врага, воздай свое первым. Пока они еще ждут звонка».

&  – Привет, – сказал Ричер, который уже давно понял, что нужно дружить с теми, кто работает на кухне: в этом случае ты гораздо лучше питаешься.

27 сент. 2021 г.

Detroit (2017)

Flynn: You're not supposed to shoot the looters anyway.
Krauss: Yeah. How the hell are we supposed to stop them?

Flynn: What a fucking specimen, huh?

TV Announcer: 1,100 National Guardsmen have been rushed into as many areas as they can cover, protecting police. Looters carry off thousands of dollars' worth of goods with a gay sort of leisure. Many negro shop owners put up signs reading "Soul Brother" to avoid damage. But the fire bombers and looters are indiscriminate.

Krauss: Jesus Christ, I'm sorry.
Detective Jones: That's it?
Krauss: What else?
Detective Jones: You shot him in the back.
Krauss: Right. He was... He was running away from me. Where else do you want me to shoot?
Detective Jones: My point was him being no threat to you.
Krauss: In hindsight... but I'm thinking, why is he running away from me, if all he did was steal some groceries? What if he killed somebody in that grocery store? He's avoiding the police. What do you assume from that?
Detective Jones: You don't assume. If he had a weapon in his hand, that's another story. We don't shoot for robberies.
Krauss: Detective, you know it's a war zone out there, right?
Detective Jones: Yeah...
Krauss: 10th had to shut down. They're destroying the city. We're facilitating that with the message we send, which is that it's okay, go ahead, burn down your houses, rob a store. It's total chaos. And... Where does that lead us long term, Detective?
Detective Jones: All right, kid. Thank you.
Krauss: Anytime.
Detective Jones: I'm recommending murder charges. You go back to work, wait to hear from the DA.
Krauss: Yes, sir.
Detective Jones: And kid... Calm down out there.
Krauss: Thank you, Detective.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Blood Calls Blood

Chapelwaite 1×1

Robert Boone: Blood calls... blood.

Charles Boone: How did he die?
Mrs. Cloris: Grief.
Charles Boone: We all carry grief. It's rarely fatal.

Honor Boone: I guess this is where you go after the portrait gallery...
Tane Boone: Shouldn't they be in a cemetery?

Mrs. Cloris: This is a sad house, Captain. No Boone has ever been happy here. Charles Boone: Well, we'll be the first.

Rebecca Morgan: There's only one good story in town, Mother.

Rebecca Morgan: You have to trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Daniel Thompson: What's this?
Charles Boone: Your severance. Take it and leave. Or cut me 600 board feet by end of today and every day hereafter.
Daniel Thompson: That an order, "Captain"?
Charles Boone: I give orders at sea. On land I give choices.

Rebecca Morgan: North, south, east, west, wake up, spirit, from your rest. Winter, spring, summer, fall. Let us see you, hear our call.

Rebecca Morgan: Mr. Boone... Tomorrow is Sunday.
Charles Boone: Yes.
Rebecca Morgan: ... I was wondering if we might consider taking the children to church?
Charles Boone: I don't think so.
Rebecca Morgan: I'm not one for religion myself. The church is a frequent tool of intimidation and promotes the repression of women. But this is small-town Maine, and people talk. Sir, your children are wonderful, but I know what it's like to be unique in a town that doesn't always favor individuality. Sometimes it's easier to fit in.

Samuel Gallup: We prayed we'd seen the last Boone...

On the IMDb

26 сент. 2021 г.


American Horror Story. Double Feature: Red Tide


Harry Gardner: I didn't wanna say this because emotions were high, but you know, if you walk out on this job, it's gonna be very difficult for you to get another one. Not after bailing on the last one you had.
Doris Gardner: They were pushy clients with terrible taste. They didn't understand minimalism at all! Or a monochromatic blush color scheme... thank you very much... which is very now, by the way. And I think I have a very good excuse for not finishing this one!

Doris Gardner: Let's just give him some space to be an asshole artist for a couple of days, and I am sure this fever of his will break.

Doris Gardner: Okay, what do you think of a couch in one of these, and the wall in this?
Alma Gardner: Looks like the same color.
Doris Gardner: What? No! They are slightly different. It's called "tone on tone". A lot of the Instagram design accounts are featuring it right now.
Alma Gardner: This one feels like a cactus. And this one feels like you would slide right off of it.

Belle Noir: He's going to have to upgrade his diet if he wants to keep feeling that way.
Austin Summers: Speaking of which, Belle o' the ball, I'm hungies. Let's go up the Cape and find a snack.
Belle Noir: Mm...

Austin Summers: You want to know the best part? It only works if you have talent.

Austin Summers: See, if you take the pill, and you don't have a creative seed in your brain already, the pill destroys you... turns you into a flesh phantom. Always thirsty, never satisfied or employed. And who knows where talent comes from? No one!

Harry Gardner: But now I'm draining packages of raw steak to drink the juices, and... and sucking the blood out of my wife's finger. Why?
Austin Summers: Metaphorically... I don't know. Maybe something about, uh, artists stealing other people's lifeblood to inspire our work. Scientifically, the drug severely depletes the four major minerals in our blood. See, Harry, you can't survive on the pill without replacing those minerals in heroic doses. And cartons of cow meat ain't gonna cut it, champ. You're gonna need that fresh, warm stuff from something that has opposable thumbs.

Harry Gardner: Netflix offered me a deal. We're gonna be rich!

Harry Gardner: I just need one more to finish the series I'm working on.
Belle Noir: Well, that's what they all say. Just one more book, one more movie, one more hit play, and then I'll just stop for good. It doesn't work that way, pretty. There's nothing more addictive than success. You've tasted it now, and you're never going to be able to live without it.

Belle Noir: Keep your coat on. We're going out to eat.

Harry Gardner: How many people have taken these pills?
Belle Noir: A few. More lately.
Harry Gardner: Why the increase?
Austin Summers: Streamers.

Harry Gardner: And what constitutes a good feed?
Belle Noir: There are 9 to 12 pints of blood in the human body, and Belle and I usually split that...

Harry Gardner: Murdering human beings to drink their blood?
Belle Noir: Yes, it sounds fucking terrible! We're not dining on doctors or eating up engineers or snacking on scientists. We find the ones who won't be missed. The ones who are a drain on society. It's basically a community service.

Belle Noir: Just remember, there are only two rules. Don't ever feed off anyone in P-Town. .... And... never take your gloves off.

Tuberculosis Karen: How do you know so much about movies?
Mickey: I love movies. They're my whole life.

