30 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.10

Nadia: When you're released, will we live together?
Malotru: Would you want to?
Nadia: I would. Even if it scares me a bit.
Malotru: Just a bit?

Nadia: Without terrorist attacks, bombs... snipers, hostages... How will we manage, Guillaume?
Malotru: Like everyone else. Like normal people.
Nadia: "Normal" as in "ordinary"? We'll have a lot to learn, and it won't always be glamourous. Like waking up every day next to each other. Putting up with each other's moods and habits. Remembering what hurts the other, or makes them sad. Remembering birthdays... And at the end of each God-given day, we can't forget to look at each other as we undress, to get into bed together.

Malotru: We live with our enemies. We spend time with them. We even like them. That's what our job is. I've been doing this forever. At first, it's exciting. You feel powerful, in control, smart, on an adrenaline high... But befriending bastards turns you into one yourself.
Camille: You think you're a bastard?
Malotru: I destroyed a man's life.
Camille: Did you betray him?
Malotru: Yes. That's not the problem.
Camille: What is, then?
Malotru: Fear. When you destroy a man's life, what usually follows? He gets revenge. Usually. That's what I'd do.

Jonas: When an undercover sleeps with someone, can't they still have feelings?
Marina: Sure... They can. In fact, it's better if they do. If not, there's no sex.
Jonas: Did you ever have any?
Marina: ...... Yes, I did. And I really hurt that person.

Camille: Your conviction that Kennedy's death puts you in danger again...
Malotru: There is some logic to this. Isn't that what logic does? Create certainty?
Camille: No, that would be fantasy. It's a defense mechanism. You've replaced an uncontrollable, unclear fear with one you're more familiar with. A fear you can identify. Kennedy. It's easier than focusing on what awaits you. A life with no legend. A simple life, one where you use your real name. I understand how scary that must seem.
Malotru: That's what Nadia says, too.
Camille: Really? Then it must be a conspiracy... of well-wishers.

Marie-Jeanne: It looks like this beauty contest is between you and me now.
Benjamin: They should end the suspense and just flip a coin. With a little bonus for gender parity perhaps.
Marie-Jeanne: You think there's a quota policy? Ouch, my ego.
Benjamin: It's a sign of the times. Even in here.

Michel: Your mission statement is very clear. But strangely, one aspect is missing. You didn't mention the Bureau. What do you intend to do with it?
Marie-Jeanne: You want the long or the short answer?
Michel: Short, if you don't mind.
Marie-Jeanne: It should be dissolved.
Michel: In that case, give me the long version.

On the IMDb


Mare of Easttown 1×2

Dylan Hinchey: You said that I could leave whenever I wanted to, right?
Detective Mare Sheehan: Yeah, but the second you walk out of here, I can't help you anymore, so if you've got something you want to tell me, you better do it now, 'cause as soon as you leave this station, I'm gonna start digging through your life and I'm gonna find out everything. Every thing. And if you're lying to me, it's gonna be very bad for you.

Detective Colin Zabel: Mare, can we, uh, hit the reset button here?
Detective Mare Sheehan: I don't even know what that means.

Detective Colin Zabel: Okay. I'm Detective Colin Zabel... Come on. Come on.
Detective Mare Sheehan: You fucking kidding me right now?
Detective Colin Zabel: Come on. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?
Detective Mare Sheehan: Oh, my God.
Detective Colin Zabel: You're the chef. I'm the sous-chef. What are we cooking?
Detective Mare Sheehan: Stop talking.

Siobhan Sheehan: How do you like working with my mom so far?
Detective Colin Zabel: It's good. Yeah. Uh, we're just getting started out. So, um... Any tips?
Siobhan Sheehan: Lower your expectations.

Detective Colin Zabel: Have a good night, Mare... Good night, Mare. Why don't you have a good "nightmare."

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Стивен Кинг — Жизнь Чака

Сборник “Будет кровь”

цитаты,Стивен Кинг,anthology,Будет кровь,multiverse,accountant,dance,drummer,cancer,
  “Марти Андерсон увидел рекламный щит буквально перед тем, как окончательно вырубился Интернет. ...
&  – Я хочу верить в Бога, дядя Дуг, и вроде как верю, но мне непонятно, почему все должно быть вот так. Почему Бог допускает такое горе? Это великая тайна? Ты философ, профессор, и это все, что ты можешь мне сказать?
     Да, думает Дуг. Потому что смерть разбивает всю философию в пух и прах.
     – Знаешь, как говорят, Брайан: смерть забирает и лучших, и всех подряд.

&  – Человеческий мозг ограничен – это всего-навсего сгусток губчатой ткани внутри костяной коробки, – но разум не ограничен ничем. Его емкость колоссальна, его фантазия поистине беспредельна. Я думаю, что, когда человек умирает, рушится целый мир. Мир, который он знал и в который верил. Ты только представь: миллиарды людей на Земле, и каждый носит в себе целый мир. Миллиарды миров, созданных человеческим разумом.
     – И теперь папин мир умирает.
     – Но наши миры остаются, – говорит Дуг и снова сжимает плечи племянника. – Наши еще поживут.

&  Его жизнь ограниченнее, чем когда-то мечталось, но он уже с этим смирился. Он знает: сужение – естественный ход вещей. Наступает момент, когда ты понимаешь, что тебе не стать президентом США, и довольствуешься президентством в местном подразделении Американской молодежной торговой палаты.

&  Не мни себя главным героем – ты являешься им лишь в собственной голове.

  ... Он закрыл дверь и запер ее на замок.”

29 июн. 2021 г.

Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)

Connor: What's "obtuse" mean?
Owen: Mmm. Like, annoyingly insensitive.
Connor: Has a girl ever called you obtuse?
Owen: Only your mother, son.
Connor: Were you?
Owen: It could also mean, like, very slow to understand. I'm pretty sure I was that.

Connor: Can girls have cooties for one more year, please, while I mentally prepare for what's coming?

Owen: [Remember,] Creeks lead to rivers, rivers lead to towns.

Arthur: It's a zero-sum game. Treat it that way.

Connor: My dad said if anything happened to him, I should find someone I can trust.
Hannah: Something happen to your dad?
Connor: Are you someone I can trust?

Ethan: You got a weapon in here, H.?
Hannah: I have a pretty sharp axe.
Ethan: Afraid that's not gonna do it.

Jack: I hate this fucking place.
Allison: It hates you back.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ nostradamvs: «Как и все канадские фильмы, этот про лес. Но без снега, так как дело внезапно летом. Общая суть в том, что в одном большом и красивом лесу сошлись: бухгалтер, имеющий доказательства вины преступного конгломерата; его 10-летний сын; крутая пожарница Джоли в глубокой депрессии; её бывший бойфренд - шериф, который нынче счастливо женат; его беременная жена; два киллера, охотящиеся сперва за бухгалтером, а потом за его сыном; лесной пожар. Все эти персонажи бегают, ходят, разговаривают и стреляют, пересекаясь в произвольном порядке. Круче всех оказывается (вот спойлер!) беременная жена, терминатор просто какой-то. Боевик на раз, но сделано в целом добротно и занятно, смотреть было интересно. 6/10»

The One Where Everybody Finds Out

Friends 5×14

Joey: Oh, hey, you guys, look. Ugly Naked Guy's putting stuff in boxes.

Phoebe: Aah! Chandler and Monica. Chandler and Monica. Oh, my God. Chandler and Monica! Oh, my God! Oh, my eyes! My eyes!

Phoebe: I can't believe it. I mean, I think it's great. For him. She might be able to do better.

Joey: You know what? It doesn't matter who knows what. Now enough of us know that we could just tell them we know. Now all the lying and the secrets will finally be over.
Phoebe: Or... we could not tell them we know and have a little fun of our own.

Joey: I can't take any...
Phoebe: You don't have to do anything. Just don't tell them that we know.

Rachel: How are we going to mess with them?
Phoebe: Well, you could use your position as the roommate. And then I would use, you know, the strongest tool at my disposal... My sexuality.

Phoebe: Okay. Watch, learn, and don't eat my cookie.

Joey: This must end now.
Monica: Oh, man, they think they are so slick messing with us. But they don't know that we know that they know.
Chandler: So...
Monica: Ah, yes. The messers become the messees.

Chandler: Listen, Joey won't be here tonight. Why don't you come over and I'll let you, uh, feel my bicep. Or maybe more.

