17 дек. 2021 г.

The One with the Halloween Party

Friends 8×6

Monica: You're supposed to wear a costume.
Rachel: I am. I am a woman... who spent a lot of money on a dress and she wants to wear it... because soon she won't be able to fit into it.

Phoebe: Ah, Catwoman. So we meet again.
Monica: So we do, Supergirl.
Phoebe: It's me, Phoebe.

Monica: I thought he'd love it. His favorite book was The Velveteen Rabbit.
Chandler: The Velveteen Rabbit was brown and white.
Monica: It was either a pink bunny, or no bunny at all.
Chandler: No bunny at all. Always no bunny at all!

Monica: What are you supposed to be?
Ross: Remember the Russian satellite, Sputnik? Well, I'm a potato. Or a "spud"... and these are my antenna. So Sputnik becomes?... Spud-nik! Spud-nik.
Chandler: Wow, I don't have the worst costume anymore.
Joey: Hey, all right! Ross came as doodie.

Eric: Oh, um, I'm a solar system. My student's helped me. I teach second grade.
Phoebe: I love the second grade.
Eric: Really?
Phoebe: It's better than first grade, where you don't know what's going on. And definitely better than third grade. You know, with all the politics and the mind games.

Monica: Wow, they're both really strong.
Joey: Or equally weak.

Ross: Oh, God, she's talking to Joey! You've got to let me win!
Chandler: No way. Let me win. My wife thinks I'm a wimp.
Ross: Hey, at least you have a wife. I keep getting divorces and knocking people up. And I'm dressed as doodie.

Joey: Come on, you're good with kids. They're just crazy on Halloween. They're all greedy, hopped up on sugar.
Rachel: Really? That's all it is?
Joey: Absolutely. Halloween is the worst. Except for Christmas. And their birthdays. They get crazy during the summer too. And any time they're hungry or sleepy. Kids are tough. Good luck with that. Pfft.

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