18 нояб. 2019 г.

Anna (2019)

Oleg: I shouldn't be having this conversation with anyone. I take serious risks in doing so. You want proof, there it is. My life for your love.

Alex: We all have turning points in our lives. Most of the time, we can't see them until they're in our rear-view mirror. But I'm here to tell you this is one of those moments. Every intersection offers several possibilities. You just have to pick the right road. And sometimes, those choices have to be made quickly.

Alex: You have talents and skills that we can help you develop.
Anna: Like what?
Alex: A sharp mind. Calm under pressure. And a certain amount of anger can be useful. Mostly though, you're a blank key, which means you have the potential to open many doors.

Alex: Have a little faith.
Anna: Last time I put my faith in men, look where it got me.
Alex: Never put your faith in men, Anna. Put faith in yourself.

Alex: She's highly intelligent.
Olga: "It takes more than intelligence to act intelligently." Dostoyevsky.
Anna: "Like a captive cast to the bottom of a deep, dry well, I know not who I am, not what awaits me. Yes, it's clear to me that in this cruel and obstinate struggle with Satan, I'm fated to emerge victorious. Then mind and matter shall fuse in perfect harmony. And the reign of universal will... shall begin."
Olga: Hmm. Chekhov. Seagull. Act 1. The play within the play.
Anna: Your favorite play.
Olga: How did you know that?
Anna: I work for KGB, baby.

Olga: Trouble never sends a warning.

Olga: How's the sex?
Anna: How do you know?
Olga: I work for KGB, baby.

Olga: What's he like?
Anna: Smart. Handsome. A bit of an ass.
Olga: Typical CIA.

Vassiliev: Some of her choices are unnecessary.
Anna: "Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by."
Vassiliev: Lenin?
Anna: Kasparov.

Vassiliev: There's only one way to leave the KGB. Do you want to find out what it is?

Alex: For now, enjoy the moment. Give yourself time, Anna. It plays in your favor. Let the currents move beneath you. Powers will shift. Enemies can vanish. Do what you can to stay alive. Time will do the rest.

Olga: No one fucks with KGB!

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