Rachel: Oh, I cannot believe those two.
Phoebe: They thought they could mess with us? They're trying to mess with us? They don't know that we know they know we know. And, Joey, you can't say anything.

Joey: Hey, hey, check it out, check it out. Ugly Naked Guy's got a naked friend.... Oh, my God. That's our friend.

Rachel: Joey, look at it this way, the sooner Phoebe breaks Chandler... the sooner this is all over and out in the open.
Joey: Ooh, I like that... Oh, okay. Show him your bra. He's afraid of bras. Can't work them.

Phoebe: I'm gonna kiss you now.
Chandler: Not if I kiss you first.
Phoebe: Well, I guess there's nothing left for us to do but kiss.
Chandler: Here it comes.
Phoebe: Our first kiss....

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

28 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.9

Malotru: Freud? Lacan? Jung?
Camille: My training was Lacanian. But I've moved on.
Malotru: I've never seen such an athletic therapist.
Camille: I was athletic before I was a therapist.
Malotru: They sent you here to watch me?
Camille: No, to help you. Are you surprised they're concernedabout your mental state? If they'd have asked,you'd have refused. If I'd introduced myself as "Camille the shrink", you have kicked me out.
Malotru: True...
Camille: This way, things developed organically.We got to know each other.
Malotru: I still had to search your things...
Camille: It wasn't exactly hard. But I wasn't about to draw arrows on the walls. Does this mean we're done wrestling?
Malotru: No. It's about to get more interesting.

Gaingouin: Gentlemen, it's time. We need to choose candidates to run Intelligence, replacing Michel, who is leaving us to go trout-fishing in Normandy. This time, I only want two names. I'll pick one and submit my choice to the President. The Defense Minister will pick the other candidate. It's just like the Miss France pageant. Last time, we won. So, this time, we're not the favorites.

Gaingouin: So, what do I want from you?
— To tear each other apart.
Gaingouin: Exactly. Pick who you like and blast them. Skin them alive. Demolish them bit by bit. If they survive, they're a good candidate.

Gaingouin: As you now, a good candidate is skilled in all areas. Cybersecurity, fieldwork... geopolitics, strategy and management. Good with people. A model of resistance to stress. Someone who says "no" to his men and his bosses.

Gaingouin: Marie-Jeanne? You haven't said much.
Marie-Jeanne: No, I haven't.
Gaingouin: You have a name?
Marie-Jeanne: Sorry, I can't be part of this...
Bertrand: What is she doing?
Michel: She wants to be a candidate.

On the IMDb

How Do You Plead?

Inside No. 9 6×5

Webster: Bedford, where the fuck are you?! What do you think you're doing, just pissing off whenever it suits you?
Urban: Nice to see you too, Mr Webster.
Webster: What do I even pay you for?
Urban: Oh, beats me. Force of habit by now, I expect.

Webster: This is supposed to be palliative care, not some kind of prolonged torture!
Urban: Well, someone should've read the small print, then. I don't think you can have one without the other.

Urban: I like taking your temperature. Stops you talking for a minute.

Urban: You've probably never seen Frozen, Mr Webster, but... you've got to make like Elsa and let it go. If you've done something unforgiveable... you just have to forgive yourself.

Urban: I don't think he's such a bad man. A bit grouchy sometimes.
Attendant: That's very forgiving of you.
Urban: I try to be a decent person.
Attendant: There's no accounting for taste.

Webster: Just think... his kind soul would burn far more brightly than mine.

Urban: What if I want to object, Your Honour?
Webster: Objection is for American courts. Here, I would just remind my learned friend not to lead the witness.

Attendant: Going down.

On the IMDb

Стивен Кинг — Телефон мистера Харригана

Сборник “Будет кровь”

цитаты,Стивен Кинг,anthology,Будет кровь,Телефон мистера Харригана,iphone,lottery,gift,
  “Городок, где я родился и вырос, был по сути большой деревней с населением примерно в шестьсот человек (и таким и остался, просто я оттуда уехал), но у нас был Интернет, как в больших городах, и мы с папой получали все меньше и меньше бумажной почты. ...
&  Мистер Харриган утверждал, что, достигнув определенного возраста, человек вполне может прожить только на яйцах и солонине. Когда я спросил, какого именно возраста, он ответил: шестидесяти восьми лет.
     – Когда человеку исполняется шестьдесят восемь, ему уже не нужны витамины.
     – Правда?
     – Нет. Я говорю это лишь для того, чтобы оправдать свои дурные привычки в еде.

&  Мистер Харриган дал честное слово, что ничего такого не будет, но у бизнесменов свой кодекс чести, и всякое данное слово можно забрать обратно, поскольку слово дается бесплатно.

&  – Молодость – чудесное время, – сказал мистер Харриган. – Жаль, что ею обладают только молодые... Многие говорили что-то подобное, но Бернард Шоу сказал лучше всех.

&  – Крейг, я редко даю советы. Обычно это напрасная трата времени. Но сегодня я дам тебе один совет. Генри Торо говорил, что не мы владеем вещами; вещи владеют нами. Каждая новая вещь – будь то дом, или машина, или телевизор,или вот такой новомодный телефон – это дополнительный груз, который мы добровольно взваливаем себе на спину. Тут можно вспомнить, что сказал Скруджу Джейкоб Марли: «Я ношу цепь, которую сам сковал себе при жизни». У меня нет телевизора, потому что, если бы он был, я бы его смотрел, хотя в основном там показывают всякую ерунду. У меня в доме нет радио, потому что, если бы оно было, я бы его слушал, а мне это не нужно. ...

&  – Получается как-то глупо, тебе не кажется? Бесплатная раздача полезных сведений идет вразрез с моими представлениями об успешном ведении бизнеса.

&  – Бесплатные образцы – это нормально, но если ты отдаешь слишком много всего задаром, будь то одежда, еда или информация, люди начнут принимать эти подарки как должное. Будут их ждать, даже требовать. Это как если бы ты похвалил своего щеночка, когда он навалил кучу тебе на ковер. Он и назавтра навалит там кучу и будет ждать похвалы, потому что у него в сознании уже отложилось, что это правильно. Ты сам его так научил. Будь я владельцем «Уолл-стрит джорнал»… или «Таймс»… даже проклятого «Ридерз дайджест»… меня бы пугала эта штуковина. – Он опять взял айфон; казалось, ему не хотелось выпускать его из рук. – Это как сломанный водопровод, только из прорванных труб хлещет не вода, а информация. Я думал, это всего-навсего телефон, но теперь понимаю… вернее, только начинаю понимать…

&  – У меня нет лечащего врача. Когда человеку уже хорошо за восемьдесят, ему можно есть сколько угодно рубленой солонины и ему не нужны никакие врачи, если только у него нет рака. В этом случае врач пригодится, чтобы выписывать обезболивающие.

&  Мистер Харриган говорил, что если ты соглашаешься, чтобы твоим именем назвали какое-то сооружение, это не просто абсурдно и глупо, но унизительно и эфемерно. Слава мирская недолговечна. Пройдет лет пятьдесят, сказал он, или даже двадцать, и ты превратишься в никому не интересное имя на табличке, которую никто даже не замечает.

&  Когда ты один в темноте, даже самые безумные мысли представляются вполне логичными.

&  – Даже ученые не чужды суеверий, Крейг. Я считаю, что лучше не трогать то, чего не понимаешь. Моя бабушка говорила, что не стоит звать, если не хочешь, чтобы тебе ответили. Мне кажется, это хороший совет.

  ... Но я твердо знаю две вещи, и это знание незыблемо, как камни Новой Англии. Я не хочу, чтобы меня кремировали после смерти, и хочу, чтобы меня похоронили с пустыми карманами.”

27 июн. 2021 г.

Sincerely Louis CK (2020)

& How are you? How-- how was your last couple of years?

    How... How was 2018 and '19 for you guys?

    That was crazy... Man, I was in a lot of trou-- Wait till they see those pictures of me in blackface. That's gonna to be... That's going to make it a lot worse.

& When you get in trouble, you learn who your real friends are. It's true -- people like saying that like that's a good thing. Who the fuck wants to know who their real friends are? You don't want to know that. Believe me, you don't want to know. It's never who you want it to be. It's not your cool friends and it's not your fun friends. It's your real friends.