Mickey: You know, we should take some of those pills. Look, I, uh, stole them from Belle. ...
Tuberculosis Karen: No! You know what these do to people.
Mickey: Yeah, makes them rich and famous.
Tuberculosis Karen: They make you bloodsuckers! Murderers!
Mickey: Look, if you want real success, you've got to compromise a little bit. Everyone's gotta go Darth Vader to get ahead in life, right?

Mickey: Wait, you think I'd turn into one of those pale zombies. Y-y-you don't think I have any talent at all, do you?

Tuberculosis Karen: But what if you're not talented? What if you end up like one of the bad ones?
Mickey: Look around. Anything's better than this...

Belle Noir: Enough talking. Mama's hungry.

Lark: I changed my name to Lark. ... It's kind of hard to be taken seriously in the tat community when your name's Leslie Feldman.

Harry Gardner: Oh, no thanks. My wife and I agreed never to get tattoos. It's... it's in our wedding vows.
Lark: Did you agree to never murder people and drink their blood too? Shit happens.

Lark: Look at it this way... doing this will make it so you have to eat less people.

Doris Gardner: You don't think I'm a great mother?
Alma Gardner: I am who I am. What part of me would not be me if I was raised by some other perfectly ordinary woman?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

25 сент. 2021 г.

Downton Abbey 2×5

Matthew Crawley: They're going to chuck everything they've got at us.
William Mason: Then we shall have to chuck it back, won't we, sir?
Matthew Crawley: Quite right.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Doctor Clarkson, I am no Jacobin revolutionary, nor do I seek to overthrow the civilized world. We just need one bed for a young man from this village.
Major Clarkson: And if it were within my power, you should have it. .... I'm very sorry, really, but this is a military hospital and it's not up to me to challenge the order of things. .... If I were to break the rule for you, how many others do you think would come forward to plead for their sons? The answer is, and must be, no.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: It always happens when you give these little people power. It goes to their heads like strong drink!

Sarah O'Brien: It's not right.
Thomas Barrow: No, it bloody well isn't... Well, I'm a working-class lad and so is he and I get fed up, seeing how our lot always get shafted.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Is this an instrument of communication or torture?

Branson: You're good at hiding your feelings, aren't you? All of you. Much better than we are.
Lady Sybil Crawley: Perhaps. But we do have feelings, and don't make the mistake of thinking we don't.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Let's get him ready. See, sometimes, we must let the blow fall by degrees. Give him time to find the strength to face it.
Matthew Crawley: But he did say it would get better?
Lady Mary Crawley: He says the first task is to rebuild your health, and that's what we have to concentrate on.
Matthew Crawley: I see.
Lady Mary Crawley: And he says there was no reason why you should not have a perfectly full and normal life.
Matthew Crawley: Just not a very mobile one.
Lady Mary Crawley: ... Would you like some tea? I would.

Lady Sybil Crawley: What is it?
Branson: They shot the Tsar. And all of his family.
Lady Sybil Crawley: How terrible.
Branson: I'm sorry. I'll not deny it. I never thought they'd do it. But sometimes the future needs terrible sacrifices.

Branson: Sometimes a hard sacrifice must be made for a future that's worth having. That's all I'm saying.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: ... Finally, I would point out, your living is in Lord Grantham's gift, your house is on Lord Grantham's land, and the very flowers in your church are from Lord Grantham's garden. I hope it is not vulgar in me to suggest that you find some way to overcome your scruples.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I have a cold.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The One with the Engagement Picture

Friends 7×5

Rachel: How would you feel about taking out my assistant Tag? I'll pay.
Joey: Heh. It's gonna take a lot of money for me to go out on a date with a dude.
Rachel: I'm not asking you to go on a date with him.
Joey: Really? Because I could kind of use the money...
Monica: Chandler, what is the matter with your face? This picture's supposed to say "Geller and Bing to be married"... not "Local woman saves drowning moron."
Ross: Ha-ha-ha.
Monica: Hey, don't laugh at him. He's my drowning moron.

Monica: Find the one where you make your bedroom eyes...
Chandler: Oh, there it is!.... Oh, my God, those are my bedroom eyes? Why did you ever sleep with me?
Monica: Do you really want to pull at that thread?

Tag Jones: Let me ask you something.
Rachel: Uh-huh?
Tag Jones: Do you believe there's one perfect person for everyone?
Rachel: I'm starting to.
Tag Jones: If that person's in your life, you should do something about it?
Rachel: Yes. Hell, yes.
Tag Jones: All right, then, it's settled.
Rachel: Okay.
Tag Jones: I'm getting back together with my ex.
Rachel: I would love to!
Tag Jones: What?!

Ross: We're better off without them.
Phoebe: Heh. Even if they break up again, you better not let him in your sad men's club.
Ross: Divorced men's club.
Phoebe: Potato, "potato..."

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The One with Rachel's Assistant

Friends 7×4

Ross: What about you?
Phoebe: I don't know. I can't lie to him again. Oh, no, I... No. I'm just gonna press my breasts up against him.
Monica: And say nothing?
Phoebe: Uh-huh, yeah, that's right.

Chandler: That's it? I gave up my Disneyland story for that?!
Monica: Hm, that's right. You lose, sucker!.. Please still marry me.

Monica: You kissed a guy? Oh, my God!
Chandler: In my defense, it was dark and he was a very pretty guy.

Rachel: Wait a minute, what happened to Days of our Lives?
Joey: Uh, well, they might be a little mad at me over there.
Phoebe: What happened?
Joey: Well, maybe I got a little upset, and maybe I told them where they could go.

Rachel: He's Tag. This is Phoebe... Phoebe, can I see you for a sec?
Phoebe: Mm-hm.
Tag Jones: Phoebe...
Phoebe: Mm-hm.
Tag Jones: Great name.
Phoebe: You like that? You should hear my phone number.

Chandler: You know when I said married people... should share everything and not have any secrets?
Monica: Yeah?
Chandler: That was stupid. Let's not do that.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

24 сент. 2021 г.

Cape Fear

American Horror Story. Double Feature: Red Tide


Doris Gardner: I think it's a little creepy.
Harry Gardner: Okay, well, you know, creepy can be beautiful.
Doris Gardner: Spoken like a true writer.

Martha: Welcome to Provincetown... Or P-town, as we call it. You know, the pilgrims landed here before they landed in Plymouth.

Alma Gardner: It looks haunted.
Harry Gardner: Every house in Provincetown is haunted, sweetheart. It's the ghosts of all the old whalers drowned at sea.

