6 янв. 2015 г.

The Wedding

Citizen Khan 3×6

& Keith: I know it’s supposed to be a fusion wedding — a mix of the English and Pakistani traditions.
    Mr. Khan: Pakistani tradition is to make sure it’s bloomin’ cheap! The proudest moment in any Pakistani man’s life is seeing his daughter getting married for under £3.50 a head.

& Mr. Khan: Come on, sweeties, let’s not argue on such a special day. It doesn’t matter about the style of your outfits. All that matters is, how much did they cost?

& Shazia: Sure you don’t mind it’s a smaller wedding than maybe you and Mum wanted?..
    Mr. Khan: It’s not a smaller wedding than I wanted, sweetie. No wedding could be smaller than I wanted.

& Mrs. Khan: Fine. Go. Go to our daughter’s tiny wedding, in the small function room, with the limited guest list and only one chicken leg and half a samosa per person!
    Mr. Khan: You make that sound like a bad thing.

& Mr. Khan: Well, Shazia’s wedding is a one-off special offer, today only, take it or leave it, never, ever to be repeated... God willing.

& Mr. Khan: This is the happiest day of my life!

On the IMDb

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