10 июн. 2015 г.

An Act of War

& Jacob: Remember how I told you there’s some good left in the world? You’ll see.

& Jacob: I’ve always seen optimism in life. The joy. I’ve always found beauty, until recently that is. The earth itself is overflowing with elegance. Sophistication. Refinement. But those who inhabit it are far from the world on which they stand. The worst thing that ever could have happened to planet Earth, human existence. The world flourished for millions of years, but now it rots. And the tenure of man is to blame. I’ll no longer tolerate the abuse I’ve endured from society. Society makes me sick.

& Jacob: We’ve become reliant on what we hear to determine what we think. News stations tell us what to believe, what to stand for. Advertisements tell us what we must have, what we cannot live without. All the while we stray further and further from what truly matters.

& Jacob: I’ve seen the worst in man. I know what the world needs. It needs protection, it needs a hero. Someone to end the affliction, to stop the bleeding. Someone to show the scum that they’ve only existed because we’ve allowed them to. Someone to give the filth what they deserve. Someone who will stand for this not a second longer.

& Jacob: A man is capable of anything, once he’s lost his conscience. The door’s open.

On the IMDb

Σ Something special here. Not one-dimensional piece.

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