& I was talking to my friend the other day about Jesus... uh, Christ, and, um... I don't remember why, but I happened to mention that Jesus was Jewish and my friend said, "He was?" And I said, Yeah. Jesus was Jewish. And he said, "I don't think so." And I said, that's okay, it already all happened. Doesn't matter where you think. But he'd argued with me. He was like, "Dude, Jesus couldn't be Jewish. Think about it." I'm like, "You fucking think about it, you idiot. What d-- What was he then? You're... What, was he Presbyterian? What was he? Catholic? Okay, Jesus was Catholic and he had a gold chain with a cross. And when they nailed him up, he was like, "Oh, that's why we have those!" "That finally makes sense. I didn't even know. Oh, fuck, that's me! I'm the little guy on it!"

& Every religion has a strange story or a rule that doesn't make sense to me. You know, like every time there's a terrorist act, they always tell you on the news about how they believe they're all going to heaven. And every guy who does a jihad thing and he gets 72 virgins, that's right. That's the story, always 72 virgins. Which, first of all, who are those women?

& Who are the 72 virgins? Does God have to kill 72 nice girls? "All right, ladies, uh, the good news is you're going to heaven. The weird news..."

& I think one reason people don't believe in him, because we don't have a sense of God because he doesn't say anything anymore. Used to talk all the time, used to go up to people on the street, "Hey!" Writing on the rocks -- "Look at that! Do it!" And it was conf-- Everybody's like, trying to figure it out. And then for 2,000 years, he just-- "Mm, meh." Nothing! Says nothing! And everybody's fighting. He could clear a lot of shit up with a five-minute press conference. If God spoke for five minutes, he'd solve a lot of problems.

& She said, "You no finish?" And I said, "No, I no finish." Because I think that's-- I think it's polite to repeat people's bad English to them. Otherwise, you're being a dick, it's like, "You no finish?" No, I am not going to finish. You left out a lot of words! I took the liberty of restoring them.

& I think two legs is better than none. That's what I think. That's just my opinion. It's not popular. You're not supposed to say that because you're supposed to always be very positive about disabled people. But I think that puts pressure on them to be positive. What if they don't want to be? Because the only story we want to hear is about the amazing disabled people-- "He's amazing." "He lost his legs, then he won the leg having contest." What about disabled people who aren't amazing, who are just ordinary with a sweatshirt and some potato chips, and he's going, "Fuck, I wish I had legs." "No! No, this is better! It's better with no legs." "Why is it better?" Because you can do anything now.

& Let's-- we're gonna talk about retarded people for 20 minutes. Just-- that's what's gonna happen. We're going to discuss retarded people for 20 minutes. It's not okay to not-- never speak of them. No, we're gonna talk about them.

& I hate New York, I really do-- I used to love New York, but I hate it now, I really-- I'd rather be in Auschwitz than in New York City. Honestly, I would. I mean-- I mean Auschwitz now. I mean, today Auschwitz. Not back when it was open. I mean, now-- it's nice now. There's a gift shop. People go there on purpose. They buy tickets. I think that's weird... That people buy tickets to Auschwitz. That's weird. If you could have told those people back then, "People are going to buy tickets to come here. Wrap your head around that. Jew." That's-- All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, never again, I promise.

    That's what we say about the Holocaust: Never again, 'cause they killed six million Jews. If they only killed, like, 10,000, would it be like, "Okay, two more times, and then taper off because it's a little much."

& I went to Auschwitz-- this is a true story, I actually did go to Auschwitz because I was doing shows in Poland because I had to go to Poland to do shows. So...

    I was in Krakow, so I went to the camp, and I went there because of a very personal reason-- because I had family there, I had a lot of family there. Forty-four members of my family were in Auschwitz during World War II. I mean, they were guards, they worked there-- No, no, no, no. They were Jews and they died. It's okay. Don't be offended. It's true.

    We lost the whole family there, everybody-- the whole-- because we were Hungarian Jews. My grandfather on my father's side, he's the only one who made it; the rest them, all 44 of them, went to Auschwitz, which I think they really regretted. But that's-- that's what happened, because the Hungarians sent all their Jews to-- They didn't-- they weren't even occupied, Hungary, they're just like, "Yeah, take-- take our Jews." And they sent my whole family there.

& I'm 52 and I like my 50s, I like this part of my life. It's my favorite so far. I'll tell you why. Because I can still move around pretty good. And I don't have long to live. I view that as a positive. Because life is a lot of pressure. The more life you have ahead of you, the more problems you have. Like, if you're 20, you might have 70 years to try not to be homeless or alone during. But I can-- I got maybe 24 years left. I can handle that, like, that's an amount of time, like, "Oh, yeah, I can fucking do that. I can cover 24 years." And it gets easier every year less that I have. Like, I bought a winter coat the other day I was like, "This is my last coat. I don't need a bunch of these." Gets easier.

    "Some people!" Some people like when sex is a little fucked up. All right. No... All right now, you want to talk about this? Should we talk about it? Yeah, all right, all right. I don't mind-- I don't mind talking about it. Okay. Um...

& I'll give you some advice. Here's some advice that really only I can give you... If you ever ask somebody, "Can I jerk off in front of you?" Let me finish. I mean-- I mean... Let me finish what I'm saying!

    If you've ever ask somebody, "May I jerk off in front of you," and they say yes, just say, "Are you sure?" That's the first part. And then if they say yes, just don't fucking do it.

    'Cause everybody's got their thing. Whatever your thing is, I don't know. You all have your thing. I don't know what your thing is. You're so fucking lucky that I don't know what you're thing is. Do you understand how lucky you are that people don't know your fucking thing? 'Cause everybody knows my thing. Everybody knows my fucking thing now. Obama knows my thing. Do you understand how that feels? To know that Obama was like, "Good lord!" Everybody in the world knows my thing...

& Men are taught to make sure the woman is okay. But the thing is, women know how to seem okay when they're not okay. So you can't just look at her face be like, "Yeah, her eyes are dry. We're fine. We'll just keep going"-- You gotta check in. 'Cause sex-- communication, during sex can be very confusing, like, sometimes, you're with a woman, you're having sex, she's making noises, she's going, like, "Ooh, ahh." And you're like, "Oh, she loves it." Not necessarily. Sometimes they're making those noises just to get through it, because it's easier to go, "Ooh, than to say, "I hate how you fuck me. Honestly, it's awful."

& ...you don't know your mom. That's the truth-- you don't really know your mother. You feel like you know her, but you know what she told you. She didn't tell you shit. You don't tell your kids your life.

& You know those movies where you're-- where a mother and a daughter switch bodies. ..... I think they should make it another one of those movies. But it should be about a mother who switches bodies with her son. But it's not a comedy, it's a drama-- like a medical affliction. They're upset the whole time. She's in the bathroom in the morning, "I'm holding my son's penis. It's confusing." And her son is in her body, he's like, "I don't want to be my mommy anymore. I don't like how it feels." And his dad comes home and he starts fucking 'im. "Oh, God! What's happening now? I don't like this, but I don't want to say no to my dad." And then at the end of the movie, they never switch back.

On the IMDb
+ Sincerely Louis CK

26 июн. 2021 г.

Miss Lady Hawk Herself

Mare of Easttown 1×1

Erin McMenamin: Hey, Dad. Dinner's ready. Did you have a good day at work?
Kenny McMenamin: I'd like you to come to work with me once to see if you can find anything good about it.

Judy Zabel: How's she holding up?
Detective Mare Sheehan: Well, her mom's got Parkinson's, and her brother's smashing her kids' piggy banks to buy Dilaudid. I think she's wondering where the hell God is in her life.
Father Dan Hastings: Depends on what her view of God is. Merton says that "our idea of God tells us more about ourselves than about... Him."
Detective Mare Sheehan: When you're up at the altar preaching to the congregation, you ever get the feeling no one's listening?
Father Dan Hastings: Every single day.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.8

JJA: Do you know of any mission involving Guillaume Debailly that failed?
Sylvain: No.

Sisteron: You're leaving?
JJA: Michel dismissed me. "Terminated", as they say. Can you imagine? ... He thinks I'm crazy. It was useful for a while, but lately, I've probably gone too far.
Sisteron: At least you recognize it...
JJA: That means it's time to quit while I'm ahead.

JJA: Whatever the outcome of the Kennedy mission, it's over for me. Either I end on a high note, a true success. If Kennedy is recruited, it'll go down in history. Or I leave on a failure, like many others, who tried and failed. But, I've lost much more than the others. I made quite a few sacrifices for this operation. My integrity, in particular.

