25 июн. 2015 г.

House of Cards 3×1

Chapter 27

& Underwood: Did you see that motorcade roll up?.. It’s the first time that the President of the United States has visited Gaffney. Can you believe it?

& Underwood: I wouldn’t be here if I had a choice. But I have to do these sort of things now. Makes me seem more human. And you have to be a little human when you’re the president.

& Stephen Colbert: I understand you’ve got, um, a new piece of legislation, a major new initiative you’re rolling out. What is it?
    Underwood: That is correct. It’s a new jobs program that we’re calling America Works.
    Stephen Colbert: Oh. So it’s a fantasy novel.

& Underwood: Now you see why Donald said yes. He may hate my guts, but there’s nothing like a death in the family to separate the wheat from the bullshit.

& Claire: I’m almost 50 years old. ’ve been in the passenger seat for decades. It’s time for me to get behind the wheel. That needs to start now. Before the election. Because who knows what will happen? What if you lose?..
    Underwood: I will not be a placeholder president, Claire. will win. And will leave a legacy.
    Claire: You mean we will.

& Underwood: Get dressed. I want you to see something.

& Doug: Get undressed.

& Operator: Mr. President, this is a highly classified operation—
    Underwood: I’m clearing the First Lady for this operation.

+ Quotes from the IMDb

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