28 окт. 2019 г.

Killers Anonymous (2019)

The Man: I can't ask you any more questions tonight, Jade. Not just because the clock is ticking, but I hate being in the field and I hate asking questions, 'cause it means I don't have the answers, and when I don't have the answers, it usually means I'm gonna be away from the comfort of my armchair even longer. So with all due respect, and I appreciate you being a lady, does that just about summarize every fucking thing that happened?
Jade: Uh... It's the really short version, but yeah.

Krystal: It is not just a job. It is an art.

Joanna: Welcome to KA. My name is Jo. We're all here because we're not all there. KA is an education without a graduation. It's a place of listening and respect. We all have another fumble in us... but we don't know if we have another recovery.

Ben: Hi, everyone. My name is Ben. And it has been 284 days since my last kill.

Leandro: When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. I worked every fucking day...

Leandro: I was good at it. I did what I had to do. I just didn't know I'd have to do so much. The job's killing. I'm not under any illusion about that. But what I didn't know until Ming... it's not about killing them. It's about how many times we have to kill ourselves to do it. Or how many times it takes what's best about you and fucking rips it out. And the worst part is, it never really dies. I wish it would. Would make it so much easier. But it just sits there, the best part of you, sick and hurting. And every time you think it's gone... every time you think you can't die inside anymore, you fucking do. And then it feels like the first time all over again.

The Man: You know, I had exactly the same thing with my wife. Really, you've gotta trust me. I've been there. As I pointed that gun at my wife's face, I said, "Any last words, Heather?" And three hours later, I shot her.

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Σ nostradamvs: «Очень плохое кино. Олдмен там что, под дулом автомата снимался? ....»

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