Karlov: I'll call you with my decision.
Malotru: Do you have a choice?
Karlov: One always has a choice.

Marina: Here, we call that the "burial form". There's a question in the form: "Do you want to become an undercover agent." Next to it, there's a box to tick. Ticking that box means that you'll spend at least the next 12 to 18 months here at HQ. If you hope to be undercover one day, you can't be visible during the down time between missions. You can't travel or be in the field. We keep you here, nice and warm. While others run around the world, living exciting experiences, we do our utmost to protect your virginity. Basically, we bury you. So that one day, you may become the DGSE's pilot fish.

Marina: Those whose mission will be to spot potential traitors abroad. Being an undercover agent means spending several years abroad under an "FI", a fake identity. We also use the term "legend".
     You go abroad, to practice your profession: literature professor, seismologist, IT equipment smuggler... But your real job is to observe. To search for weaknesses, flaws and angles of attack so that the desk officers can recruit those we call "sources". Most of the time, they too are using an FI, so the sources never really know who they're dealing with.
     Your real job will be to destroy the lives of people who aren't necessarily bad. They're just foreigners in the service of their country, and who have access to intel that is crucial to our safety. People we call "bastards", just because they live across the border, and are aware of things their government is obsessed with hiding from us.

JJA: Goodbye.

On the IMDb

25 июн. 2021 г.

Marjorie Prime (2017)

Marjorie: ... And they loved her, and she loved them back for a long time. And then, like everything else, she died.

Walter Prime: There was a woman, Julia Roberts. For a while, it was always Julia Roberts...

Jon: Does it bother you that your mother is talking to a computer program, or that a computer program is pretending to be your dad?

Jon: [Marjorie] accepts it, because it's clever. Clever like a mirror, like a backboard. No, no it's more than that. It can look stuff up. It can talk to other Primes. It's like a child learning to talk, only does it so quickly. That's how we think we're talking to a human. The more you talk, the more it absorbs, including our imperfections. It can speak in fragments. It can use non-sequiturs. It can you know, misplace modifiers. It can--

Marjorie: There is someone in my mind. I'm trying to figure out who it is.

Walter Prime: Can you describe what I actually did?
Jon: Raping and pillaging.
Walter Prime: Excuse me?
Jon: That was Tess's joke when I first asked what you did. You evaluated financial statements, corporate investments for rich people. And you gave them advice on how to get richer.

Tess: Memory, sedimentary layers in the brain. You get in, you know it's there. You just have to--
Jon: No, no. I thought you knew the basic idea according to William James.
Tess: Maybe, once long ago.
Jon: William James had the idea, and it's been confirmed scientifically, that memory is not like a well that you dip into or a filing cabinet. When you remember something, you remember the memory. You remember the last time you remembered it, not the source. So it's always getting fuzzier, like a photocopy of a photocopy. It's never getting fresher or clearer. So even a very strong memory can be unreliable, because it's always in the process of dissolving.

Marjorie: I just remember sitting on one of those benches with your father, and not wanting to get up. Because if we got up, that would mean we'd have to start the rest of our lives.

Jon: Honestly Walter, all relationships, even the long lasting ones, are impossible. Marriages, friendships, people are constantly looking the other way, accepting some bad news, petty infringements, compromise, betrayal. You have to decide. You say, I want you, I want this. And then you work through all the disappointments and disasters. You work through it, against all odds.

Jon: I'm not drunk, you know. I'm just taking the edge off, I'm tipsy. There are degrees-- Tipsy, tipped, smashed.

Walter Prime: Nobody is who he was, nor will be who he is now.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The One with Joey's Bag

Friends 5×13

Chandler: Aah! Aah! Aah.
Monica: It's so good, isn't it?
Chandler: I don't know what I did to deserve it.
Monica: Say goodbye to sore muscles!
Chandler: Goodbye, muscles!

Chandler: For the first time, I'm in a real relationship. I won't screw that up by telling the truth.

Joey: Hey, Pheebs. How's it going?
Phoebe: Um, only okay. Because I just got back from the hospital.
Monica: Are you all right?
Phoebe: I'm fine. But, uh, my grandma sort of died.
Joey: Pheebs, sorry.
Phoebe: It's okay. She had a really incredible life. It's not like I won't see her again. She'll visit.
Chandler: Maybe she's with us right now...
Phoebe: Right. She's on a new spiritual plane and she'll come to the coffeehouse...
Rachel: I just saw two people having sex in a car right outside!

Rachel: Trust me, all the men are carrying them in the spring catalog. See, look. Men carrying the bag. See, look. Women carrying the bag.
Joey: But it is odd how a woman's purse looks so good on me, a man.
Rachel: Exactly. Unisex!
Joey: Maybe you need sex. I had sex a couple days ago.
Rachel: No, Joey. U-N-I sex.
Joey: I ain't going to say no to that!

Phoebe: As a masseuse and a human... I'm begging you, never do that to anyone.

Chandler: You don't have to be best at everything.
Monica: Oh, my God! You don't know me at all!
Chandler: Okay... You give the worst massages in the world.
Monica: I'm crying here!
Chandler: Look, hear me out. You give the best bad massages. If anybody was looking for the best bad massage... and they thought, "Who's the best?" They'd have to go to you.
Monica: Huh. So you're saying that if there was an award... for the best bad massage... Who would get that?
Chandler: It would be you! You, Monica! And you'd get all the votes.
Monica: So they could call the award, "The Monica"?
Chandler: Absolutely.
Monica: Okay... I suck!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

24 июн. 2021 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 4×8

June: I'm not nervous or worried. Or scared. I can't fucking wait.

June: You should face her. Emily, you need to... You have to get out everything you have been holding in. I promise you, you will feel better.
Emily: Well, we're not all like you...

Waterford: They need to know we're a family. Appearances matter, Mrs. Waterford. Besides, do you want June to think you're afraid to face her?
Serena: I'll see you in the morning.
Waterford: Oh, maybe wear the teal...

Aunt Lydia: It's deplorable.

Bailiff: Please raise your right hand.
June: Is there a Bible?
Bailiff: No, Ma'am. Not in this court. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

June: My name is June Osborn. Fred Waterford and Serena Joy Waterford imprisoned me, beat me, and raped me....

June: I am grateful to be speaking to you today. But mine is just one voice. Countless others will remain unheard..... Women... my friends... who lost their lives and can never be heard. It is for those women that I ask the International Criminal Court to confirm the charges against this man and put him on trial. I ask for the maximum possible sentence. I ask for justice.

Waterford: God tests us. He tests us with a heavy hand. The sacrifices we all made in Gilead were difficult. But where else on Earth is the birth rate rising? Nowhere. Only in Gilead because it works. It works. We chose God's path and have been rewarded for our suffering...

June: I am done!.. I am done. Anything more can wait for your trial.

Commander Lawrence: I know you, you enjoy inflicting pain.
Aunt Lydia: Why... that isn't true.
Commander Lawrence: I'm not judging. Everybody needs a hobby, I guess.

June: Why the fuck do you think you deserve forgiveness?
Iris Baker: We are all God's children.
June: Bull-shit! You people hide behind God every time it serves you.

Iris Baker: Please. Please, please, please, Emily. Tell me what I can do to make things better.
Emily: Nothing. There's nothing you can do.

Aunt Lydia: Look what she's done to you... She corrupts. She destroys. Everyone.

Moira: All of us are just searching for ways to move forward. Take all that shit from Gilead and just... turn it into something... useful.
Emily: I don't know if that's possible.

Emily: I feel... amazing. I'm glad she's dead. And I hope I had something to do with it.

Moira: Okay, everyone. Um... we've talked about this. Anger is a valid emotion, it's, uh, necessary, important even, to heal. But we can't live there.
June: Why not? Why does healing have to be the only goal? Why can't we be as furious as we feel? Don't we have that right?
Moira: And I think that's the hour, ladies. Pick this back up next week. Thank you.
June: I'll stay longer if anyone else wants to...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

USS Pennsylvania

Fear the Walking Dead 6×15

Teddy: Both of them wanted something from you that you couldn't give them. For you to be somebody you're not. ... You want what all of us want. Someone to love you just the way you are.
Dakota: And you really think I can find that person in your new world?
Teddy: You already have.
Dakota: You?
Teddy: Yes.
Dakota: So, what's gonna happen to us?
Teddy: We are going to die up here with everyone else... Yeah, I know that's a lot to take in. Ask yourself this when trying to figure out if you still want to be a part of what we're doing here. Do you want to pretend to be somebody else, just to have a chance to keep on breathing? Or do you want to stay... just the way you are, for whatever time we have left?

