30 июн. 2015 г.

John Doe: Vigilante

& John Doe: Do you know me? I’m just like you. I’m just another face in the crowd. I’m the guy next door. Wife, child, mortgage... a job I hate... a life I hate... a life without meaning. I’m John Doe.

& Detective Clint: Case one... The murder of an innocent young woman. Case two... John Doe’s first victim. Now, you as a taxpayer... you tell me which one you want me to focus on. The murder of an innocent young woman or the murder of a known pedophile?
    Ken Rutherford: But what does it matter who or what they were? People were being murdered. It’s your job to find the killer.
    Detective Clint: Sure. But I only work 14 hours a day.

& John Doe: Killing’s easy. It’s living with it that’s the hard part.

& Sam Foley: We’re too politically correct. It’s all about the perp’s rights. The preps get their way. The victims end up getting screwed. And when you go to court, if you’re lucky enough to actually get to court, the courts end up editing the victim’s impact statement. Why? To reduce the impact. It’s fucking insane. I mean, the victims end up becoming victims all over again.

& Sam Foley: A vigilante is simply somebody who violates the law in order to punish a criminal for what they believe is right... for what they believe is justice. So what then do you call a country who sends soldiers to kill people in places like Afghanistan or Iran, Iraq, Korea, Vietnam... in the name of what they believe is right, in the name of what they believe is justice?.. That country is a vigilante, pure and simple. Only, when a country does it, people call it war, and nobody bats an eyelid. But when a country does it, they aren’t anywhere near as clinical or as careful... as someone like John Doe. And that country ends up killing thousands, of innocent women... and innocent children. Oh, collateral damage.
    Ken Rutherford: So, you’re comparing what’s happening here to a war?
    Sam Foley: Of course I am, Ken. Make no mistake about it. It is a war that is being fought. It is a war for justice. It is a war against crime.
And it is a war with victims.

& John Doe: It’s out there now. The public, they understand that these people must be stopped. They get that the system that we call justice... is polluting humanity with its shades of gray.

& John Doe: It’s time to get up off the couch. It’s time to turn off the television! It’s time to stand up... and scream! It’s not working! It’s wrong! We all have to do something. We all have to take responsibility. We have to make a difference. We have to stand up for each other. We have to protect each other.

& John Doe: I’m not fucking John Doe. We all are. You are. You have to make them stop, and think... before they rape... before they maim, before they kill, before they destroy lives! They have to believe... that someone is watching. They have to know that someone, out there, is prepared to do anything... is prepared to do whatever it takes. I’ve delivered the message. Now it’s up to you.

& Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?
    Jury Foreman: Yes, we have, your honor.
    Judge: Would the defendant please rise? On the 33 counts of murder, how do you find?

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