24 янв. 2015 г.

The Choice

The Borgias 2×5

& Lucrezia: It is ingenious, when you think of it.
    Vanozza Borgia: St. Peter’s?
    Lucrezia: The Church. Like an enormous bank machine. The faithful pay to maintain it in its magnificent splendor. This theatre of redemption. The greater the display, the more they gather from all corners of Christendom. The more they pay.

& Rodrigo Borgia: To Florence— and its heretic, Savonarola!

& Rodrigo Borgia: Know your enemy, Cardinal. Know him better than your friend.

& Machiavelli: And how can you buy one who would outlaw trade itself?
    Rodrigo Borgia: You offer him something that money cannot buy. Heaven itself.

+ quotes on the IMDb

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