15 дек. 2021 г.

The Grand Chancellor and a Den of Sin

Young Sheldon 5×8

Adult Sheldon: Let's talk about the glory of meetings. What's not to love? Agendas, detailed minutes, and if you're lucky, they begin and end with the soothing sound of discipline and rules. Ah...

Dr. Linkletter: No, Sheldon, it was just a budget meeting.
Sheldon: Ooh, budgets, do tell.
Dr. Linkletter: Most of it was about reducing the gen-ed science requirement from eight credits to four.
Sheldon: But that's less science classes. Who would want that?
Dr. Linkletter: Apparently the administration, the students and their parents.
Sheldon: Did anyone try to stop it?
Dr. Linkletter: No.
Sheldon: Did it spark a heated debate?
Dr. Linkletter: Not really, no.

Sheldon: I can't believe the faculty is okay with this.
Dr. Linkletter: It just means students who aren't science majors need to take one class instead of two.
Sheldon: But that's 50% less.
Dr. Linkletter: Sheldon, this doesn't affect you.
Sheldon: Less science affects all of society. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm good at making things all about me.

Sheldon: So, you're gonna keep the science requirements the same?
President Hagemeyer: If it were up to me, yes.
Sheldon: But you're the president.
President Hagemeyer: Everyone has a boss, Sheldon. Now, unfortunately, I have to answer to the... grand chancellor.

Sheldon: Perhaps I should speak with him.
President Hagemeyer: I appreciate that, but this is my fight... Win or lose... and I'll probably lose, but I am gonna go down swinging, I promise you that.
Sheldon: Can I help?
President Hagemeyer: Absolutely! I need you to put together a report backing up our position. Charts, graphs... the whole shebang.
Sheldon: Hmm. Charts and graphs of what?
President Hagemeyer: Am I helping you or are you helping me?
Sheldon: Uh, of course. I'll figure it out.
President Hagemeyer: I know you will. Okay, now, get out of here. You have a lot of work to do.
Sheldon: Yes, ma'am.

Mary: Gambling destroys lives!
Meemaw: That's what you say about booze. I think it's an excellent pairing.

Mary: What if the police show up?
Meemaw: Don't you worry about them. We got an understanding.
Mary: What does that mean?
Meemaw: I'd explain it to you, but you wouldn't understand.

Mary: It is bad enough for you to do all this stuff, but then to drag Georgie down into your den of sin.
Meemaw: Oh, please, it's not a den of sin. Although... that is a great name. Den... of Sin. That would get some butts in seats.

President Hagemeyer: I know. Bummer. But hey, we gave it our best shot, so time to move on, right?
Sheldon: Absolutely not.
President Hagemeyer: Are you sure? 'Cause it feels like time to me...
Sheldon: We have to keep fighting! If Antonie van Leeuwenhoek had given up, where would we be?
President Hagemeyer: Where would we be?...
Sheldon: In a world without microscopes.
President Hagemeyer: Because... that guy invented them?
Sheldon: Boy, did he. At least the first modern microscope.

Mary: We have to get him out of there.
George: Mary, we told him not to drop out of school, he dropped out of school. Told him he couldn't have girls in the garage, he has girls in the garage.
Mary: He does?!
Missy: So many...

Mary: So, we do nothing?
George: We let him make his own mistakes.
Mary: That just sounds like another way of saying we do nothing.

Mary: I'm gonna go down there.
George: And that's a mistake I'm gonna let you make.

Sheldon: Excuse me, would you like to sign my petition about keeping our science requirements strong?
Student: Of course. If you'll sign mine to increase funding for the school jazz band.
Sheldon: Let's pretend we never met.

Sheldon: I'm handing you the scoop of a lifetime. As your people say, I think you'll dig it.

Sheldon: I'm going to start calling you President Hage-liar, and I think it'll to catch on because it's both true and clever.

George: Look, here's something you should know about life: People lie.
Sheldon: Everybody?
George: Pretty much.
Sheldon: Well, I don't like it.
George: Mm. It's not always a bad thing.
Sheldon: When is lying good?
George: Like when you're trying to spare someone's feelings.
Sheldon: Oh, I'd rather everybody just be honest.
George: Hmm... Fine. The last thing I wanted to do today was pick you up.
Sheldon: You said you were happy to do it.
George: See? Lies.

Sheldon: I think I need to stop blindly trusting everything.
George: Hmm. Probably not a bad idea.
Sheldon: Thanks. I wish I could believe you.

Adult Sheldon: Once I was on the lookout for liars, I saw them everywhere...

Mary: Hey, baby. What's wrong?
Sheldon: Is it that obvious?
Mary: Well, you are outside, where birds live.

Sheldon: I'm experiencing what the Germans call weltschmerz.
Mary: Uh-huh. And what do Americans call it?
Sheldon: The pain of the world.
Mary: Sounds more fun in German.
Sheldon: Most things do.

George: Look at me! I-I won two dollars!

Stephen Hawking: Miss Hagemeyer, Stephen Hawking here.
President Hagemeyer: Oh, hello. I... I... Is this really Stephen Hawking?
Stephen Hawking: Does it not sound like me? Sorry, I have a cold.
President Hagemeyer: Oh, uh...
Stephen Hawking: That was a joke. Ha, ha, ha.

Stephen Hawking: Has anyone ever called you President Hage-liar?

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