Doris Gardner: This is the perfect place for you to work without distraction and for me to get some real experience. I think it's gonna be fun.
Harry Gardner: Me too.
Doris Gardner: Like a babymoon.
Harry Gardner: Mm. Okay.

Harry Gardner: Uh, what did I do to deserve this?
Austin Summers: You have that look about you.
Harry Gardner: One that says I need a drink?
Austin Summers: One that says you need a positive review.
Belle Noir: We're fellow travelers. Warriors of words. Soldiers of syntax. Pugilists of prose.
Austin Summers: Writers.

Austin Summers: This place, it just, uh...
Belle Noir: Inspires us.

Harry Gardner: No, thanks. I don't like to get drunk during the day.
Austin Summers: Well, the key is to be drunk so often, you can't tell the difference between being drunk and sober. You're just drunk or... more drunk.

Harry Gardner: What are these?
Austin Summers: They don't have a name. Funny how we found a pill to help artists and writers but none of us have ever given it a name.

Harry Gardner: There's a catch. There's always a catch.
Austin Summers: You could have been a fucking English teacher or an adman or help run your daddy's sporting goods store...
Harry Gardner: My father was a lawyer.
Austin Summers: Yes, but you chose to be a writer. Because you don't really live in this world. You observe it. You interpret it. You feed off of it. And then you sit and you put words together so that the poor suckers who do live in the world can see what they look like, who they are, why they hurt. And you chose it because you want love and attention and barrels of money. It's fucking insane. But those are the only things that can fill that hole... in your soul. Hole... in your soul. Hole in your soul. Hole in your soul! Hole in your soul...

Austin Summers: Are you a real writer?... I don't think you are. 'Cause if you were... You wouldn't care what the price was for getting uncorked. You'd rather die than keep all of those wonderful words bottled up inside of you... Take the pill, Harry.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The One with Phoebe's Cookies

Friends 7×3

Monica: What's wrong, Phoebe?
Phoebe: I just went to my old apartment to get you the cookie recipe... and that stupid fire burned it up!
Monica: No! Why didn't you make a copy and keep it in a fireproof box... and keep it at least 100 yards away from the original?
Phoebe: .... Because I'm normal.

Monica: All right, I definitely taste nutmeg.
Phoebe: You do?
Monica: You don't? Heh. Well, that's the difference... between a professional and a layman.
Phoebe: That and arrogance.

Joey: You know what? Since I'm here, I'm gonna have a beer on the portside. See what I did there? Ha, ha.
Rachel: We're luffing a little. Will you tighten up the cunningham?
Joey: Whoa, you just said a bunch of stuff I don't know.

Joey: I quit!
Rachel: What do you mean? You can't quit.
Joey: Why not?
Rachel: Because you're not finished! I won't have it. Greens do not quit.
Joey: Greens? I'm a Tribbiani! Tribbianis quit.

Rachel: Oh, God, Joey. Oh, I'm my father. Oh, my God. This is horrible. I've been trying so hard not to be my mother, I did not see this coming.

Monica: Aw, Pheeb, isn't there any relative that would have the recipe? What about your sister?
Phoebe: Oh, no. I made a promise to myself that the next time... I would talk to Ursula is over my dead body. And that's not happening until October 15, 2032.
Ross: That's the day you're gonna die? See. Darn it, I've got shuffleboard that day.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Ли Чайлд — Гость

<< Ловушка (Джек Ричер — 3)

Джек Ричер — 4

цитаты,Гость,Ли Чайлд,Джек Ричер,sequel,ex-military,MP,FBI,agent,serial killer,hypnosis,rape victim,NYC,visitor,
  “Говорят, что знание – это сила. Чем больше знаний, тем больше силы. ...
&  Тот, кто начинает говорить первым, в любой паре является доминирующей половиной. А в столкновении один против двух доминирующую половину необходимо вывести из дела в первую очередь.

&  – Мне дадут сделать один телефонный звонок? – спросил Ричер. – Или ФБР в эту чушь не верит?
     – В течение первых двадцати четырех часов. Мы позаботимся о том, чтобы вы не оказались лишены своих конституционных прав.

&  Вся проблема с нарушением конституционных прав заключается в том, что должны быть свидетели. Только в этом случае можно что-либо доказать.

&  Твоя задача не составляет никакого труда. Абсолютно никакого. Она требует кропотливой работы, только и всего. Как и всё в этом мире.

&  Ричер это предвидел. Если военно-морской флот говорит «три часа», значит, речь идет именно о трех часах. О ста восьмидесяти минутах, ни секундой больше, ни секундой меньше. «Время и приливы никого не ждут.» Именно на таких глупостях и зиждется военно-морской флот.

&  Они больше не разговаривали друг с другом до самого Сиэттла. Ни одного слова за пять часов. Ричера это вполне устраивало. Он терпеть не мог общаться по необходимости. Ему было приятнее молчать.Он не находил в этом ничего странного. Ему не приходилось делать над собой никаких усилий. Он просто сидел и молчал, как будто путешествовал в одиночку.

&  Бессмысленно беспокоиться по поводу того, что ты все равно не в силах изменить.

&  – Это должно быть что-то очень простое. В конечном счете все всегда сводится к чему-то простому, верно? В девяноста девяти случаях из ста простое объяснение является правильным.

&  Каждый человек в глубине души знает, что он хочет. А сомнения – это лишь шум, которым ты пытаешься скрыть правду, потому что не хочешь взглянуть ей в глаза.

&  – Тебе пора принимать окончательное решение. Жизнь может быть или оседлой, или кочевой, но не той и другой одновременно.

&  Ричер молчал. Эту тактику он отточил до совершенства еще полжизни назад. Стой совершенно неподвижно, не мигай, ничего не говори. Жди, пока твой визави перебирает все возможности. Не друг. Не адвокат. В таком случае, кто? Дождись, чтобы он начал беспокоиться.

&  – Так в чем же дело?
     – Правда и ложь, – ответил Ричер. – А также средства, мотив и возможность. Святая троица правоохранительных органов.

&  – Так, ребята, слушайте внимательно, – окликнул их второй пилот, выглянувший из кабины. – Этот самолет военный, федеральному управлению гражданской авиации не подчиняется, поэтому предполетное объявление будет на военный манер, договорились? А именно: не беспокойтесь, потому что мы не разобьемся. А если разобьемся, вас непременно расплющит в отбивную котлету и превратит в пепел, так что причин для беспокойства все равно нет.