Dakota: Does everyone know that they're gonna die?
Teddy: Yeah. Everyone here is aware.
Dakota: How did you get them to follow, knowing they're gonna die?
Teddy: It's easy to get people to follow you. You just have to offer them something they really want to believe in... It's just that not a lot of people want to die. Getting them to do that... that takes something else. Something very few people have.
Dakota: What? What does it take?
Teddy: Well, you know, it's really not that complicated. You just have to be willing to die with them.

Dwight: Did she just say 150?
Victor: I wish she hadn't.

Teddy: You brought your people with you? Well, you see there, Mr. Jones, we are like two peas in a pod. I am leading everyone to their end, and you are doing the same thing. Except I'm not fooling myself about what I'm doing.

Victor: Oh, man. Morgan... People follow you because they want to, not because you owe them something.

Victor: To do what's best for everyone, do what you told us to do.
Morgan: What is that?
Victor: Live!

Dakota: Alicia... she's still gonna be here, because she is a beginning. Me and you, we're endings. And when things start again, it won't be with assholes like you.

Rachel: Shit on a stick.
Daniel: That's a big stick.

Teddy: I know it's not what you wanted, but don't look at this as an ending. The world is gonna be a better place. You just won't get to see it yourself.

On the IMDb

23 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.7

Malotru: How long have you used this place?
JJA: This is the first time. We opened the real estate agency ten years ago. It had been running normally ever since. It's like a fine wine. We were waiting for the right occasion.

Malotru: If you came to judge me, you're too late. I've already been sentenced and executed.
JJA: And resurrected...

Malotru: She had no illusions about me. She accepted me for what I am.
Nadia: Which is?
Malotru: I'd tell you, but I'm not allowed. All I can say is it's more complicated than in Damascus.
Nadia: I tried to move on. I'm fine with a simple life, but only if you're dead. If you're alive, I don't want simple.

Mille Sabord: I didn't know him. Why would anyone talk to me about him?
Marina: When you started asking questions, after you saw the article, why didn't someone just say, "lt's not true; he's not dead"?
Mille Sabord: I don't know.
Marina: That's what I would have done. I'd have said, "There's no official confirmation, but between us, he's alive. He's on a mission. So, stop hassling everyone."
Mille Sabord: Why didn't they say that?
Marina: Because it's true. He's not dead. And he is on a mission. So... stop hassling everyone or you'll compromise this mission.
Mille Sabord: You know this for a fact?
Marina: If I knew, I couldn't tell you.

On the IMDb

Hurry Up and Wait

Inside No. 9 6×4

Jo: Would you like a drink of anything?
James: Oh, a cup of tea would be great.
Jo: OK. Do you have a reusable cup?

Jo: We're running a bit behind, but there's only a couple of set-ups left on 12 and then we'll be on to 42, OK?
James: Yeah. 42.

Bev: So, you're not a real policeman, then?
James: No. No, just costume. I did want to be a detective when I was little, but... Well, that's the beauty of acting - you can be a different person every week.

On the IMDb

Ли Чайлд — Ловушка (2/2)

&  — Психология. Она лежит в основе любого обмана, понимаешь? Ты говоришь людям то, что они хотят услышать.

&  Он стал работающим человеком. Какой смысл это отрицать? Теперь осталось ответить на вопросы: где, как и на кого. Ричер улыбнулся. «Все равно что проституция, — подумал он. — Обратной дороги нет».

&  Его главное правило, которое распространялось на все — от ее курсовых работ в колледже до его выступлений в конгрессе, — звучало так: «Делай все один раз, и делай правильно».

&  Еще одно правило Леона гласило: «Если у тебя нет шансов, никогда не делай вид, что они есть».

&  Очередное золотое правило: «Не следует думать о том, почему все пошло не так. Просто постарайся все исправить».

&  Ричер услышал, как голос Леона говорит: «Спроси раз, спроси еще раз, если в этом есть необходимость, но, ради бога, никогда не спрашивай в третий раз».

  ... Встал, двигаясь медленно и неуверенно, и принялся одеваться, а Джоди поддерживала его за локоть, чтобы он не упал.”

>> Гость (Джек Ричер — 4) (будет (בהנ"ו))

22 июн. 2021 г.

Army of the Dead (2021)

Female Pundit: Come on, Sean. You know they're not infected. If they were, they would be zombies already. They're political prisoners, just people the government doesn't want on the streets. You know as well as I do, if you have questionable immigration status, advocate for gay rights or abortion, the next thing you know, they have a temperature gun at your head or dragging you out of your house or your car under the guise of public safety.

Scott Ward: So you think it's a bad idea?
Maria Cruz: Come on, Scotty. It's not a matter of "think." It's a matter of "is," and it is a bad goddamn idea.
Scott Ward: You're out?
Maria Cruz: I didn't say that.
Scott Ward: You're in?
Maria Cruz: I didn't say that either.

Bly Tanaka: If you coordinate and communicate, this should be a simple in-and-out.

Dieter: My apologies. How precisely do we do the zombie killing?

Bly Tanaka: .... All this… a full day before the nuke ever leaves the launchpad. Easy peasy Japanese-y.
Dieter: Sorry, sir. We're not allowed to say that anymore. It's "lemon squeezy" now.
Bly Tanaka: Yeah, but I'm...
Marianne Peters: I think it's fine if he's Japanese-y.
Bly Tanaka: As you wish. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

PA: Recent arrivals require a full health inspection. Barstow Quarantine Center is a zero-tolerance facility. Without a green health clearance sticker on your key card, you will not be permitted in common areas.

Marianne Peters: I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but we should be incentivized to let him die.

Martin: What? What's everybody looking at me for?
Marianne Peters: It's a free country. People can look at whoever they want.
Lilly: Actually, it's not a free country. We're not in America anymore. Haven't you heard?
Scott Ward: Which technically makes it an even freer country, right?

Lilly: If you screw me… two between the eyes.
Martin: Two? Why two?
Lilly: The second one's just for fun.

Dieter: I got the bride! I got the bride. I shot her three times.
Vanderohe: Actually, it was four.
Dieter: Four. Whoo-hoo! Not zombie-killing material, my ass, Mr. Vanderohe. Whoo-hoo! Ha!

Vanderohe: Is it another team, or is it us, Dieter?
Dieter: Huh?
Vanderohe: Think about it. Us. I mean, look at them. It's us. It could be us in another timeline, and we're caught in some infinite loop of fighting and dying, fighting and dying, fighting and dying. And Tanaka… the puppet master. Devil. God. And we, you, me, Guz, and the rest of the team, simply pawns in some perverse play where we're destined to repeat our failures. And finally, in some mind-bending, ironic reveal… it all begins again.
Dieter: Cool.
Dieter: If I can open it, it will be either destruction or renewal. Death… or rebirth.
Vanderohe: That's heavy, brother. But I dig it.

Scott Ward: Hey, what do you think about tofu?
Kate Ward: What?
Scott Ward: Tofu. My next food truck. I was thinking, can make anything out of tofu. Tofu burgers, tofu fries, tofu milkshake, tofu cheesecake. I don't know what that is. Tofu cheesecake. I don't know. I thought maybe, since everyone's going vegan now, you know. Humans are figuring out they're not at the top of the food chain. What do you think?

Marianne Peters: I know, I know. Somewhere between leaving your ass and saving my own, I developed a conscience. It's exhausting.

Scott Ward: I've been thinking. I've been thinking a lot, Kate. It's got to be lobster rolls.

Vanderohe: To quote the great Joseph Campbell, he said, "It is by going down into the abyss where we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." To the ironic twist of the unknown. Bottoms up.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The One with Chandler's Work Laugh

Friends 5×12

Monica: Where the hell have you been?
Ross: Just, you know, out.
Rachel: Oh, out! God, I don't know why we didn't think to check there.

Janice: Okay, you, Mr. Right-place-at-the-right-time... call me.....
Ross: Okay, look, I know what you guys are going to say.
Phoebe: You two would have very hairy children.
Ross: I didn't know you'd say that.

