28 дек. 2021 г.

Force Projection

The Expanse 6×3

Holden: Everybody on this ship has something they regret. Including Amos, I think. You're in good company.

Bobbie: What else is good on Ceres?
Amos: They got decent booze. And all the brothels are union.
Bobbie: Anything other than noodles, bars, and brothels?
Amos: I never looked.

Marco Inaros: This is not the Inners' kind of fight. We will hit and run and hit and run and be gone before they know what hit them.

Filip Inaros: They're calling us cowards.
Marco Inaros: Who exactly are "they"?
Filip Inaros: Dissidents. On the news.
Marco Inaros: Why do you care what a dissident thinks?

Marco Inaros: It speaks well of you that you care about them... but the Belters on Ceres are not like us. Generation after generation, they've slaved away for the Inners, accommodating their needs instead of fighting for ours. Caring more for their own comforts than the future of the Belt. You and I, we're meant to be out here in the darkness. In the fight. That's who we are. Who we were born to be.

Camina: Good. I'm ready for a fight.

Marco Inaros: Filip. Will you take the guns?
Filip Inaros: ... Yes, Captain.
Marco Inaros: Weapons to my son.

Amos: There's nothing in this for him. He's just a good guy.
Bobbie: That's what it always takes.
Amos: If Prax thinks it's important, then it is. Chrissie'll know what to do with it.
Bobbie: The Old Lady really loves it when you call her that.
Amos: At least I say it to her face.

Amos: Hey, Cap, what's going on?
Holden: Everybody suit up and strap in. It's about to get hot.

Clarissa: Where are you going?
Amos: I gotta fix 'em.
Clarissa: In the middle of the fight?
Amos: That's the job, Peaches.

Amos: Did we win?

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