&  – Но как?
     – Я перебирал все в уме, начиная с самого начала. Думал, думал и думал, дни и ночи, думал до умопомрачения. Вопрос стоял так: «А что если?» А затем он превратился в: «Возможно ли что-либо еще?»

&  Джоди рассказала мне, что у них в фирме есть правило «а что еще». Если кого-то ловят на лжи, сразу же возникает вопрос: а что еще? Что еще он солгал?

  ... Все проводили их взглядами до дверей, а затем стали обсуждать вполголоса, что бы это могло значить.”

23 сент. 2021 г.

Downton Abbey 2×4

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Are you sure she has no chap in mind? How odd! I had an endless series of crushes at her age.
Lady Mary Crawley: I don't think so.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Not even some man she doesn't care to mention?
Lady Mary Crawley: What do you mean?
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, war breaks down barriers and when peacetime re-erects them, it's... very easy to find oneself on the wrong side.
Lady Mary Crawley: Really, Granny! How can you say that I'm too worldly but Sybil's not worldly enough? You cannot be so contrary.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I'm a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.

William Mason: We don't need anyone with us. The Sergeant knows what we're doing. But what are we patrolling for?
Matthew Crawley: You've been taking those logic pills again! This is the army, Mason. We're going on a patrol because we're going on a patrol.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: You see, sometimes, in war, one can make friendships that aren't quite... appropriate and it can be awkward, you know, later on. I mean, we've all done it. I just want you to be on your guard.
Lady Sybil Crawley: "Appropriate" for whom?
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, don't jump down my throat, dear. I'm only offering friendly advice.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: It's like living in a second-rate hotel where the guests keep arriving and no-one seems to leave!

Joseph Molesley: Oh, er, I may be wrong, but I thought I saw one of the officers by the maids' staircase just now. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation...

Lady Mary Crawley: Darling, don't be such a baby. This isn't fairyland. What did you think? You'd marry the chauffeur and we'd all come to tea? Don't be silly.

Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: We ought to go down. It's time for the concert.
Lady Mary Crawley: Who cares about the stupid concert?
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: The men do, and we should, too... because we have to keep going, whatever happens. We have to help each other to keep going.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Is that true?
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: There's no proof of anything yet.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I see. Well, I need more than that to make me anxious.
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: I'm glad you would be anxious.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Of course I would be. We're used to Matthew now. God knows who the next heir will be. Probably a chimneysweep from Solihull! Huh!

Lady Mary Crawley: Most of you won't know how rare it is to see my sister Edith and I pulling together in a double act...
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: A unicorn, if ever there was one.
Lady Mary Crawley: But in wartime we, like all of you, have more important things to worry about. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... the Crawley Sisters.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, now I've seen everything!

+ Quotes on the IMDb


The Walking Dead 11×3

Hershel: Do you ever worry about your mom when she goes away?
Judith: I'm used to it. Grown-ups are always running off doing things. "Promise I'll see you soon. Love you."
Hershel: They used to say that kind of stuff in the olden times, right? They can't promise it now, but they say it anyways.
Judith: They don't want us to think they're never coming back. It's supposed to make us feel better.
Hershel: They say it to make themselves feel better.
Judith: Still... my mom always comes back.

Negan: Listen, I know theatrics. Those people, they just told us exactly how insane they are. We can't be on a road. We can't be on any road that they could use.

Negan: I am on your side, Maggie.

Negan: Really? So we're just gonna go towards the screaming? Cool.

Nicholls: Pray for me. Even your enemies deserve that much... I thought you were a man of God.
Gabriel: God isn't here anymore.

Hershel: Just chew it fast. It's not that bad. Not like the spiders.

On the IMDb

22 сент. 2021 г.

Downton Abbey 2×3

Lady Sybil Crawley: Granny.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Mmm...
Lady Sybil Crawley: Different ranks can relax together. It has been known.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: Well, don't look at me. I'm very good at mixing. We always danced the first waltz at the Servants' Ball, didn't we, Carson?
Mr. Carson: It was an honour, milady.

Thomas Barrow: I like the idea of giving orders to old Carson...

Ethel Parks: Mr Branson's been telling us the news from Russia.
Mr. Carson: What news is that?
Branson: Kerensky's been made Prime Miniter, but he won't go far enough for me. Lenin denounces the bourgeoisie along with the Tsar. He wants a people's revolution and that's what I'm waiting for. It won't be long now.
Mr. Carson: And what's happened to the Tsar?
Branson: Imprisoned in the Alexander Palace with all his family.
Mrs. Patmore: What a dreadful thing.
Branson: They won't hurt them. Why would they?
Anna Smith: To make an example?
Branson: Give them some credit. This is a new dawn, a new age of government. No one wants to start it with the murder of a bunch of young girls.
Henry Lang: You don't know that. Nobody knows who'll get killed when these things start.

Anna Smith: But what if she fights it?
John Bates: She can't. For her to divorce me, she needs something beyond adultery, cruelty or suchlike. For a husband, adultery is enough.
Anna Smith: That's not very fair to women...

John Bates: I think I would love you, however, whatever, whenever.

Anna Smith: We don't have to wait, you know. If you want me to throw up everything and come with you, I will. Gladly.
John Bates: I can't marry you yet, not legally, and I won't break the law.
Anna Smith: It's not against the law to take a mistress, Mr Bates...
John Bates: I know you, Anna Smith, and I love you, and that is not the right path for you. It won't be long now...

Branson: Who knows what the future will bring?...

Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: We've dreamed a dream, my dear, but now it's over. The world was in a dream before the war, but now it's woken up and said goodbye to it. And so must we.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The One with Rachel's Book

Friends 7×2

Joey: Hey. Who wants French toast?
Ross: Oh, I'll have some.
Joey: Me too. Eggs and milk in the fridge. Thanks.

Rachel: Yeah, we got a lot to do. We gotta think about the flowers... the caterers, the music...
Chandler: Oh, I got some thoughts on the music...
Monica: Chandler, too many cooks...
Ross: Take it from me. All you have to do is show up and try to say the right name.

Joey: Where are you going? The vicar won't be home for hours.
Rachel: Joey... where did you learn that word?
Joey: Where do you think... Zelda?

Monica: We can always earn more money, okay? But we're only gonna get married once.
Chandler: Look, I understand, but I have to put my foot down, okay? The answer is no.
Monica: You're gonna have to put your foot down?!
Chandler: Yes, I am.
Phoebe: Wow. Money and a firm hand. Finally a Chandler I can get on board with.