Monica: How does that not give you a headache?
Chandler: You get used to it.
Monica: I don't think that I can. Maybe this will be it for me on the work things.
Chandler: So I laugh at my boss's jokes. What's the big deal?
Monica: I'd rather not hang out with this work-weasel guy... when I could be with my boyfriend, who I actually respect.
Chandler: Oh.

Janice: Well... I guess, that's two out of three... Joey!

Ross: Dude, we gotta talk.
Chandler: Okay.
Ross: I want to tell you something before you heard it from someone else. I hope this isn't too weird but, uh... I had a thing with Janice. You're not mad?
Chandler: Why would I be mad?
Ross: Because there's certain rules about this kind of stuff. You don't, uh... You don't fool around with your friends' ex-girlfriends... or, uh... possible girlfriends or girls they're related to.
Chandler: I am mad! But you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna forgive you. Because that's what friends do. They forgive their friends when they do everything you just said. All the things on the list there.
Ross: Thank you.
Chandler: But I want you to remember... that I forgave you.
Ross: Okay.
Chandler: I also want you to remember... that I let you live here rent-free.
Ross: All right.
Chandler: And I want you to remember... that I gave you... 27 dollars. No strings attached! If you can't remember that... I think we should write it down. Let's write it down!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Ли Чайлд — Ловушка

<< Цена её жизни (Джек Ричер — 2)

Джек Ричер — 3

цитаты,Ли Чайлд,Ловушка,DIA TRYING,Джек Ричер,military police,kidnapping,extortion,racket,NYC,Vietnam,MIA,lawyer,
  “Крюк Хоби своей свободой, положением в обществе, деньгами — иными словами, всей своей жизнью был обязан тайне тридцатилетней давности. ...
&  Тридцать лет— это целая вечность. А порой эти тридцать лет казались одним коротким мгновением...

&  Задержки, препирательства и необходимость заполнять кучу бумаг — три вещи, которых Ричер всегда старался избегать.

&  Люди живут, а потом умирают, но, если они делают и то и другое правильно, им не о чем жалеть.

&  Сердце — это большая сложная мышца, она сокращается тридцать миллионов раз в год. Если ей удается выдержать двадцать семь миллиардов ударов, что равняется девяноста годам, мы называем это старостью. Если только восемнадцать миллиардов, то есть шестьдесят лет, мы говорим о ранней болезни сердца. Иназываем ее самой серьезной медицинской проблемой Америки, но на самом деле можем сказать только одно: рано или поздно сердце останавливается.

&  — Правило номер один состоит в том, что предсказуемость опасна. Если существует маршрут, по которому ты обычно ездишь, сегодня мы выберем другой.

&  Она взглянула на его ботинки, потому что Честер любил говорить, что богатство и воспитание видны по ногам.

21 июн. 2021 г.

The Adirondacks

This Is Us 5×16

Kate: Madison... it's not about the words, you know, or the delivery. When you love someone enough to make this kind of commitment, I mean, it's bigger than that. You know, when you look into each other's eyes, and-and you say that you care more about what they need than what you need for the rest of your life... Um... Thank you.
Madison: For what?
Kate: A reminder. I'm just gonna make a quick phone call.

Rebecca: Tell me about your mother...

Kevin: So, how was your day?

Kevin: What a year, huh?
Kate: Yeah...
Randall: It'll get better. It's always darkest before the dawn, but we hang our tragedies on fence posts and we fight on. What do we do? I don't know. It sounds better when Beth says it.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

The One with All the Resolutions

Friends 5×11

Ross: You know what? I'm gonna be happy this year. I'm gonna make myself happy.
Chandler: Do you want us to leave the room or?

Ross: Every day, I am going to do one thing I have never done before. That, my friends, is my New Year's resolution.
Phoebe: Ooh. That's a good one. Mine is to pilot a commercial jet.
Chandler: That's a good one too. Now you only have to find a planeload of people... whose resolution is to plummet to their deaths.
Phoebe: Maybe your resolution should be not to make fun of your friends. Especially the ones who may soon be flying you to Europe for free... on their own plane.
Rachel: She has a better chance of sprouting wings and flying up your nose... than you do of not making fun of us.

Joey: All right, my New Year's resolution is to learn how to play guitar.
Phoebe: Really? How come?
Joey: Ah. You know those special skills I have listed on my résumé? I would love it if one of those was true.
Phoebe: Do you want me to teach you? I'm a great teacher.
Joey: Really? Who have you taught?
Phoebe: Well, I taught me and I loved me.

Joey: All right, Pheebs, I am ready for my first lesson.
Phoebe: Okay. Oh, no, no, you don't touch the guitar! No, no. First you learn here, then you learn here.

Phoebe: Okay. Lesson One: Chords. Now, um, I don't know the actual names of the chords, um... But I made up names for the way my hand looks while I'm doing them. So then, this is "Bear Claw." Okay, "Turkey Leg"... and "Old Lady."

Phoebe: Do you want to learn to play guitar?
Joey: Yes.
Phoebe: Then don't touch one!

Ross: That was just the pants and the couch.

Phoebe: Ooh. You nailed the Old Lady. Oh!

Rachel: Hey, uh, Joey, remember that big thing I was going to tell you about? I'm not gonna tell you. But if you found out on your own... that would be okay, and then we could talk about it, right?
Joey: Well, then it wouldn't be a secret. So, yeah, that would be okay. Yeah, yeah.

Joey: Do you know something?
Rachel: Do you know something?
Joey: I might know something.
Rachel: I might too something too.
Joey: What's the thing you know?
Rachel: You tell me what you know.
Joey: I can't tell you.
Rachel: Then I can't.
Joey: Okay, fine. You don't know.
Rachel: How about I go there and walk into Chandler's bedroom and see the thing... that I think I know is actually the thing I think I know.
Joey: You know!
Rachel: And you know!
Joey: Yeah, I know.

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+ Soundtracks

20 июн. 2021 г.

Wrath of Man (2021)

Stuart: This is your temporary sidearm. Just till you get your own. I need you to love it, respect it... and bring it back in one piece.
H: Do they want us back in one piece, too?
Stuart: Do you have a problem?
H: I don't know. Do I? What happens if we're pullin' pistols in a machine gun fight?
Stuart: Then you retort with a positive mental attitude.

Sticky John: Name?
Bullet: He's H.
Sticky John: H?
Bullet: Like the bomb, or like Jesus H.
Sticky John: Well, if you can mushroom cloud or walk on water, what you worried about machine guns for?

Dave: Do you have any idea how dangerous this job can be?
H: Some idea, yeah.
Dave: No, you have no idea. We ain't the predators, we're the prey.

Bullet: I like the way you handle that cart. Where'd you learn that technique?
H: Spent a lot of time in supermarkets. Shopping.
Bullet: I can picture it now. A paragon of modern man on a wild sojourn, stalking down the aisles, hunting for Pop-Tarts.
H: Pop-Tarts are not really my poison, Bullet. I prefer to lose myself in the dizzy food coma of synthetic cheese and impossible meats.
Bullet: What has the world come to? A direct line of evolution, from Paleolithic man to a diabetic house husband.
H: Harsh.
Bullet: But true.

H: Kill or be killed. Seemed to focus the mind.

Terry: So... So... So, let me get this straight, they just walked away?

Dana: I hear H is for Hero...

Dave: What do you want us to do?
H: You can do whatever you fuckin' like.

H: In summary, the liver, the lungs, the spleen, and the heart.

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+ Soundtracks

The One with the Inappropriate Sister

Friends 5×10

Joey: What are you doing?
Ross: I reorganized the fridge, heh. See? Uh, bottom shelf, meats and dairy. Middle shelf, fruits and vegetables. And top shelf, expired products.
Joey: Why are you doing this?
Ross: Because I am bored out of my mind. I've already been to the bank, post office and dry cleaners.
Joey: Dude, you just described seven days worth of stuff. Gotta spread it out a little, you know. Haven't you ever been unemployed?
Ross: I am not unemployed. I'm on sabbatical!
Joey: Hey, don't get religious on me, okay?

Joey: Okay. "It's a typical New York apartment. Two girls are just hanging out." Go.
Monica: "Hi, how are you doing, Kelly?"
Rachel: "I'm doing just fine. God, Tiffany, you smell so great."
Monica: "It's my new perfume. Why don't you come closer where you can really appreciate it?" Oh, you know, Joey, you are sick.
Rachel: This is disgusting! I'm not reading this.
Joey: What? Wait, wait, wait. The handsome man was about to enter!

