30 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.10

Nadia: When you're released, will we live together?
Malotru: Would you want to?
Nadia: I would. Even if it scares me a bit.
Malotru: Just a bit?

Nadia: Without terrorist attacks, bombs... snipers, hostages... How will we manage, Guillaume?
Malotru: Like everyone else. Like normal people.
Nadia: "Normal" as in "ordinary"? We'll have a lot to learn, and it won't always be glamourous. Like waking up every day next to each other. Putting up with each other's moods and habits. Remembering what hurts the other, or makes them sad. Remembering birthdays... And at the end of each God-given day, we can't forget to look at each other as we undress, to get into bed together.

Malotru: We live with our enemies. We spend time with them. We even like them. That's what our job is. I've been doing this forever. At first, it's exciting. You feel powerful, in control, smart, on an adrenaline high... But befriending bastards turns you into one yourself.
Camille: You think you're a bastard?
Malotru: I destroyed a man's life.
Camille: Did you betray him?
Malotru: Yes. That's not the problem.
Camille: What is, then?
Malotru: Fear. When you destroy a man's life, what usually follows? He gets revenge. Usually. That's what I'd do.

Jonas: When an undercover sleeps with someone, can't they still have feelings?
Marina: Sure... They can. In fact, it's better if they do. If not, there's no sex.
Jonas: Did you ever have any?
Marina: ...... Yes, I did. And I really hurt that person.

Camille: Your conviction that Kennedy's death puts you in danger again...
Malotru: There is some logic to this. Isn't that what logic does? Create certainty?
Camille: No, that would be fantasy. It's a defense mechanism. You've replaced an uncontrollable, unclear fear with one you're more familiar with. A fear you can identify. Kennedy. It's easier than focusing on what awaits you. A life with no legend. A simple life, one where you use your real name. I understand how scary that must seem.
Malotru: That's what Nadia says, too.
Camille: Really? Then it must be a conspiracy... of well-wishers.

Marie-Jeanne: It looks like this beauty contest is between you and me now.
Benjamin: They should end the suspense and just flip a coin. With a little bonus for gender parity perhaps.
Marie-Jeanne: You think there's a quota policy? Ouch, my ego.
Benjamin: It's a sign of the times. Even in here.

Michel: Your mission statement is very clear. But strangely, one aspect is missing. You didn't mention the Bureau. What do you intend to do with it?
Marie-Jeanne: You want the long or the short answer?
Michel: Short, if you don't mind.
Marie-Jeanne: It should be dissolved.
Michel: In that case, give me the long version.

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