Monica: Hey, listen, when you were talking about our future, you said cat. But you meant dog, right?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

21 сент. 2021 г.

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Bloodsport: You stole what?
Tyla: A style watch.
Bloodsport: A star latch?
Tyla: A style watch. You can watch TV on it.
Bloodsport: Why would you want to watch TV on your watch?
Tyla: I don't know.

Bloodsport: Next time you want to nick something, you take a partner, and they can be your lookout.
Tyla: That's your advice?
Bloodsport: Yeah.

Ratcatcher 2: This is Sebastian. Say 'Hello, Sebastian.'
Bloodsport: I'm not shakin' the rat's hand.

Bloodsport: Why the fuck are you in your underwear? Tighty-whities? Really?
Peacemaker: Now, that's just racist.

Amanda Waller: Terminate his captors with extreme prejudice. Kill anyone you see. These are dangerous people.

Peacemaker: Nothing like a bloodbath to start the day.
Ratcatcher 2: They call you Peacemaker?
Peacemaker: I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.
Ratcatcher 2: I thought you were the crazy one...
Polka-Dot-Man: I am.

Harley Quinn: Oh, wow. I'm a princess.

Harley Quinn: You want me to what?!
General Silvio Luna: To marry me.
Harley Quinn: You're joshing.

Harley Quinn: I know, I know. I know what you're tryin' to say. "Harley, why not just leave?" And I'd say, "Why are you screaming at me? I'm not deaf. I'm standing right here." And then I'd say, "When your taste in men is as bad as mine, they don't just go away quietly. They slash your tires and they kill your dogs and tell you that the music you like ain't real music at all." And all the cruelty... tears you apart after a while.

Harley Quinn: You were real pretty and all, and R.I.P. to that absolutely beautiful monster between your legs, but... all in all... I think you're more pretty like this, with all those rotten thoughts emptied from your head.

Harley Quinn: What are you guys doing?
Rick Flag: I... You. We're here to save you.
Harley Quinn: You were gonna... save me?
Rick Flag: It was a really good plan, too.
Harley Quinn: Well, I can go back inside, and you can still do it.
Bloodsport: That's patronizing.

Rick Flag: Uh, what's with the javelin?
Harley Quinn: I'm waitin' for God to tell me.
Bloodsport: Jesus Christ.
Harley Quinn: Yeah. Or Him. Or any of them, really.

Rick Flag: All right, here's the deal. We fail the mission, you die. We find out any information you give us is false, you die.
Harley Quinn: If we find out you have personalized license plates--
Rick Flag: What? No.
Harley Quinn: If you mismatch blacks, you die.
Rick Flag: No.
Harley Quinn: If you cough without covering your mouth...
Rick Flag: Harley. Those last three aren't things. Although, probably don't need to say this, but that isn't an open invitation for you to cough without covering your mouth.

Thinker: This is suicide.
Bloodsport: Well, that's kind of our thing.

Harley Quinn: I love the rain. It's like angels are splooging all over us.
Bloodsport: It's good for cover.
Harley Quinn: Yep, that too.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The One with Monica's Thunder

Friends 7×1

Joey: I gotta get up early for an audition. I gotta look good. I'm supposed to be playing a 19-year-old.
Chandler: So when you said get up early, did you mean 1986?
Joey: You guys don't think I look 19?....
Phoebe: Oh, 19! We thought you said 90.

Monica: Chandler, it happens to lots of guys. You're tired, you had a lot of champagne. Don't worry about it.
Chandler: I'm not worried. I'm fascinated. You know? It's like biology. Which is funny, because in high school I failed biology... and tonight biology failed me.

Ross: Happy Monica's Night.
Rachel: Well, thank you. You too.

Rachel: Hey, you know what we never did? Oh, no, not that. We never had bonus night.
Ross: A what?
Rachel: You know, bonus night. Two people break up, but they get back together for one night.
Ross: One night, just sex? No strings attached? Yeah, yeah, we never had that.

Joey: Come on, am I 19 or what?
Chandler: Yes, on a scale of one to 10, 10 being the dumbest a person can look... you are definitely 19.

Chandler: You've had a lot of sex, right?
Joey: When, today?.. Some, not a lot.

Chandler: I had kind of a, uh... I was unable to... I really wanted to, but I couldn't...
Joey: There, ha, hm. There was an incident. Don't worry about that, man. That happens.
Chandler: It's happened to you?
Joey: Yeah... Once.
Chandler: Well, what'd you do?
Joey: I did it anyway.

Monica: I'm sorry, apparently I opened the door to the past.

Monica: Thunder being stolen.

Chandler: I know you're upset, but don't forget there is going to be a wedding... You are going to throw the bouquet, and then a honeymoon... Maybe in Paris...
Monica: Paris?
Chandler: We will take a moonlit walk on the Rue de la blah-blah-blah.
Monica: Keep talking.

Monica: Hi, Pheebs. What's up?
Phoebe: You said I could sing at your wedding, so I need a small deposit.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: Good-faith money to hold the date.

Rachel: Come on, Ross. Let's go have sex!
Monica: I can't believe you're gonna have sex on my engagement night!
Chandler: Well, somebody should.

Monica: I warn you, the night you announce your engagement... I'm going to announce that I'm pregnant!
Chandler: How is that ever going to happen?

Ross: What can I say? You missed your chance. From now on, the only person who's going to enjoy these bad boys is me.

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+ Soundtracks

Владимир Сорокин — Доктор Гарин (2/2)

&  26.09.1979
     Почему советские актёры в отличие от западных так сильно переигрывают? Они пучат глаза, напрягают мышцы лица, изрекают свои монологи так, словно это последние слова в их жизни. Эти кривляния у нас называются хорошей игрой, “перевоплощением”. Западные не кривляются, не “перевоплощаются”, а просто естественно ведут себя в заданных ролью обстоятельствах. Это и есть мастерство актёра. Почему такая разница? Вспоминаю наш уральский лагерь, где по воскресеньям выступал лагерный театр. В первом ряду восседало начальство. Лагерный театрик был блатным местом для зэков, на время постановки актёров освобождали от общих работ. И они страшно старались играть,просто из кожи вон лезли, только бы остаться в труппе и не ходить на лесоповал. Каждой фразой они доказывали лагерному начальству: я актёр, я актриса! Это выглядело жалко и комично. Если учесть, что СССР – огромный лагерь за железным занавесом, советские актёры – это лагерные актёры, вынужденные играть по заказу лагерного начальства. Они и доказывают лагерному начальству свой профессионализм вполне лагерным способом лицедейской мимики, чтобы не выгнали, не послали на лесоповал. Я уж не говорю о тех пьесах, в которых им приходится “перевоплощаться”.