+ Quotes on the IMDb

19 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.6

Sisteron: He wants to come home.
Sylvain: You're getting good at programming language.

Sisteron: He's fine. His level of paranoia is "normal". He won't harm the house.
Liz Bernstein: That's supposed to satisfy me?
Sisteron: That's as far as I'll go. He's borderline, but he's often right.
Liz Bernstein: You won't go any further?
Sisteron: No. I can't spy on my superior while working with him. It's not compatible.

On the IMDb

Lip Service

Inside No. 9 6×3

Felix: Um, can I make you a cup of tea?
Iris: No, thank you. You know that half of hotel kettles been used for boil-washing underwear?
Felix: No, really?
Iris: Oh, yeah. And the other half's been used for peeing in.
Felix: Jesus. Thought the element looked a bit green.

Iris: I'm sure the office explained to you, but we can't guarantee 100% accuracy. Depends where they position themselves, obviously. About a third of lip shapes are visible on the mouth. Others are inferred by movements of the neck, jaw, chin, even the eyes. Then there's the context to be taken into consideration, which is why you need an expert lip reader.

Iris: Readers' Wives! How analogue of you. Plenty of bush on display, very retro. ... Pubes are like cargo pants hang on to them long enough, they'll come back into fashion.

Felix: God, this is awful. It's like having open-heart surgery with no anaesthetic.

Felix: Can I ask... are you married, Iris?
Iris: Me? No. I'm self-partnered, as they say. Single as a dollar and not looking for change.

Iris: Well, I mean, I might like to meet someone eventually. But, for now, I don't need another half because I am a whole. I mean with a W, not as in...
Felix: An empty abyss.

Felix: Brenda, please.
Iris: "I have to tell you - I've filed for a restraining order. My lawyer says this is borderline arse mount."
Felix: It's "Harassment", and you don't have to keep repeating everything, I can hear!

Iris: "I wish you'd meet somebody, Felix, I really do. You deserve a penis..." Happiness.

Felix: I spent hours online on Dad Chat.
Iris: What's that?
Felix: Well, it's like Mumsnet, but with sad men rather than competitive women.

Felix: I know it sounds mad, but... love is mad, isn't it?

On the IMDb

18 июн. 2021 г.

Mortal Kombat (2021)

Cole Young: Who am I fighting?
Referee: Fighting? No, no, Cole. Fighting requires both attacking and defending, not just throwing punches. You should try it sometime.

Sub-Zero: I am no longer Bi-Han. I am Sub-Zero.

Sonya Blade: So how close are we?
Kano: Twenty-seven, twenty-eight K's.
Sonya Blade: What?
Kano: Maybe thirty to be safe. Straight up, thirty-two, eh?.. We say thirty-five there'll be no surprises.

Liu Kang: My lord, I've gathered the remaining champions of Earth...
Lord Raiden: This is what I have to work with?.. You are in no physical or mental shape to fight... You don't even have a marking.
Kano: All right, hang on. What about me, Gandalf, where's my fortune cookie jar...
Lord Raiden: Powerless, arrogant.

Jax: I'm useless. Why even bring me here? I can't help.
Sonya Blade: My first day of training... We had to run 20 miles. Thought I was gonna die. I wanted to quit, but all I ever wanted was to be accepted by you... as an elite fighter. You remember what you told me? How do we keep going? You proved to yourself that you can do this or... regret it for the rest of your life.

Liu Kang: Let me ask you this. Why would you jeopardize the goodwill of the only chance of your survival?
Kano: Princess, why don't you try being one of them silent monks?

Shang Tsung: No matter how many of my people you put in the ground, there will always be another to take their place.

Shang Tsung: Today you have killed my warriors and you think you have won. But death is only another portal. Next time I see you, I will not bring fighters. I will bring armies.

Lord Raiden: Today we are victorious. But there are other enemies to fight. We cannot let our guard down... I'll assemble a new list of champions. You must find them.

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+ Soundtracks

Σ pita4og: «.... глупо, громко, одноразово. А ведь еще придется вторую часть смотреть!»

Σ nostradamvs: «Очень даже ничего. Одноразово, без претензий, динамичненько. Они правильно сделали, что фактически не стали показывать турнир как таковой и все бои происходят в частном порядке — в таком виде не пришлось унижаться и искать логику в тупой изначально идее игры, объясняя, почему вообще судьба миров вершится путём идиотского сражения между знатоками китайских единоборств и четырёхрукими принцами. В остальном поставлено красиво, а больше ничего от "Мортал Комбата" мы и не ждём. 6/10.»

The One with Ross's Sandwich

Friends 5×9

Monica: ... It's just a sandwich.
Ross: Just a sandwich? I am 30 years old, okay? I'll be divorced twice and I got evicted. That sandwich was the only good thing in my life! Someone ate the only good thing going on in my life!

Joey: I'm Joey. I'm disgusting.

Joey: I'm Joey. I mean, I'm disgusting. I make low-budget adult films.

Phoebe: Wait! Everybody calm down, okay? Let's give our friend a chance to explain why he's such a big pervert!

Chandler: I think I can explain this.
Joey: Thank you.
Chandler: Joey's a sex addict.
Joey: What? No, I'm not!
Monica: It's okay! It's good! It's a disease.

Joey: I am not a sex addict!
Chandler: Yes, you are!
Monica: That's the only way to explain all this stuff!
Joey: No, it isn't. It's not. Because you could also explain it with the truth!
Phoebe: What is the truth?
Rachel: What's up?
Ross: What's going on?
Joey: I slept with Monica... Well, let's see what everybody thinks of that.

Monica: I'm Monica. I'm disgusting.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

17 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.5

Nadia: Do you like it there?
Malotru: I don't know. I don't ask myself that anymore. Once, I thought I knew what I liked. It didn't work out.

Karlov: How did it go?
Malotru: Why do you want to know?
Karlov: Just curious. What happens when you see the woman who drove you to treason three times and landed you twice in captivity?

Nadia: Who is this guy?
Malotru: My boss.
Nadia: Your boss is an art collector?
Malotru: No, but he knows collectors. He knows lots of people.
Nadia: Who is he, Putin?
Malotru: Almost.

Karlov: To Franco-Russian friendship.
Malotru: To Franco-Russian friendship.

On the IMDb

The One with All the Thanksgivings

Friends 5×8

Rachel: Monica, that was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. It was so good. I think you killed us.
Ross: I couldn't possibly eat another bite.
Joey: I need something sweet.

Rachel: We should play that game where everyone says one thing they're thankful for.
Joey: Oh, I... I am thankful for this beautiful fall we've been having. ... Yeah, the other day, I was at the bus stop... and this lovely fall breeze came in out of nowhere... and blew this chick's skirt right up. Oh, which reminds me, I'm also thankful for thongs. ... It's not so much an underpant as it is a feat of engineering. It's amazing how much they can do with so little material. And the way they play with your mind. I mean, is it there? Is it not there?
Chandler: Are you aware that you're still talking?
Phoebe: Is anyone thankful for anything else besides a thong?

Monica: Get that off now.
Joey: I can't. It's stuck.
Monica: Well, I don't care. That turkey has to feed 20 people. They're not going to eat it off your head.
Phoebe: Hold on, okay? Let's just all think...
Monica: Okay, I got it. Phoebe? All right. You pull. I'm gonna spread the legs as wide as I can. Joey, now is not the time.

Chandler: You're so great. I love you.

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+ Soundtracks

16 июн. 2021 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 4×7

June: My name is June Osborn. I am a citizen of the United States, and I seek asylum in the country of Canada.

Luke: Did I doze off?
June: Mmm. It's the next day. You slept for 17 hours straight.

Mark Tuello: What motivated you to risk your life, everything, to do such a thing?
June: It was the only thing I could do.
Mark Tuello: What do you mean?
June: I made a promise that they would hurt. The way we hurt.
Mark Tuello: Who?
June: The kidnappers. The Serenas. I thought about what she would deserve. What they deserved. They take everything from you. You know? They really do.

Waterford: I want to be a good father to my son. And a good husband to you, if you'll let me.
Serena: It's too late for that, Fred.
Waterford: Our pregnancy is proof that it's not.
Serena: My pregnancy.
Waterford: This pregnancy belongs to me just as much as Offred's belonged to you.

