Modern Family 2×18
Claire: Phil, come on!
& Claire: If Hannibal Lecter and Freddy Kruger had a lovechild, he would be afraid of our next door neighbor.
Phil: I don’t say bad things about people, but Mr. Kleezak is... not a nice person.
Claire: Easy, honey.
& Mitchell: Hey, is your mom home?
Haley: No. She had to take Alex to the oncologist.
Mitchell: Oh, my God. What’s wrong?
Haley: She needed new glasses.
Mitchell: Oh. Did you mean the optometrist?
Haley: Whatever.
& Claire: We don’t know the man.
Phil: Yeah. Old people and young people can be friends. Here are some examples: Up, Gran Torino, True Grit.
Claire: Cartoon, kills himself, loses an arm.
& Mitchell: When I was twelve my father walked in on me doing the most embarrassing thing a boy can do: dancing to Madonna’s Lucky Star.
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