&  – Деревня деревне глаз не выклюет, но скулу своротит.

&  “А что ещё надо? Куда мы спешим? Куда рвёмся, планируя и предполагая? Громоздим, громоздим песчаные замки планов. Деловые люди! Расчётливые мозги! Профессионалы жизни, чёрт бы нас побрал! Сыпем песок, возводим башенки, лепим арочки. Чтобы цунами реальности вмиг смыло их к чёртовой матери, оставив нас сидеть на берегу, голозадых излых. Планы! Перспектива! Карьера! Какие планы? Какая перспектива? Какая карьера?! Какой, к чёртовой матери, Хабаровск?! Здравствуйте, доктор Гарин, мы заждались вас, вот ваш новый кабинет, вам нравится? Господа, я не доктор Гарин, я букашка на травинке. Да и травинки уже нет, унесло травинку. Несёт и букашку. …”.
  ... – Знаю, – серьёзно ответил Гарин. – Амо. Ра. Монт. Это наш мир. Самый лучший мир во Вселенной.”

20 сент. 2021 г.

Downton Abbey 2×2

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: You be careful, Mary. Sir Richard mustn't think you're after him.
Lady Mary Crawley: Isn't that the truth?
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: The truth is neither here nor there. It's the look of the thing that matters.

Mr. Carson: I really can't have maids in the dining room for such a party, so I'd be grateful if you'd help me and play the footman.
Henry Lang: Me? Wait at table?
Mr. Carson: Well, it's not ideal, but I'm afraid I've no choice.

Anna Smith: Mr Lang seems a bit nervous.
Mrs. Hughes: Stage fright. But what about you?
Anna Smith: Oh, I'm a trooper. And we can't complain, can we?
Mrs. Hughes: Not when you think what's going on in France. Still, a broken heart can be as painful as a broken limb.
Anna Smith: Don't feel sorry for me, Mrs Hughes. I'm not. I know what real love is and there aren't many who can say that. I'm one of the lucky ones.
Mrs. Hughes: If you say so.

Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: He's working much too hard.
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: For a start, he's just got to let the maids serve in the dining room.
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham: Quite right. There is a war. Even Carson has to make sacrifices.

Lady Rosamund Painswick: But, Mama, who do you imagine is out there with more to offer?
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: I am not a romantic.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: I should hope not.
Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: But even I will concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood.
Lady Rosamund Painswick: That is charming, especially from you.

Mrs. Hughes: Anna and Ethel will wait at the table and I will supervise. What's wrong with that?
Mr. Carson: Nothing. Except that it's how a chartered accountant would have his dinner served.
Mrs. Hughes: I can think of worse insults.
Mr. Carson: If you say so.

Mrs. Hughes: Just try to rest.
Mr. Carson: To rest or to feel redundant?
Mrs. Hughes: Both, if it'll slow you down for a minute and a half. The world does not turn on the style of a dinner.
Mr. Carson: My world does.

Anna Smith: Was it good advice?
Lady Mary Crawley: It was about honesty. He thinks I should say what I really feel.
Anna Smith: Sounds a bit wild for Mr Carson.
Lady Mary Crawley: But do you think he's right?
Anna Smith: Well, they do say honesty's the best policy. And I think you regret being honest less often than you regret telling lies.

Henry Lang: So, still full of the joys of warfare?
William Mason: I'm not sorry to be part of it, Mr Lang, and I can't pretend I am.
Henry Lang: Oh, yes, you're part of it. Like a metal cog is part of a factory, or a grain of sand is part of the beach.
William Mason: It's all right, Mr Lang. I understand. And I'm not saying I'm important or owt like that. But I believe in this war. I believe in what we're fighting for and I want to do my bit.
Henry Lang: Then God help you.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The One with the Proposal

Friends 6×25

Richard: You're with Chandler, a guy I really like. You say he's straight, I'll believe you.

Rachel: Isn't it incredible? Monica and Chandler are getting married.
Phoebe: I know. They'll be so happy together.
Rachel: Two best friends in love. How often does that happen?
Phoebe: Not that often.
Rachel: No. I'm so happy for them.
Phoebe: Me too. So happy for them.
Rachel: I'm so happy and not at all jealous.
Phoebe: Oh, no! God, definitely not jealous.
Rachel: Mm-mm. I'm probably 98 percent happy and maybe 2 percent jealous.
Phoebe: What's 2 percent? That's nothing.
Rachel: Totally.
Phoebe: I'm like 90-10.
Rachel: Yeah. Me too.

Chandler: In fact, I think the whole concept of marriage is unnatural. Look at pigs. Let's take a second here and look at pigs. Pigs don't mate for life. A pig can have 100 sexual partners in a lifetime. And that's just an ordinary pig, not even a pig that's good at sports.

Rachel: We're gonna find love.
Phoebe: Definitely.
Rachel: Yeah, I'm pretty confident about that. That's what makes it so easy to be 80 percent happy for Monica and Chandler.

Rachel: Would be nice to have a guarantee...
Phoebe: What do you mean?
Rachel: Some people make deals with a friend. Like if neither of them are married by 40, they marry each other.
Phoebe: You mean a backup?
Rachel: Exactly.
Phoebe: Yeah, yeah. I've got that.

Rachel: Yeah. Love... It's a tricky business, isn't it?
Ross: I guess so...
Rachel: So, what do you say we make a pact? If you and I are both single by 40, we get married. I mean, we know each other, we like each other... we've already slept together, so there'll be no surprises there. No, like, "What's that?"
Ross: Oh, you want me to be your backup.
Rachel: Exactly.
Ross: Oh, yeah. I already have one.
Rachel: Who?!

Richard: Do you ever think about me in... a non-eye-doctor way?

Rachel: You can't have two backups!
Phoebe: Of course I can. It's just good sense to back up your backup. Look, I've already lost Chandler.
Rachel: What?!?!

Phoebe: Well, let's see. Ross is a good father. But... Joey has a boat. This is hard.

Phoebe: Wait, guys. Don't make any rash decisions. Remember my promise: If we get married, three times a week.
Rachel: Oh, my God. Phoebe...
Phoebe: I'm talking about massages.

Monica: I... I... I have to figure... some stuff, before I can...
Richard: Yeah, I understand. Take as much time as you want. Ten, 20 minutes, if you need it. I'll be here. Not smoking.