June: What happened to potato chips in the last seven years?
Luke: Oh, they made them healthy. I know, it's a travesty.

June: No, I did. That was my fault.
Moira: No, see that? Don't bring that Aunt Lydia shit in here. This is a Lydia-free zone, okay? She can't get us here. None of 'em can.

June: Do you guys ever wonder if you deserve this? If you deserve to be here?

Serena: I believe that the Lord brought you here so that I could make amends.
June: I brought myself here, so that I could tell you how much I hate you. You don't deserve to make amends to anyone. The only thing that you deserve is a life full of suffering and shame!

June: You have destroyed... my life, my family, my friends, my country, and my child. There is no one less worthy of redemption than you.

June: She's pathological. She's a sociopath. She's toxic. And abusive. She's a monster. And, by the way, a consummate actress.
Mark Tuello: What do you think drives her?
June: Hatred. And rage. And underneath all of that, there's nothing but pure misery. And she'll do anything not to feel that way. Anything to feel okay. Even just for a second. She'll do anything to get what she wants. Lie to you. Hurt you. Rape you. So, if you feel yourself getting sucked in by her... run. Run for your life.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Once a Langmore...

Ozark 2×3

Cade Langmore: Patricide was my crime. I learned that word in the prison library. But what the fuck is the word for a girl killing her uncles?

Jacob Snell: The thing is, Martin... anyone who's your enemy is now our enemy.

Jacob Snell: Your boy's first kill.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Hmm.
Jacob Snell: We believe in blood.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Oh, no, no. We don't need the blood. Thank you.
Jacob Snell: It'd be disrespectful to the deer.

Cade Langmore: You wanna lie to me, girl, fine, I get it. But you're lying to yourself, and you're filling Wyatt's head with lies, too. College... ... You're a Langmore, baby girl. You carry the weight of that name. I know it. The rest of the world knows it. Seems like the only one who doesn't understand is you.

Jacob Snell: Can you believe he spent $10,000 on that toy hotel and paddle boat? The man thinks he can wow people into acquiescence.
Darlene Snell: So did Hitler.
Jacob Snell: He held on to his power 'cause no one stood up.
Darlene Snell: People ain't afraid of autocrats. People are afraid of being different from their neighbors.
Jacob Snell: I think we are actually preserving democracy in the fine state of Missouri.

Cade Langmore: You believe in the Langmore curse? Walking the same fucking path you always walked, 'cause nothing's gonna change anyway.

Ruth Langmore: You want the keys or not? Your fucking choice.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

15 июн. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #5.4

Mille Sabord: You're undercover? What's your code name?
Marina: I can't tell you.
Mille Sabord: Paul Lefebvre was called "Pain in the Ass", right?
Marina: "Pain in the Ass"? Where'd you get that?
Mille Sabord: I can't tell you.

Sisteron: We're not a family, Marina. We're an intelligence...

La Mule: ..............
Mille Sabord: I like chatting with you. It's relaxing.
La Mule: Thanks.
Mille Sabord: Want to be my driver? We'd make a good team.
La Mule: The only Black people there are Mauritanian slaves or American Marines.
Mille Sabord: Aren't you itching to work in the field?
La Mule: I am in the field.

Mille Sabord: I'm curious to know if it's was ugly or not.
JJA: "Ugly"? What exactly does that mean? It's hard to define. An illegitimate action? An immoral one? An action driven by personal gain? You think there's room for personal gain in our decision-making process? If so, it would be destructive. Absolutely. It's been known to happen, but it's a rare occurrence. It's always discovered in time and sanctioned, often severely. You're not cleared to know, Andréa. That won't change. You may have questions. That's legitimate and human. But if you do, I can't send you back... I'll give you the definition of "ugly". Letting an agent return to the field when he's not operational. That's an ugly thing to do. Stop trying to find out. Stop, or don't leave.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
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The One Where Ross Moves In

Friends 5×7

Ross: Emily's cousin kicked me out. ... When you sublet from your wife's cousin... then you divorce, sometimes the cousin wants his apartment back.
Chandler: Didn't you sign a lease?
Ross: Who needs a lease when it's "family"?

Ross: Thanks, I really appreciate this. I'm going to get packing again. I've been moving around so much that I feel like a nomad.... What?
Chandler: He thought you said gonad.

Joey: You're fake laughing too, right?
Chandler: The tears are real.

Chandler: We are bad people.

Ross: So I'm a pimp, huh?.. It's okay. Sometimes I can be a pain in the ass. But just talk to me. Tell me if something bothers you. And I'll do everything I can to keep my annoying habits just...

+ Quotes on the IMDb

14 июн. 2021 г.

Wind River (2017)

Cory Lambert: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's your BB gun pointed at right now? ... Hey. What's the rule, bud? Okay? Gun's always loaded, even if it ain't. Right?

Cory Lambert: Mama's teaching her kids how to hunt. She's teaching them on livestock. Mama just got her whole family killed.

Jane Banner: How well do you know this land?
Cory Lambert: Like it's my job. 'Cause it is.

Jane Banner: Sorry, what is it... what is it that you do again?
Cory Lambert: I'm a hunter.
Jane Banner: You're a lion hunter?
Cory Lambert: I hunt predators.
Jane Banner: Good. So why don't you come hunt one for me, then?
Cory Lambert: Okay.

Cory Lambert: I'd like to tell you it gets easier. It doesn't. If there's any... comfort, it's... getting used to the pain, I suppose.

Cory Lambert: Went to a grief seminar in Casper... I don't know why. Just wanted the bad to go away. Wanted answers... to questions that couldn't be answered.
     The counselor come up to me after the seminar and sat down next to me. And he said something that stuck with me. I don't know if it's what he said, or it's how he said it. He says, "I got some good news, and I got some bad news. Bad news is you're never gonna be the same. You're never gonna be whole, not ever again. Your lost your daughter. Nothing's ever going to replace that. Now the good news is, as soon as you accept that, and you let yourself suffer... you allow yourself to visit her in your mind, and you'll remember all the love she gave, all the joy she knew."
     Point is, Martin, you can't steer from the pain. If you do, you'll rob yourself... You'll rob yourself of every memory of her. Every last one. From her first step to her last smile. Kill 'em all.
     Just take the pain, Martin. You hear me? You take it. It's the only way you'll keep her with you.

Martin: You're driving this Fed around so she don't get lost? Is that it?
Cory Lambert: That's what they asked me to do. It's not what I'm doing.
Martin: Then what are you doing?
Cory Lambert: I'm a hunter, Martin. What do you think I'm doing?

Cory Lambert: Look, I know you're looking for clues, but you're missing all the signs. Come here. Let me show you...

Chip: You think this is who I wanted to be? Man... I get so mad, I want to fight the whole world. You got any idea what that feels like?
Cory Lambert: I do. But I decided to fight the feeling instead. 'Cause I figured the world would win.

Cory Lambert: You don't catch wolves looking where they might be, you look where they've been. They been right here.

Cory Lambert: You, uh, want something to drink?
Jane Banner: Sure.
Cory Lambert: Got, uh... milk and coffee and well water.

Cory Lambert: Really, I tell you, you know, you may have kids one day. You cannot blink. Not once, not ever.

Jane Banner: We should both be honest. I just... I got lucky.
Cory Lambert: Well, you know, luck don't live out here. Luck lives in the city. Don't live out here. You know, that's whether you get, you know, hit by a bus or not. Whether your... bank is robbed or not, or whether someone's... on their damn cell phone when they come up to a crosswalk... that's luck. That's winning or losing. Out here, you survive or you surrender. Period. That's determined by your strength and by your spirit. Wolves don't kill unlucky deer. They kill the weak ones. You fought for your life, Jane. Now you get to walk away with it.

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+ Soundtracks

Σ nostradamvs: «Хороший тяжёлый фильм, превращающийся из детектива (нашли в снегах умершую от холода девушку, которую до того многократно насиловали) в историю о том, что есть ситуации, когда правосудие достигается только винтовкой. Хорошо прорисованные персонажи, молодая и неопытная агентша ФБР и очень серьёзный Джереми Реннер, который просто берёт и убивает, потому что незачем языком трепать, и при этом выглядит мудрее всех, кто говорит вместо того, чтобы стрелять. О справедливости. Всё правильно. К слову, режиссёр фильма Тэйлор Шеридан написал сценарий «Сикарио» (стиль чувствуется). 8/10.»