17 июн. 2021 г.

The One with All the Thanksgivings

Friends 5×8

Rachel: Monica, that was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. It was so good. I think you killed us.
Ross: I couldn't possibly eat another bite.
Joey: I need something sweet.

Rachel: We should play that game where everyone says one thing they're thankful for.
Joey: Oh, I... I am thankful for this beautiful fall we've been having. ... Yeah, the other day, I was at the bus stop... and this lovely fall breeze came in out of nowhere... and blew this chick's skirt right up. Oh, which reminds me, I'm also thankful for thongs. ... It's not so much an underpant as it is a feat of engineering. It's amazing how much they can do with so little material. And the way they play with your mind. I mean, is it there? Is it not there?
Chandler: Are you aware that you're still talking?
Phoebe: Is anyone thankful for anything else besides a thong?

Monica: Get that off now.
Joey: I can't. It's stuck.
Monica: Well, I don't care. That turkey has to feed 20 people. They're not going to eat it off your head.
Phoebe: Hold on, okay? Let's just all think...
Monica: Okay, I got it. Phoebe? All right. You pull. I'm gonna spread the legs as wide as I can. Joey, now is not the time.

Chandler: You're so great. I love you.

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