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+ Soundtracks

Владимир Георгиевич Сорокин — Доктор Гарин

цитаты,Доктор Гарин,Владимир Сорокин,будущее,лечебница,война,
  “Любезный и временно далёкий друг мой, многодосточтимый Платон Ильич! ...
&  Но я помню Ваши мудрые слова, коими Вы напутствовали меня при выписке из Вашего сверхчудодейственного санатория: “Не стирайте надежду. Надежда – не одежда”. Вы всегда изъяснялись сверхмудрыми загадками-пословицами, которые я разгадывал позже. Прошли эти месяцы, и разгадалось Ваше алтайское напутствие: настоящая надежда пообноситься не может, её невозможно снять, выстирать и надеть снова. Ибо, как только ты её снял – перестал надеяться! И это уже не надежда, а одежда. Подлинную надежду надобно и грязненькой любить! Так что я свою надежду в прачечную нести не собираюсь. Надеялся, надеюсь и буду надеяться.

&  Работа – не волк, но человек не ёж!

&  – Да. Взрослость, честно говоря, заебала. – Маша взяла рюмку с водкой.
     – Меня тоже, – вздохнул Гарин, беря свою рюмку. – Вокруг всё такое… как сказать… острых углов меньше не становится. Мало к чему можно спокойно прислониться. Только книги и успокаивают.

&  Бьорн Маклафлин родился в норвежском городке Бергене в 2020 году в семье шведки и ирландца. В том году китайцы заразили мир мутирующим вирусом covid-19, от которого вскоре скончались родители Бьорна, работавшие волонтёрами с заражёнными вирусом африканскими беженцами. Бьорна вырастила и воспитала тётя Кристина, владелица небольшого магазина одежды в Осло. Когда Бьорну было двенадцать, она погибла во время рождественского авианалёта талибов на Осло. Бьорн оказался в Ставангере, в интернате Святого Варсонофия, и пробыл там до семнадцатилетнего возраста. Покинув интернат, он поступил в Стокгольмский университет на факультет Scrum and Agile, параллельно работая официантом, грузчиком и курьером. Когда началась Вторая Северная война, Бьорн служил санитаром в финляндском легионе “Lumiampiaiset”. При обороне Хельсинки он получил тяжёлое ранение позвоночника и на всю оставшуюся жизнь был прикован к инвалидному креслу. Это не помешало ему заниматься общественной деятельностью. Во время Революции Стыда он был корреспондентом “Голоса Осло”, состоял в партии “Новая стратегия”. Партийная работа сблизила его с Земфирой Ланн, которая так же была инвалидом войны. Они собирались пожениться, но Земфира трагически погибла во время кислородного теракта в Осло. Утрата возлюбленной тяжело подействовала на Бьорна: он переехал жить в крошечный домик в горах, доставшийся ему в наследство от тёти Кристины. Там он прожил последние двадцать восемь лет. Писать сказки он начал уже в тридцатипятилетнем возрасте. Некоторые из них появлялись в сети, но первая книга сказок Бьорна Маклафлина вышла только после его трагической смерти. В последние три года с ним жил его четвероногий друг сенбернар Джой. В тот печальный февральский день Бьорн и Джой, как всегда, утром после завтрака отправились на прогулку по знакомой горной тропе…
     – …нет, не хочу я о грустном, Гарин. Лучше сами сказки почитаем, да?
     – Да, конечно. А биография по нынешним временам вполне себе академическая, – глубокомысленно вздохнул Гарин, закуривая. – Революция Стыда, домик в горах, собака...

&  – Ланч бранчу не товарищ, но старший брат!

19 сент. 2021 г.

In Case of Emergency

Ozark 3×7

Agent Trevor Evans: First, your uncles turn up dead, then your father gets gunned down. Now, either you're cursed, or this is the cost of loyalty to Marty Byrde.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: What's this?
Sue Shelby: It's a car.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It's a Transformer, and I spoke to you about conspicuous spending. Send this back.
Sue Shelby: Now, see, Marty, that's your problem. You are always trying to control everything.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Got it.
Sue Shelby: Loosen up, put a little sparkle in your step.

Sue Shelby: Now, listen, I think we experienced a real breakthrough in our last session.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: I don't. I'm kicked out of the house.
Sue Shelby: That just means we're going somewhere good.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Are they accusing me of money laundering or staging this hit?
Helen Pierce: Both.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: You really think I'm capable of doing that?

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: You want me to be your asset? You learn how to be a better handler.

Darlene Snell: Maybe... she had a good reason. Did it to protect Marty Byrde. Oh. If that's the case, your quarrel is not with your cousin. It's with Byrde. That man is a disease. He worms his way in, gets his hooks into people and changes them so they forget who they are. I mean, I saw it happen right in front of me with Jacob. The man I loved for 40 years, like a... a part of me. I watched him turn into something that I... I didn't even recognize. And he knew it, too. He just wasn't strong enough to fight it himself. And that's why I had to kill him.
Wyatt Langmore: What?

Wyatt Langmore: I thought you said he had a heart attack.
Darlene Snell: He did. It just wasn't entirely natural.

Special Agent Maya Miller: He's great at what he does. It's a shame he has to do it for a shitty boss.

Sue Shelby: Maybe you're scared that if you take in this stray, you'll be opening yourself up to hurt. Do you think you're avoiding pain?
Frank Jackson: Maybe.
Sue Shelby: Why do you think that is?
Frank Jackson: My job, perhaps. It's better if I don't feel things. I did love my dog.
Sue Shelby: It's easy to confuse vulnerability with weakness. But allowing yourself to be vulnerable is the truest sign of strength.
Frank Jackson: Thank you. That was very helpful.

Helen Pierce: Do you ever get tired of this?
Frank Jackson: No, not really.
Helen Pierce: Good. Keep your schedule open.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

The One with the Proposal

Friends 6×24

Phoebe: If she says no, can I have the ring?
Chandler: She won't say no.
Phoebe: If?...

Phoebe: We're practically kissing.

Rachel: How about you guys?
Phoebe: Open bar?
Rachel: I think so.
Phoebe: I can do that for the kids.

Mr. Thompson: Congratulations on your new boat, Joey Tribbiani.

Rachel: Phoebe, don't you think you've had enough to drink?
Phoebe: I'm just helping the kids.
Rachel: How is you drinking helping the kids?
Phoebe: Because the more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

18 сент. 2021 г.

