27 нояб. 2019 г.

The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019)

Enzo: Gestures are all that I have. I have no words I can rely on, because my tongue was designed long and flat and is therefore an ineffective tool for making complicated polysyllabic sounds.

Enzo: I saw a documentary about Mongolia on TV. In Mongolia, they believe that when a dog has finished living his lifetimes as a dog, his next incarnation will be as a man.

Enzo: Call it fate, call it luck. All I knew was I was meant to be his dog.

Enzo: Denny always said the best drivers focus only on the present. Never dwelling on the past, never committing to the future. Reflection must come at a later time.

Denny: Car goes where your eyes go, Enz.

Enzo: I've learned that people will say just about anything in front of me, as I am only a dumb dog.

Enzo: Oh, God. It must be amazing to have a body that can carry an entire creature inside. I mean, other than a tapeworm, which I've had.

Denny: When I'm in a race car, I'm the creator of my own destiny. "That which you manifest is before you." Create your own conditions and rain is just rain.

Enzo: Denny always said panic's a driver's worst enemy. So, I did not panic.

Enzo: I'm a dog. And when God denied dogs the use of thumbs, He gave us the ability to survive without food for extended periods. So, although a thumb would've been very helpful, allowing me to turn a doorknob, for instance, my second-best tool was my ability to go without food.

Enzo: The transmission gear snaps. The clutch fails. Brakes go soft from overheating... The poor driver will crash. The average driver will quit. But the great driver will drive through the problem.

Enzo: It must be so difficult being a person... Sometimes I doubt my ability to interact on such a level, but I know it's required if I'm to become the human I hope to be.

Enzo: A true champion can accomplish things a normal person would consider impossible. Denny just needed to remember that...

Enzo: While I very much wish to be human, there is one advantage to being a dog that I will miss... A dog can power down his psyche and slow his metabolism. He can sit for hours on end with no effort. A dog can change the tempo of the world, but people are at its mercy.

Denny: And what if I don't win?
Don Kitch: There's no dishonor in losing the race, there's only dishonor in not racing because you're afraid to lose.

Enzo: If a driver has the courage to create his own conditions... then the rain is simply rain.

Enzo: I saw a documentary about Mongolia on TV. In Mongolia, when a dog dies, he is buried high in the hills, so people cannot walk on his grave.

Enzo: His master whispers into the dog's ears his wishes that in his next life the dog will return as a man. Not all dogs return as men, they say. Only those who are ready. I'm ready.

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