La voie lactée (1969)

L'homme à la cape: Do you have any money?
Jean: No, sir.
L'homme à la cape: Then you shall have none. And you?
Pierre: Yes, I've got a little.
L'homme à la cape: Then you shall have a great deal more.

L'homme à la cape: Go, and take to you a whore and have children of the whore. Thou shalt name the first "Ye Are Not My People." And the second "No More Mercy."

Pierre: Father, a question. Once you swallow, what becomes of the Christ?

Un serveur: Everyone should believe in God?
Richard 'maître d'hôtel': True, atheists have always existed, but they're lunatics. Or they claim to be atheists, but aren't.
Un serveur: How so?
Richard 'maître d'hôtel': Because no sensible man can believe God doesn't exist.
Un serveur: Why not?
Richard 'maître d'hôtel': The proof's in the Bible. Psalms 131: "It is the impious fool who says in his heart there is no God." That's very convincing.
Un serveur: Yes, very convincing.
Jean: Free will. What's it mean?
Pierre: What it means is between a good deed and a bad one, you can choose.
Jean: Okay, but God knows it all, no? So if I choose a bad deed, he knew it long before.
Pierre: Sure, he's always known it.
Jean: How can I be free if my actions are fixed before I do them?
Pierre: That's free will. God's grace allows you to choose to do good.
Jean: But he already knows I'll choose to do evil. Why'd he decide I'd choose evil?
Pierre: God's ways are impenetrable.

La Vierge de l'auberge espagnole: Gentlemen. A word of advice: If anyone knocks at your door, don't open.
Jean: Why not?
La Vierge de l'auberge espagnole: If there's a knock, don't open, that's all. Open to no one. Not even me.

La prostituée: Wait. I got something to tell you... I want you to make me a baby.
Jean: What for?
La prostituée: I'll name it "Ye Are Not My People."
Jean: "Ye Are Not My People..."
Pierre: And what if we had one?
La prostituée: I'd name it "No More Mercy."
Pierre: "No More Mercy"?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Magical Bird #1

Atypical 4×1

Sam: In the beginning of a journey, no one knows what to expect. Sure, they might have a vague idea that the road ahead could be rough. But no one sets off on an expedition thinking, "In four months, I'll have a crippling case of scurvy and be forced to eat a sled dog."

Elsa: And this is where you can sit when we talk when I FaceTime you every night.
Sam: Every night?
Elsa: I talked myself down from three times a day, so that is my best and final offer.

Sam: That's what makes new beginnings so exciting. You don't know what will happen until it's over.

Doug: You know, we spend a lot of time with each other on this job. Sometimes it's good to just... be quiet.

Sam: Okay. Rule number one. Only check off the boxes when the task is completed.
Zahid: Check. For real.
Sam: Rule number two. Stop buying in bulk.
Zahid: Word. I got that Costco card, and I got drunk with power.
Sam: Rule number three. No loud, angry typewriter-ing when I'm home.
Zahid: I will rage alone. It is for the best. Is that all? Great. Well, if anything else pops up, you let me know.

Zahid: I got you something.
Sam: A trash can?
Zahid: A second trash can. We can have one in each spot.
Sam: Smart. Two trash cans is literally twice as good as one.
Zahid: You know, rules aren't a bad idea. But instead of a million, can we do, like, three each?

Sam: I think this is gonna work.
Zahid: Me too, roomie. Weed brownie?
Sam: No.
Zahid: Dance party?
Sam: No.
Zahid: Sit quietly and enjoy each other's company in silence?
Sam: Sure.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

17 сент. 2021 г.

Downton Abbey 2×1

Mrs. Hughes: You have to ease up a bit or you'll give yourself a heart attack.
Mr. Carson: There's a war on. Things cannot be the same when there's a war on.
Mrs. Hughes: I do not agree.
Mr. Carson: Keeping up standards is the only way to show the Germans that they will not beat us in the end.
Mrs. Hughes: Well, give me some warning the next time we're expecting Germans at Downton and I'll see what I can do.

Isobel Crawley: Well, if you're serious, what about being an auxiliary nurse? There's a training college in York. I know I could get you onto a course. It may be something of a rough awakening. Are you ready for that? I mean, have you ever made your own bed, for example? Or scrubbed a floor?

Mr. Carson: Last time he was here, he hadn't broken Lady Mary's heart.
Mrs. Hughes: Lady Mary broke her own heart.
Mr. Carson: Hmm!
Mrs. Hughes: That's if she has a heart to break.
Mr. Carson: I don't think we're ever going to see eye to eye on this, Mrs Hughes.
Mrs. Hughes: She refused him when she thought he'd have nothing. And when he was heir again she wanted him back.
Mr. Carson: I thought caution was a virtue.
Mrs. Hughes: Caution maybe. Self-interest is not.

Mrs. Hughes: Perhaps Miss Swire is a gentler person...
Mr. Carson: If you ask me, this "Miss Swire", who, it may interest you to know, is not to be found in Burke's Peerage or Burke's Landed Gentry, has an eye to the main chance.
Mrs. Hughes: Well, that's not snobbish, I suppose?
Mr. Carson: I like to see things done properly, Mrs Hughes. And I won't apologise for that. Now, if you'll excuse me...

Ethel Parks: Why shouldn't she learn how to cook and scrub? She may need it when the war's over. Things are changing. For her lot and us. And when they do I mean to make the most of it.

Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: What is it, Carson?
Mr. Carson: Something has been going on and I don't feel quite easy that you've not been made aware of it.
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham: Goodness. What is this dark secret? Mr. Carson: Lady Sybil has spent the last two days in the kitchens.

Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham: What is this driving mania?
Lady Edith Crawley: It'll be useful. They won't let a healthy man drive us around for much longer. And if Sybil can be a nurse, why can't I be a chauffeur?

Mr. Carson: That was nice of you.
Mrs. Hughes: It was quite nice. But I had my reasons. There's a grating on the wall, which means you can hear what's being said in the room.
Mr. Carson: Now, if I was a gentleman, I wouldn't want to know.
Mrs. Hughes: But you're not.
Mr. Carson: Fortunately.

Lady Sybil Crawley: I'm terribly flattered.
Branson: Don't say that.
Lady Sybil Crawley: Why not?
Branson: Because "flattered" is a word posh people use when they're getting ready to say no.

Matthew Crawley: Thank you for that. Thank you very much.
Thomas Barrow: What would my mother say? Me, entertaining the future Earl of Grantham to tea.
Matthew Crawley: War has a way of distinguishing between the things that matter, and the things that don't.

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